Chapter 47: Feeling High

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Stone looked at her, and noticed, that her eyes were red. The red colour wasn't due to her powers, it was due to mental stress. "What's wrong with your eyes?", he asked, as her smile changed. "Oh... It's nothing.", she said, as Stone could tell it was something. "What is it?", he asked, as he left her hand. She was about to say something when she turned and ran in the other direction.

"Stop!", screamed Stone, and he fell. His shoelaces were tied wrongly, and Kate had done that, using her powers. She ran far away and bumped into something hard, and fell on it. It was Caleb! "Kate?!", he said, as she looked at him, with dizzy eyes. "Caleb!", "Kate!"; their expressions were completely different. If one was happy, the other was shocked.

They both got up, but Kate waved in the air. Caleb got hold of her, and she put her head on her shoulder. "Why do I exist?", "We're getting you home.", he said, as Kate turned to him."We?", "Me and Stone.", he said, as Kate looked at him in confusion. "You do know he's behind us, don't you?", he said, as Kate was shocked.

She turned back and saw Stone walking behind them, at a distance. "I tied his shoelaces wrong.", she said, as Caleb laughed. "That's fun.", he said, as the two laughed, and Stone just followed them, with his head down. "I'm not sorry for anything.", she said, as Caleb didn't react. "Are you angry?", she asked in a childish tone, but still no response.

"Why are you angry?!", she asked, as she pushed him, and he balanced just in time. "Ow!", he said, as he saw Kate waving in the air again. "Oh no...", he whispered, as she fell to the ground, and Stone caught her, just in time. "Phew!", said Caleb, as Stone picked her up. "Should we get to the car now?", said Caleb, in a little harsh tone. "The car is far away, so it'll take time.", "You can teleport us, can't you?", "Let's do that.", he said, as he got them out of there.

Kate found herself in her school, where the school bell rang, and she was confused. "How am I-", "Yo, Sasha's calling you.", said a random boy, as he skateboarded his way out of the corridor in school. "Sasha...", she whispered, as she went to her locker. When she reached to her locker, she saw a girl standing there.

Her face was covered by her locker, and when she turned, there she was- Sasha. "Ready to go?", said Sasha, as Kate took it to reality. They headed towards an alley, out of school. "Where are we?", she asked, as Sasha went ahead.

"Sasha!", she said, as she realized, that Sasha was long dead. "You're not Sasha.", she said, as Sasha turned. "Kate... Kate Parker.", she said, as her eyes turned purple. "Oliver...", whispered Kate, as Sasha attacked her, and she went flying in the air. And then suddenly...

Kate opened her eyes, to find her on her bed. She couldn't remember much from the previous night, but all she remembered was, that she had 4 drinks, Caleb and Stone looked for her, and the waiter. "Kate?", said Cody, as he touched her forehead, while she was still half asleep. "Fever again.", said Cody. He was sitting beside her, with a book in hand, and the room's door was closed.

"Cody...", she said, as Cody grabbed her hand, "I'm so so sorry... I didn't know it was a 'drink', you know...", she said, as Cody smiled. "I'm sorry...", she said softly. "It's...", he said, as he looked down, "Just be more careful next time, okay?", he said, which took Kate aback. "You're not, unhappy?", she asked, "I am, but not that much. I'm changing you know.", he said, as Kate laughed.

"Cody? And not being 'over-protective'?", she said, as the two laughed. Just then, the door opened, and Stone came inside. "Oh, Stone-", "Look, Cody. Before you say ANYTHING to her, I'd like to say, that it's my fault.", he said, as Cody looked at him strangely, and Kate remembered every single thing that happened.

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