Chapter 31: Old Album

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Kate and Stone's faces were inches apart once again. "Why are you avoiding me?", "Uhm...", she wanted to say something but was startled by Stone's actions. "What? Tell me. I want to know.", "Stone, uhm... I haven't... You're just-", "Stop lying, or...", he said, as Kate's eyes widened, but she came to her senses, "Or what?", she asked.

Stone had something planned, but his plan was 'too dangerous' to be executed, so he just stared at her. She tried to get herself out, but failed, as his grip was too tight. He finally let go, when he saw that Kate was struggling. "I want to tell you something, Kate.", he said, as he saw Kate, who was just staring at him, confused. "What is it?", she asked, curiously.

"Ever since you have been in my life, my life has been colourful. And I want it to be that way.", he said, leaving her amazed. "You changed my life. I smile every time and don't speak like a robot anymore.", he said, as he made a sad face. "I just want to know, why you've been avoiding me...", he said, as Kate, just looked at the ground.

"Please Kate, I want to know!", "T-There's no reason...", "There is...", he said, as Kate sighed. "I just thought that... You were angry with me because I accused you of being with Oliver, and I... I didn't trust you... I made you even angrier, and you stopped the car midway...", she said, as Stone sighed. "I thought that I hurt you...", "You could never hurt me, Kate. Never.", he said, as he pulled her in for a hug.

Caleb returned home and went straight for a bath. After taking a bath, he sat on his bed, with a picture in his hand. He looked at that picture with love and warmth. "I love you, and always will.", he said, as he looked at the picture. He then kept his picture under his pillow.

"Caleb! Look what I found.", said Kate, as she entered his room, with an album. "Wow! What's this?", he asked. "This is our school album. It's of our time. When we were in school together.", "Wait really? Show me!", he said, as both of them looked at the pictures with wonder.

"Wow, look at this one! I look so chubby in this.", said Caleb, "You sure do!", said Kate, as she looked at other pictures. "Oh and, look at this one." Caleb pointed to Kate's picture, in which she was wearing a red and black dress. "Oh, that! I remember this! It was our annual day. And that dress... Boy, was it itchy!" she said as they laughed.

"I think there's one of you as well.", "Ooh, show me!", "Look!", she pointed to a picture of Caleb's, and he was wearing a red and black dress, with a similar design to Kate's dress. "You were in my dance?", "Oh god! Do you not remember?", he said, as Kate gave him a confused look. "I danced with you! Come on! How can you not remember that?", "Wait you did?", she asked, as they both laughed again.

They continued to look at the pictures for 30 minutes until they found one picture, which was so beautiful. "This is the picture of our school play, isn't it?", asked Caleb, "Yes it is!", "Oh look, that's you!", said Caleb, as he pointed towards the lead actress.

"I still remember... That dress was so itchy.", "Every dress is itchy, isn't it?", said Caleb as they looked at each other, and smiled. "Oh and look! That's you, isn't it?", she said, pointing towards the lead actor. "We were the main characters of the play! How do you not remember?", he asked, as Kate just shrugged. "It was Romeo and Juliet. I do remember that!", she said, as Caleb nodded his head.

"Well, we're lucky, we didn't have to kiss at last!", said Kate, "Yes, totally.", said Caleb, nervously. "You know, it's almost time for lunch, so we should go and help Stone, before he comes inside, and starts giving us a lecture on 'helping around the house'!", said Caleb as they laughed.

"Oh well, let's go then.", said Kate, as they got up to leave when a pillow fell from the bed. "Oh, good. Let me pick it up.", she said, as she picked it up. Just as she was about to put it on the bed, she noticed a picture. "Caleb... Is this... Me?", she said, as she showed him the picture. "Oh, that? It's nothing.", he said.

"Well, this sketch of mine... Is beautiful! I love it!", she said, as Caleb put his hands in his pockets. "It's just... I liked sketching back then...", he said, "Wow, nice! Wait, back then?", "I drew this the same day our play ended. And you're wearing Juliet's dress.", "Wow, cool. Well, let's get going, or Stone will come here!", she said, as they both left.

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