Chapter 37: Control

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Caleb put Kate to bed and came out of the room, where he saw Natasha, who had just woken up. "Why are you here?", asked Caleb, in a serious tone. "I'm here to tell you, that you're doing the wrong thing by being with these people.", she said, making Caleb angry. "I care about you Caleb, and-", "You? You and caring? That too about me? Is life a joke to you?", he snarled.

"I thought you had been in therapy but look at you! You're still acting like that!", he said, as she just looked at him. "I don't know what to say and do. The others will do what they want to do with you.", "You'll let them hurt your sister?", she said, as he scoffed. "Sister? Don't even think! You have to act like a sister, which comes before calling yourself a sister!", he said, as the others entered the room.

"Where's Kate?", asked Cody, "She's in her room, sleeping.", said Caleb. "Why are you back, Natasha?", asked Cody, but she didn't reply, and just looked at the ground. "Natasha, I need answers-", "Because he made me come here!", she screamed, as all of them gave her a confused look, and she started cackling loudly.

"Who made you come here?", asked Cody, "I'm not telling you!", she said, as they noticed that she had cut her ropes. "She cut the-", just as Caleb was about to complete his sentence, Natasha attacked all of them using her powers. "Catch me if you can!", she said, as they all were still catching their breath. She ran into Kate's room, locked the door, and Kate woke up. "Natasha-", she was about to say something, when Natasha attacked Kate.

She conjured a dagger to stab Kate, when Stone broke the door open, and Cody captured her as fast as he could. Caleb ran to Kate, who was still processing what happened. "Are you okay?", he asked in concern. "How did she...?", she said, balancing herself. "Kate, are you okay?", asked Stone, as he handled Kate, and Caleb went over to Natasha. "You've done a lot, Natasha.", he said, as Natasha moved frantically.

"Just let me be!", she screamed, scaring Kate, at her behaviour. She then pointed towards her pocket and gave a creepy smile. Steve checked her pocket, to find a broken phone. The moment Kate saw the phone, she recognized it. She was so shocked, that she couldn't even speak. "That's...", she said silently, and Stone heard her. "That's Sasha's phone...", she said silently, and Stone understood everything.

Natasha was the one who called Kate using Sasha's phone. When Caleb saw the phone, he recognized it too. "Where did you get this from?", asked Caleb angrily. "I stole it from her.", she said, "You stole it from Sasha?", asked Caleb angrily, before he snapped. "You can't do it okay? She's dead you hear me? She's dead!", screamed Caleb. He was about to attack Natasha when Steve caught him in time.

"Caleb, calm down! Please!", said Steve. But he wouldn't listen and started to free himself. "Let go of me! AH!", he screamed and screamed. Meanwhile, Kate saw the whole scene and was heartbroken to see Caleb like that. "Why is he like this?", said Kate, as Stone hugged her tightly. "It's going to be okay... I need you to calm down, Kate.", said Stone, as Natasha disappeared. "Where did she go?!", exclaimed Cody, as Caleb started to calm down. He then burst into tears, and it was hard for him to stop. He struggled to breathe, and just cried, and cried.

Kate saw him and got up. "He needs someone to calm him down.", she said, as she walked up to him. "Natasha is a bad person. She's a murderer, and the worst sister.", she said, as Caleb kept crying. "But you know who's worse?", she asked, as Caleb slowed down. "Sasha.", she said, as he looked at Kate, and sobbed.

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