Chapter 13: Fight for Your Life

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Kate watched both of them fight with their swords and noted down every posture. She wouldn't learn sword fighting in just one day, but she wanted to because it sounded fun to her. The fight turned into a massive one. Stone threw a heavy book at the man, and in return, he threw a glass bottle at Stone, but he dodged and nearly hit Kate.

"Oh, my god-", just then another bottle came towards her, but she caught it with her powers. "I can fight, and I will fight.", she said, angrily, as she marched over to the man, and started fighting. She fought gracefully, not hurting the other people in the market, including Stone. She punched the man, and both, Kate, and the man, stood for a while. The man, holding his stomach, where Kate punched him, and Kate, catching her breath.

The man slowly turned his head towards Kate. "Tu es mort!", he said, in French. Stone pulled Kate aside, and whispered, "Run when I say so.", "Ok.", she whispered back. "Pourquoi nous? Qu'avons-nous fait?", "I know English,", he continued, and he sounded like he was about to explode in anger, "Elle ne connaît pas le français.", he said, as he charged towards both of them. "Run.", said Stone quietly, as they both ran away. They both reached the cottage, completely out of breath. "Wow, that was...", she continued as she laughed, "Breathtaking.", "I hope not.", he said, as they went inside. They knew Oliver would return, so Stone made a protection wall outside the cottage.

Cody had called, and he let them know, that they'll be back in a few more days. The next day, Kate was taught sword fighting by Stone. "It seems easy, but it isn't.", he said as he taught her. They both were tired soon enough and had lunch.

Kate gave an obvious look, chewing her food slowly, holding her fork, and looking at Stone. "Don't.", said Stone because he knew she was going to ask questions. "Don't what?", "Ask questions.", "What if I do?", "I'm not answering anything.", "It's ok, I just want to see your reactions.", she said, hoping that he would answer some questions, which were none other than nonsense and useless. She wanted to ask questions for fun.

"How's life?", "Not interested.", "Ok... Where did you learn sword fighting? And fighting, as well.", "Not your concern, until and unless you learn it.", "Ok, but when did you learn it?", "When I was 4.", "Aha! You just answered a question!", "Just because I pity you.", he said, making Kate feel insulted and angry at the same time. "Um, rude!", "I do not... Care.", he said making Kate angrier, but she just scoffed and got up to leave.

In the evening, she practised more and learned the history of sword fighting. "Why are we learning its history? It's not important.", "It is. If someone asks you about sword fighting, you should be able to tell something. And don't forget to mention my name.", "Why should I mention your name?", "I am your teacher.", "Ok, Professor!" she said, annoyed by his words and presence in the room, but didn't show it.

After 1 hour of practice, they had dinner, and she made that look again, which she made at lunch. "Spare me.", "I didn't say anything yet!", she continued, "But I may.", "Then don't.", "Ok, I'll spare you, with only 1 question, please?", "No.", "Shouldn't have asked, because I'm going to ask 1 question, and you will answer it.", she said, as the room filled in with an awkward silence.

And then Stone spoke, "Only 1-", "Yes!", she said, as she didn't expect this. She cleared her throat and asked, "Have you ever...", she continued, stressing Stone out, for no reason. "Fallen in love?", and here they were again, in the same room, with the same silence, to the same question. "No.", he said.

Kate didn't say anything, but gave a shrug and got up and went to her room, after keeping her dish. Stone didn't care, at first, but the next day, Kate ignored Stone, and didn't talk to him, and he seemed to notice it. He didn't say anything to her and stood in a corner, looking at her, as she was practicing.

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