Chapter 38: Look Who's Back

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"She left us... And we're alone now. But what if... What if she was with us right now? She would've probably wanted us to move on, and live a happy life.", said Kate. Caleb stopped crying, and they all searched for Natasha. "Guys! You might want to see this.", said Steve, from the backyard. They all went to the backyard and saw Natasha lying on the floor. "Is she dead?", asked Stone, as Cody checked her nerves. He turned to them, with a disappointed face. "Yes.", he said, as Caleb looked at her in anger.

"Caleb, it's okay.", said Kate, as she patted his back, and went to Natasha. "Any idea how she died?", asked Kate to Cody, as Stone and Steve handled Caleb. "She was murdered.", said Cody, softly, so that the other wouldn't hear it. "How can you say?", asked Kate, "Blemmyes.", he said, as he lifted her right hand, which was bitten critically.

"She shouldn't be here.", said Kate, as she knew, they had to get rid of her. Then suddenly, a Blemmye jumped through the fence and charged towards Caleb. It was too quick, that Stone and Steve couldn't defend themselves and Caleb when the Blyemme attacked. Caleb tried to protect himself, but the Blemmye jumped on him and started to strangle him.

Before it could bite Caleb, Kate and Cody sprung into action. Kate's eyes turned red, and she lifted the Blemmye in thin air, and Cody helped Caleb. Stone and Steve got up and helped Kate. "Caleb, are you okay?", "Almost got bit by a headless man, what do you think?", he said, as they all got rid of the Blemmye.

Stone, Cody and Steve tied the Blemmye to a chair. "How do you kill a Blemmye?", asked Kate. "Crossbows.", said Stone. The Blemmye just looked at Natasha and growled. "I don't think Natasha-", the moment Cody said Natasha, the Blemmye started blaring. It was a thunderous noise, and everyone covered their ears.

"Make it stop!", screamed Caleb. Stone grabbed a vase, and hit it on its head. "Good for nothing Blemmye.", said Kate. "We need to get crossbows.", said Cody, as Stone thought of a way to get rid of Natasha. "Should we bury her?", said Stone. "We should sell her parts.", said Caleb irately. "Are you crazy?', said Kate, as Caleb was fuming in anger.

They all decided to go with Stone's idea, and so, they buried her in a grave, next to Sasha's. "We should get guns.", suggested Steve. "We should.", said Cody, as Stone agreed with him. "Guns... wow.", said Kate, as she put her hands in her pocket. Caleb just gave the faintest smile and looked at Sasha's grave.

"Something on mind, Caleb?", asked Kate. "Life is hard man.", he said, as he smiled. "Maybe, and maybe not.", said Kate, as they both looked at each other and laughed. "We decided something guys.", said Cody. "What did you decide?', asked Caleb. "We're moving... Again.", said Stone. "Where to.", asked Kate, "To the cottage... Again.", said Steve. Caleb and Kate thought it would be best for them to go back since the Blemmyes knew about their whereabouts.

The very next day, in the morning, around 5:00 am, they all packed up and left the hotel. Stone and Cody handled the receptionist, who was shocked to see the hotel's situation. "How on earth did this happen?!", asked the receptionist.

Cody and Stone returned to the others, who were waiting for them, near the car. "How did you handle the lady?", asked Kate, as she leaned towards the car. "Ask Stone,", continued Cody, "He hypnotized her.", he said, as they all laughed. They got in the car and set off to their home, the cottage. "Guns, huh?", said Stone, "We should try it sometimes.", he said, as they all looked at him, and just smiled.

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