Chapter 62: Two Siblings Fight

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"Kate, stop the car, this instance.", said Stone, in a highly, insanely serious tone. "Yeah, sure.", she said, as she stopped the car immediately after they were at a high speed. And then, the one thing happened, that they all, but Kate, feared about. The car turned over! "No!", Cody screamed, and time went slow in a snap!

Cody grabbed everyone out, one by one, and made them sit aside, as he focused, and time went normal again. Just before everyone could process what had happened, Cody looked at Kate, completely furious, and Kate knew she had to run. She turned to run away but was stopped short by Cody. "How'd you-", "We have to talk.", he said, as he grabbed her, and ran at a high speed, away from the 3!

They all were processing the entire thing and looked at each other. Caleb then spoke up. "Okay, so, Kate acts like she's asleep, and pounces at me and covers my mouth. Then I pounce at her and close her mouth, and then she kicks me in the stomach! I mean, ow! It hurt! If anything could worsen, she drove like crazy when we teleported inside the car! Oh, and... Are you Stone, or Satan? What was with the STORM and DUST and BLACK SKY, and I'm PRETTY sure I heard a THUNDERCLAP!", Caleb scoffed, and let it all out, but Stone just gave him a cold shoulder.

"Come on, tell us!", "None of your business-", "Oh, don't you 'None of your business' me now!", said Caleb, as he scoffed and went to the destroyed car to get all their stuff. Meanwhile, Cody was busy running, and Kate was literally flying in the air. "Cody, stop!", shouted Kate, as Cody finally stopped. He looked at Kate's wrist, which was really red, due to him. "What is the matter with you?", "What's the matter with YOU?!", asked Cody, as he scoffed.

"I give you everything. Like seriously, EVERYTHING you want. But you just leave me...", "Look, about that-", "You don't have the RIGHT to even EXPLAIN yourself, after what you did, so just shut up!", this was the very first time Cody had ever said something out this loud to Kate. Kate knew he wouldn't shut up now, and she was slightly tired of people telling her what to do. "You don't understand-", "YOU don't understand!", she screamed, as her face turned miserable.

"People have been telling me what to do, my ENTIRE LIFE!", she said, as Cody realized why she'd run away. "Dad asked me... To be like you... He never asked me what I wanted! I don't even know what I want now, I'm so, SO busy doing so-called  'other stuff' that I forget, I have... HAD... A life.", "That doesn't mean you could just run away-", "I was 9... When I was bullied by this girl called 'Holly'... Guess what, I shouldn't even call it bullying... I should call it ABUSE.", she said, as Cody turned to Kate with a concerned face.

"What did she do-", "She dumped my lunch on me... She threw RASH-WATER on my head, inside the restroom... When I wanted to tell the principal, or Dad, or YOU... She cut my hair half...", said Kate, as Cody's eyes filled up. "That's where you got your hair cut... But instead, you told us, that you just went to the salon...", he said, as he wiped his tears, and hugged Kate tightly.

"I'm so sorry... I don't have the right to tell you what to do... I wasn't even a good brother...", he said, as Kate covered his mouth. "Don't you EVER say that... Okay?", she said, as the two finally smiled and laughed. "I don't wanna talk about me being bullied, or this whole 'runaway' thing, please...", said Kate, as Cody smiled, and caressed her cheek.

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