Chapter 64: Soren Like Stone

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"As if!", "What do you mean? I wasn't happy with you gone!", he said in a childish tone. "I'm pretty sure you were since the 'troublemaker' was gone.", "Troublemaker, my foot...", said Caleb, as Cody came to the two. "Coffee?", "Sure...", "I really needed one!", the two had coffee, and Cody went to Steve and Stone. "BFF reunion?", asked Steve, "Kinda.", said Cody, as they sipped their coffee.

"You know,", continued Kate, "I felt like I shouldn't have run away...", "When exactly did you realise that?", "When I ran away...", she said, as the two laughed. "We gotta hurry, 'cause this Oliver guy might attack sooner or later.", said Stone, asking everyone to sit in the car. "Now folks...", all eyes were on Stone, as he looked forward, with Steve beside him, and the three behind him.

"Let me make myself clear. I came to you guys as a teacher, and hope to leave as a teacher.", "Are you leaving-", "I'm not, but if I do, I will as your teacher. I need you guys to listen to me, starting from now, and NO MORE RUNNING AWAY.", he made himself very clear, that everyone kept to themselves, and there was a very awkward silence.

Stone drove off, and it was almost 6:30 pm by now. The sun had already set, and they all were pretty exhausted now. "Who else is feeling sleepy here?", asked Cody as he yawned. "Me...", said Steve, "Count me in too.", said Caleb. "What about you, Kate?", and no response. She was already sleeping! "She's such a kid.", said Caleb, "She's one for real.", said Cody.

"She looks so adorable when she's sleeping.", added Steve, "Like a 13-year-old... Yeah.", said Caleb. "We're almost there, so don't sleep yet.", said Stone, in a normal tone, but little did anyone know, he was angry for real on the inside. They soon reached their destination, which again, was on a small hill.

"Kate, we're here.", "Hmm...", she got up, with sleepy eyes, and gasped at the view. It was a small hill but near a dark forest. "Are we camping?", "No.", "Then where exactly is the house?", "We're sleeping on the grass today.", said Stone, as everyone gasped. "We're what now?", asked Caleb, in a suspicious tone. "I'll need 5 minutes, so find a place till then. STAY RIGHT HERE, and come when I call out.", "Sure...", said Steve, as Kate and Caleb sat inside the car, and Cody and Steve scanned the area.

Stone stood in front of the dark forest and started saying something. It looked as if he was speaking to the forest. "What exactly is he doing?", asked Kate, "Probably ranting to the forest.", said Caleb in return, in an annoying tone. "Caleb, what is it with you and Stone?", "It's nothing, really!", "Please be honest...", she asked sincerely, "Okay, it's just... I'm... Jealous of him...", "Why?", she asked, a little shockingly. "I mean, he's perfect! He's good-looking, and he's real mature, his patience is at ANOTHER LEVEL, and also, he's more knowledgeable-", "How dare you!", said Kate, thinking that Caleb had completely lost his mind.

"What!", he said, again, in a childish tone. "You're mature enough! You're really kind and amazingly smart! You were even accepted to that stupid 'Scientific Trip' held in our school, which is held for 'extraordinary students', but you didn't go, because you fell sick! And not to forget, you're good-looking!", she said, as Caleb was awe-struck for a while, "Hello! I'm talking to you!", "I know, I know, I was just a little shocked at those words... No one has ever, EVER said something like that to me.", he said, as Kate smiled.

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