Baby Mama P3

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"Okay, Mrs. Watts we are going to get you set up in room 16, Mr watts you're welcome to the labour waiting area just down the hall" the nurse explained as they sat me on a wheelchair but the moment they did liquid began rushing down my legs "Okay your water may have broke, we need to get you down there now"

"Yeah, okay, I love you." He nods, giving my bump a kiss "I love you." He says kissing my head "I'll see you soon I promise."

"Okay, bye Benny"

"Bye y/n" he smiled before they took me off to the small room setting me up in the bed giving me a gown, and setting my bag by the bed for me They all talked around me but honestly I was kinda in another word just trying to process the pain until my doctor arrived and peeked under my gown

"Ahhh I see"


"You are further along than I thought almost fully dilated and water has definitely broken?"

"Almost per minute doctor," the nurse says

"Further along?" I asked

"Yes, from the information from the call I assume early active labour' but no no were much further than that"

"We are!"

"Yes I'm surprised you were able to be so calm From the look of it you've been in active labour for at least twelve hours"

"Ahhh I have?"

"But that does mean baby will be along shortly. But not a lot of time for"

"No no, I know what you're gonna say, no. It's not going to happen. I need my drugs"

"I'm afraid that's just not possible Mrs watts not this late. It could do major damage and cause a lot of issues I'm afraid we cannot give you anything. Maybe if you'd come in a few hours ago you could have" he says

"I didn't know I was in labour hours ago! Please please I'm begging you I need drugs there is no way I can do this without drugs. There is going to be a whole Human making its way out of me, I was promised drugs"

"Sorry, Mrs. Watts." He says before he got on with business with the nurses I just laid back on the bed trying to comprehend this I'm already in agony and I have to do this without medication... I .. I'm going to die. I am literally just gonna die.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as this pain rocketed through me and the room sprung into action a nurse beside me giving me a pace to breathe at, the doctor between my legs and nurses beside him by now the waves had subsided and it was now just this constant pain growing and growing each push of my almost numb muscles made the pain grow more and more I could hear them talking telling me things but I was so overwhelmed by pain all I heard was breath and push and that's all I did just keep breathing and pushing keep breathing and pushing I'd never felt pain so intense in my life that my mind basically shut itself down tears streaming down my face my body numb but in agony "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!'

"Good good you're doing fine, another big push for me"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed

"Very good"

"Where Benny?" I asked the nurse beside me as she let me have a drink

"I'm sorry?' She asks

"Benny, where's Benny? My husband, where is he?"

"In the waiting room," she says

"Let me see him"

"We don't allow fathers in the delivery room" the doctor warns "Big push for me"

Benny Watts ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now