My Child

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I stood folding laundry sorting various things around the apartment having a little giggle to myself.
"What! Why would you take your rook half way across the board? That leaves the knight completely open to attack" Benny explained "that's a terrible move" I laughed a little as there was quite a moment "check, and mate on sixteen moves. That young lady is sloppy and bad chess playing" he said
"Benny" I laughed turning to face the main part of our apartment seeing him sat at his table in his usual comfy chair, his dark jeans hugging him closely his belt on tightly, his loose green button down around him slightly undone his chains hung on his skin, his messy mop of blonde hair tussled in his frustration, his hand on his face keeping his head up as his elbow was on the table at times gently fiddling with his facial hair where it needed trimming. And across from him the other side of the table and chess board sat Chloé in her little white dress in her high chair giggling and playing with the peices "she's two, maybe don't try and play with her till she's older?" I suggest
"She won't get good unless she practices, start young. It's important" he explained resetting the board
"She's two Benny" I laughed "maybe she won't be any good at chess"
"Can you hear your silly mummy chloé?" He laughs getting up and giving her a cuddle letting her rest on his chest a little "not good at chess? Of course you'll be good. You shall be brilliant my darling. I garrentee world championship but twelve young lady" he smiled tapping her nose making her giggle "you shall be the best chess player in the world" he smiled cuddling her closely "your gonna be amazing, just like your mummy, and just like your daddy," he told her "your our little baby, and you've already got the best head start because chess my little darling is in your blood" he told her "you are my child! And you shall be the queen of all chess" he told her holding her up like god or something "ohh, and that's a problem for mummy to deal with" he said as he brought her back close to his face quickly holding her at full arms length from him but I didn't take her I simply kept folding laundry
"Nope" I laughed "at some time Benny you are going to have to do it"
"But it's mummys job" he complained
"Yeah well mummy doesn't want to today, so that makes it your turn" I laughed
"I refuse"
"Benny, you are going to have learn"
"Why can't you do it?"
"Fine" I sighed taking her from him, changing her and handing her back to him "happy now"
"Thank you honey" he smiled
"Your welcome" I sighed as he returned her to her high chair and began playing with her again "maybe you can give her a bath tonight, mummies tried" I yawned as I finished up the laundry and went over to watch them
"Well you will be, given your still breastfeeding her, and you've got jr to worry about" he laughs "how is he anyway?" He asks putting his hand in my little baby bump
"She's fine" I laughed
"What makes you so sure it's another girl?" He asked
"A mummy knows, I knew as soon as I knew I was pregnant with her she was going to be a girl" I explain "plus you so desperately want a boy, of course you'll only get girls it's sods law" I laughed
"I'm not desperate for a boy" he shrugs "I love my little girl" he smiled pinching her little cheek "I don't know... I just hope it's a boy next"
"We'll see" I laughed
"What!" He complained "you just doubled back your pawn that's an illegal move!"
"Bubba" she giggled throwing the peices completely off the board and onto the floor he sighed crossing his arms and rubbing his eyes
"I disown this child"
"Nope, my child would never have this much disrespect for chess, There was clearly a mix up."
"Benny that is your daughter, I know I'm the one who pushed her out my virginia. I know our daughter"
"Fine, she is my child... But clearly she got more from you" he sighed "then I my focus my attention on my other child" he smiled moving to kneel on the floor to cuddle my tummy giving it kisses and whispering chess moves and plays to my stomach
"Take care of chloé" I told him moving him away from my stomach and going to get dinner started he sighed and picked her up cuddling her again
"Aww don't worry Chloé, I still love you baby girl. You just need more chess practice"
"Benny she's two!" I remind him
"Yeah and jr isn't even born yet doesn't mean I'm not reading them both chess books at bed time" he explained.

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