Paw Patrol: Dragon Pup Daughters of the Sun and Moon

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(scene opens to an alternate past where Dragon Pups and Genie pups have joined to make a form a dragon/genie pup empire with its current rulers being Angel for the genie pups and Magica for the dragon pups)

Magica: (smiles) I'm happy our ancestors decided to join yours!

Angel: (giggles) Me too! Our combined forces make us a powerful force for good!

Magica: Yep! Plus we can look out for each other too!

Angel: Definitely!

Magica and Angel: (rotates to revealing their pregnant bellies to the viewers) So when are your pups due? (giggles) Maybe we'll have them the same day! (chuckles)

Angel: (rubs her pregnant belly) I'm expecting triplets, you?

Magica: (rubs her pregnant belly) I've got triplets in my tummy too!

Angel: (smiles) What are the chances we'd both be having triplets!

Magica: (smiles) Quite a miracle!

Angel: (smiles) Agreed!

(scene changes to after the twosome give birth to their pups)

Angel: (nuzzles her newborn pups) My three beloved daughters!

Magica: (nuzzles her newborn pups) I've got all daughters too!

Angel and Magica: (smiles at each others)

Angel: I'll name this one Melody, that one Venus, and her Wildfire!

Magica: I'll name my daughters Mana, Sunny, and Luna!

Angel: (curiously) Daughters of the sun and moon?

Magica: (smiles and nods) For sure! With magic and powers related to the sun and moon! (nuzzles her three daughters)

Angel: (smiles) That sounds like a lovely idea!

(scene changes to later when their pups are mature while Magica and Angel bestow their title as queens to their first born daughters Melody and Mana)

Mana and Melody: We promise to make you proud mom!

Magica and Angel: (smiles) We know you girls will!

Venus: (rushes over) (worried) Mom, Magica!

Angel: Venus, what's wrong?

Venus: Bad guy broke into the castle!

Others: (shocked) What!?

(a cloaked female villain arrives with Angel's genie bottle)

Magica: Give back my friends' genie bottle!

Female villain: (scoffs) (mocking) Why would I do that, I plan to destroy all you magic pups! Even if I had to destroy this whole universe with a wish!

Pups: (shocked gasps) You can't do that!?

Magica: (eyes widen)

Angel: (concerned) Something wrong dear?

Magica: (whispers) Someone just sent me a telepathic message!

Angel: Who?

Magica: (looks at Luna and Sunny) (quietly Someone from a different world that we can call a friend!

Mana, Venus, Wildfire, and Melody: Stop her! (tackles and pins the villainess down) Gotcha!

Magica: (to Luna and Sunny) Girls, I love you no matter what happens next!

Luna: (confused) Mom?

Sunny: (confused) What do you mean?

Villainess: I wish this universe would implode destroying everyone!

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