Chapter 1: Siblings

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A few years ago...

Kate and Cody Parker are siblings, who grew up in New York City. Kate is a year younger than Cody. They lost their mother in a car crash when Kate was just 4. They were not destined to be lucky enough to be brought up by a father, as their father, James Parker, passed due to a heart attack when Kate was 10. Their butler, Mr. Smith was now the only one to take care of both Kate and Cody. Mr. Smith grew old, and after living a happy life, took his last breath on his bed, when Kate was 14.

Present Day...

"Kate! Wake up! You'll miss the test!", said Sasha, waking Kate up. Sasha is Kate's Best friend and roommate. "I'm up! I'm up. Wait, what's the time- Oh no! We're late! Why didn't you wake me up?", "I did! You just weren't waking-Oh never mind. C'mon! Let's go!"

Kate Parker, a normal teenager, is fighting time to get to school before the test starts. As you have read, her brother, Cody Parker, is a year older than her, managing the family business, and is the youngest CEO in New York. He became in charge of his Father's company at the age of 14, so he could get enough income for himself and Kate.

"Kate Parker, Sasha Watson, just in time.", Miss. Olive closed her pocket watch and put it in her pocket.", "Sorry, Miss. Olive, we kind of forgot today...", just as Sasha was about to finish her sentence, Miss. Olive called out to a teacher to supervise the room until she was back.

"You almost got us suspended-", "Shhh! Be quiet! We're in an exam hall!", said Kate. Miss. Olive returned, and the students wrote the exam. On the other hand, Cody was always busy with work. He would visit Kate on the weekends as he lived in his father's mansion, while Kate preferred to live alone in a rusty old apartment with Sasha. Kate never complained as she wanted to live independently. Cody was a super overprotective brother, who was always sensitive about her. He cared for her, a lot.

After writing the exam, Kate was home while Sasha was out with some friends when it was rainy outside and swept on the couch at night, with a heavy bag of popcorn watching 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'.

Hermione: "Hagrid's looking for you"

Harry: " Well, you can tell Ronald-"

Hermione: "I'm not an owl!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Kate got up from the couch, to open the door, when she tripped from the couch and fell to the ground, hurting her hand. "Ow! Why now?" she said. The doorbell rang 3 times before the thunder clapped. And there was a loud knock on the door. Kate was scared now, by the thunder and the knock.

She peeked through the hole in the door and saw a man in black. And suddenly, she screamed, "Whoever you are, show your face because I know karate!". Of course, that wasn't true, but she said that to scare the man away, but instead, he knocked again and said, "Kate! It's me, Cody!". She sighed in relief and opened the door. "You scared me so bad! I thought it was a robber, or worse, a kidnapper!" said Kate. "How could a kidnapper kidnap you? You know karate, remember?" said Cody with a grinning smile. "Yeah right!".

Cody wanted to show something to Kate. It was a letter, from their mother. "Our mother left this to us. When I read it, I nearly lumped in my throat. You should read it, Kate". When Kate read the letter, she was shocked. It said,

"Dear Kate and Cody,

I have left this letter to you, so you can find a way out of the mysterious mess you are going to get into. You both must not know this, but I had some special powers, and just like me, so do you both. You will find it once it's time, and I hope you two use it carefully for the welfare of people. And remember, you are not alone in this fight.


Your mother,

Samantha Parker."

Kate had a million questions in her mind. Her curiosity began to grow with the questions in her mind. She didn't even wait while asking, "Where did you find this? Why didn't Mr. Smith tell us anything? When did Mom write this letter?". "Mr. Smith's daughter gave it to me, she found it in the garden near her father's 'special spot'. He never told us anything because he didn't want to ruin it for us or maybe he wasn't ready before he passed away. Mom didn't write the date or day, so I don't know when she wrote it. But, calm down Kate.". All her questions were answered and she calmed down. She couldn't help but cry, while Cody was with her. "Maybe, destiny gave us a chance to help others if not us, Cody," said Kate. She got up and tried to figure out what her power was by making a list of items related to nature. "Mother Nature first!" she said.

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