Chapter 30: Ignorance

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After everyone had dinner, they all headed to their rooms. "Stone.", called out Cody. "Yes?", "Uhm, I wanted to talk to you.", "Of course.", he said, as they both headed to the beach, near the hotel. "Are you okay?", asked Cody. "Why wouldn't I be?", "After the 'jungle' incident.", he said, as Stone didn't say anything.

"It's ok Stone. Plus, I can't even imagine what you both have been through. I hope Kate gets over it soon.", "She will...", said Stone softly. "Oh and, thank you so, so much.", "What for?", "You took care of Kate, despite the situation.", "It's my duty. I'm your 'professor' remember?", he said, as both of them laughed, walked for some time, and then headed inside.

After a few days, Cody and Steve had to go out for some work, and Caleb went to the beach. Kate was in her room, and Stone was sitting in the backyard, reading a book. "OH, look what you made me do!", singed Kate, as she listened to her favourite singer.

On the other hand, Caleb was busy making sand castles. "Gosh! When will I EVER grow up!", he said, as he made a big sand castle. "Mom, can you build a sand castle with me? I'm bored, and all my friends don't want to play with me.", said a kid, "Oh honey, I'd love to! But I have to take care of your little brother, he's too young to be left alone!" said his mom, and Caleb heard them.

Then suddenly, the kid spotted Caleb and his sand castle. "Mom, look! That man made a big sand castle!", said the kid, to his mom. "I wish I could make something like that...", he said, sadly. "Yo, kiddo!", he said to the kid, "Wanna help me out? I could use a strong hand!", "Wow! Sounds so cool!", "Yeah?", "Mom can I go?", "Of course dear! You can go.", she said as the kid went to Caleb, and they made the castle together.

Kate saw the whole scene from her window, and couldn't help but gaze at Caleb. "He's so kind! I wish I was there too! But I'm too lazy to even go outside!", she said, as she laughed by herself. "The ocean, the sand, and the sky look brighter than ever. I wish it was like that forever... Cool, calm, and peaceful!", she said, as she looked at Caleb with dreamy eyes. "He looks so good!", she said.

After some time, while Caleb was still at the beach, Kate felt thirsty. She got up, and went to the kitchen to get some water, when she noticed, that Stone wasn't around. "Where could he be?", she whispered to herself. She felt sad, that she had been avoiding the person, who had helped her the most, after Cody, and Caleb of course.

The only reason, she'd been avoiding him, was that she was afraid, that she'd hurt him so much, said so much, that he wouldn't even want to talk to her, after what happened in the 'jungle'. So, she kept her distance, and Stone kept his. Or she thought he kept his. She went to the backyard, where Stone was reading his book, but didn't notice him. Stone noticed her, and decided to keep his cool when Kate started reciting a poem.

"The sky is bright,

And the ocean, cool.

The sand is smooth,

And beautiful.

Where am I?

And why here?

Why not far?

Why so near?"

She said, as she sighed, and smiled. She looked at the sky and turned to leave. Stone, who was so still to be noticed, smiled, as he heard her poem. Just as Kate was about to leave, Stone grabbed her by her waist, and pinned her to the wall, and once again, their faces were inches apart!

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