Chapter 6: The Tragedy

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"Who do you think you are, you filthy cockroach?", said Stone. "Oh, I'll show you who I am!", said Caleb, as they broke into a massive, bizarre fight. "Stop it, you guys!", said Steve worrying that both of them could hurt themselves. "Guys, you are stopping this fight, right now...", said Kate, raging in anger. And then suddenly, her eyes turned red and she screamed "Stop it!", and marched towards both Stone and Caleb. "What is the problem?", "You again, Infinity?", said Stone, in a little shocked tone, as he didn't summon her this time. "You remember me, 'Professor'?", she said, "I thought you left her for good.", said Stone. "It's just the misunderstandings now, right? Me coming here, and this fight, isn't it?", she said.

"What's going on?", asked Cody, "Well, one thing is confirmed. She is not Kate!", "Her name is Infinity, and she isn't from Earth. She's using Miss. Parker's body to... Explore Earth I guess.", said Stone. "Wow! No wonder how you're so smart,", said Infinity. "But why on earth are you two handsome guys fighting? Is this fight over me?", asked Infinity, smirking in front of everyone. "Oh you, let me tell you why we were fighting.", and saying that Caleb stormed towards Infinity and pushed her to the ground. But before he pushed her, she transformed back into Kate.

"Ow! What the heck Caleb! Why would you do that?", said Kate. As she got up, she found everyone staring at her, and Stone gave the suspicious look again. "What's wrong? Why are you guys staring at me like I stepped on the most beautiful flower on earth?", asked Kate, before going inside.

Everyone was shocked as they turned towards Stone. "The plan worked! You weren't lying! But Kate is Infinity? Since when?", said Caleb. "Ever since she came here.", "It makes sense now.", said Cody.

Caleb, Cody, and Steve were shocked to learn that Kate was Infinity, the day she fainted on Stone. He had a plan to get Infinity to appear in front of them. And it just seemed to work properly.

That night, Kate had forgotten everything about Infinity, and everything she had said. It was like she wasn't even there, but Infinity was. But Stone had told Kate about Infinity, and she was as shocked as everyone.

All of them had gone outside to a restaurant downtown to talk about Blemmyes and other creatures like that. "There are approximately 77 types of creatures from Infinity's world.", said Stone. "How do you know all of this?", asked Cody curiously. "I have read her mind; I know everything about her past,", said Stone, "They want Infinity, who lives inside Miss. Parker."

"Guys, we have to get to the bottom of this.", said Kate, firmly. "She's got a point.", said Steve. While they were thinking of a plan, two suspicious men entered the restaurant wearing a hoodie and a mask. Stone knew they were not humans. They ordered their meal and sat at a table behind theirs. They we catching glances at Kate, and that made them look more suspicious in a restaurant with no one but Cody, Caleb, Steve, Stone, Kate, and the two men.

"They are staring at you, Kate.", whispered Caleb. As soon as the waiter went inside, the two men came up to our table. "We want the girl,", said one of them. "Give her to us and choose the easy way.", said the other man. "We like accepting challenges, you see.", said Stone, and saying that, he signalled Caleb, Steve, and Cody, to take care of them, while, Kate went home, with Stone for her protection.

"Why is this happening? Did this Infinity rob a bank or something?", "More awful than that.", said Stone, as they ran back to the cottage, in the middle of nowhere. "Wait... wait,", said Kate, gasping for air. "Can we wait for two minutes?", "As you wish.", said Stone. "How long do we have to run like this?", "To be more precise, and accurate, approximately-", "Just give me an estimation, please.", said Kate, getting slightly annoyed. "Five more minutes.", said Stone.

As they reached the cottage, Kate saw someone's footwear lying outside the house, and Stone was alert. "Hide outside. Allow me to check inside.", said Stone. "It's Sasha's! She came here!", said Kate, as Stone calmed down. If Kate hadn't told him whose footwear it was, he would've barged into the house and caught Sasha.

"Sasha! Are you in here?", said Kate, as she checked the whole house. "Are you sure, those footwears were of Sasha?", "I'm damn sure! She bought it from the mall downtown, and I was with her!", said Kate, assuring Stone.

They checked the whole house. Under the bed, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the bedroom, and almost everywhere. As both of them checked the house, Stone called Kate to the backyard, saying Sasha was there. "Sasha, where have you been, girl? We looked everywhere for you-", suddenly, Kate's relief changed as she saw Sasha in the backyard.

She was lying on the grass, her head facing the ground, and her body, covered with blood. "S-Sasha?", "She's dead,", said Stone "I checked her heart. It has stopped working...". "You're lying... No, that just doesn't make sense, it- she was-", and she burst into tears.

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