Chapter 18: Goodbye

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They all had dinner and talked about how Cody and the others spent two weeks when Kate and Stone were alone. "We did camping.", said Caleb, as he munched on his food. "And we went swimming.", added Steve. "Where did you stay?", "We stayed at the mansion for 3 days, before we got ourselves in danger,", continued Cody, "We thought it could threaten our lives.", he said, as Kate nodded, agreeing to his sentence.

"What else did you do?", asked Stone. "We explored NYC.", "Oh, and, we also went to the Empire State.", added Steve. "Wow. Did you go to the top floor?", "Of course! And we went there at night, so it was even more beautiful and sparkly.", said Caleb. "Impressive.", said Stone. "How many floors are there in total?" , "102.", "102.", said Cody and Stone together. "You both are like a Walking-Talking Google!", said Caleb. "You guys should have a debate competition.", recommended Kate. "Maybe.", "Maybe.", said Cody and Stone together, again. "Wow.", said Steve.

"Ok, guys! Let us ask some questions!", said Caleb. "Not needed.", "Not needed.", they said together, once again. "Sorry, can't back out now!", said Kate, as the 3 started asking questions. "How many floors are there in the Burj Khalifa?", "163.", replied both., "How many stairs are there?", "2,909.", they said together, again. "Oh, my god.", said Steve. "Ok, last question.", said Kate. "What is the oldest active volcano on Earth?", asked Kate. "Mount. Etna.", said Stone, "Ok, where is it located?", "Italy.", said Cody. "You both are on the same page.", said Kate.

It was soon enough that they had spent one week, and they didn't realize it. The others had a lot of fun, while Stone did nothing, but watch them, and have fun. No matter how hard the others tried to encourage Stone and join them, he always seemed to have something on his mind.

"Come on Stone! We're going to the lake to fish.", said Caleb. "You can go then.", "Why don't you ever join us?", said Kate, "Not interested.", said Stone, as Kate just sighed and Caleb shrugged and went away. "Fishing is so interesting! How can he say 'Not interested' when he hasn't even tried something?", "He is that way, now let's fish!", said Caleb. "He did say he wasn't interested, though.", said Cody, killing good vibes of fishing.

"Do you have to be so annoying?", asked Steve, as Caleb caught a fish, by his hand. "Look at you! You look like a bear, catching fishes with its hands!", said Kate, as they laughed and spent the evening there. It was soon 6:30 pm, as they returned, and saw Stone cooking dinner, already. "It's quite early for dinner. Why cook now?", asked Caleb. "I wanted to.", "Rude.", said Caleb, "That is not a rude sentence. The only thing that is rude, is you saying 'Rude' when it wasn't even near rude.", said Stone.

"Never mind.", said Caleb, as he want to his room, and so did everyone. Kate lied down on her bed, and was super exhausted. "Dinner? Seriously? Can't I just sleep? I want to sleep!", she said to herself. "You must have dinner.", said Cody, standing beside the door of her room. "Ok, Professor. Stone.", she said, without knowing it was Cody.

"You grew fond of Stone, didn't you?", he asked thinking that Kate liked Stone more than any of the others. "No, I didn't. You both just sound the same.", "We have a different voice box and we look different.", "I just assumed it was Stone, plus, I wasn't looking!", she said. "Please, Cody. Don't start a new drama. I'm already tired, I don't want to hear or say anything.", she said as she got up. "Sorry to ask this, but do you like Stone?", asked Cody, making Kate nervous, as she didn't know the answer from the heart, but knew what to answer.

"Of course not. I do not.", "Ok, come and have dinner then.", he said, as they both headed towards the dining table. They all started talking, as they had dinner, yet Stone didn't say anything. "Something on mind, Stone?", asked Steve. "No.", he replied in a harsh tone. "Ok...", said Steve, speechless by Stone's one-word answer. Soon enough, they all had dinner and went to their rooms.

It was early in the morning when Kate woke up to practice sword fighting, she didn't find Stone in the backyard. She thought he would be asleep, but when she entered his room, she was completely shocked by the state of his room. It was empty, all his stuff was gone, his books, his desks, and there was only a bed. She went to his office, and it was empty too.

"Stone! Stone, where are you?", she called out to him. Meanwhile, the others woke up, to find Kate, who was struggling to find Stone. They joined her to find him but failed to do so. They later found a letter, on his bed.

"Dear Caleb, Cody, Kate, and Steve,

You might not find me anywhere, that is because I have left you. You are on your own now. You know how to use your powers, and can fight. Go back to your houses and live your previous life, where I wasn't there to interfere in anything. Make your decisions, and do NOT find me. You won't be able to.


Professor. Stone.", said the letter.

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