Chapter 50: How was The Act?

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Caleb acted dead, which scared Kate and Stone. He held his breath when Stone put his finger near his nose. "He's not breathing...", he said slowly, as Kate just stared at him. "He...", she continued. "Kate-", said Stone, "I... I killed him...", she said, softly, as tears dropped down her cheeks. She showed no expression and just sat there.

She had gone into shock and wasn't moving at all. The only thing, that would get her back to normal was Caleb getting up, and saying that he was acting. Just then, Caleb got up and hugged Kate, and they fell to the ground and rolled over the grass.

"Surprise!", he said, as Kate just looked at him. He was above Kate, as he looked at her with a heartwarming smile. She was still in shock and said nothing. "Kate?", he asked, as he smiled. Stone was still processing what had just happened. "Caleb, how could you?! You know what all has happened!", said Stone, as Caleb realized it was a bad plan.

"Kate...?", called out Caleb, as she closed her eyes. "No...", said Stone slowly. "Kate!", "Surprise!", said Kate, as she sprung on him. "What the- You scared me!", "And what about you? You scared BOTH of us!", she said, as she laughed. "Why are you laughing?", asked Caleb, as they looked at Stone, who was completely shocked.

"You both scared ME!", he said, as the two laughed, and Stone just gasped. "Pity me!", he said, as he left the backyard. Kate and Caleb got up and laughed again. "I think it's the ICE CREAM that should be blamed here.", said Caleb, as they laughed. "That's all laughing for one day.", she said, as she held her stomach. "My stomach is hurting after all the laughing...", she said, as she smiled and sighed.

They headed inside and went to Kate's room. "I feel tired now...", she said, as she sat down on her bed, and Caleb sat in front of her. "Remember the time I was teasing you?", asked Caleb, as Kate's eyes widened. "N-No! I don't...", she lied, as Caleb smiled. "Let me make you remember.", he said, as he came near Kate.

"I remember! I remember now! Silly me!", she said, as she got up to open the door, but Caleb grabbed her hand, and she fell on the bed. "Ow! That hurt man-", "You look beautiful today.", he said, as Kate got up again. "Uh... T-Thank you... I-I guess.", she said, as she looked at him. Just then, someone knocked, and the two backed off.

It was Stone. "Uhm, Caleb? Steve's calling you.", he said, as Kate turned to Caleb. "Didn't Steve go out with Cody?", "He did!", said Stone, as he understood. "Cody's still not home though...", said Caleb. "Steve's calling you, Caleb.", said Stone, as Caleb nodded his head, and went outside.

Kate looked at Caleb, who was leaving the room, and Stone looked at her. "Shall we continue our small chat?", asked Stone, "Huh? Yeah! Yes, of course.", she said, as they sat down, and Kate wrapped her blanket around her.

"So... You were saying something... Daddy's-", "Don't. Call. Me. That.", he said in a serious tone. Then Kate whispered in his ears, "Okay... Daddy's Princess!", and Stone turned to her, looking irritated. "You said I didn't know how to tease, didn't you?", asked Stone, "Yes, professor, I did!", she said. "Well... We'll see about that, croissant.", "Wait. That's not my name!", she said, feeling a little annoyed, but knew what to do next.

"Annoyed, are we?", "No... Just remembered something, when you called me that... like HE used to.", she said, in a little teasing manner. "Like WHO used to do?", asked Stone, curiously. "Oh... You know... HIM!", she said, as it made Stone a bit jealous. "Who?", "The... Waiter...!", she said, as she remembered the waiter from the other day.

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