Chapter 14: Welcome Home

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"Why aren't you talking, like usual?", asked Stone, "I am talking, just not to you.", she said, as she left to freshen up after practice. "Wait.", "Yes, Professor?", "What did I do wrong?", "What?", she asked, completely confused. "You didn't do anything wrong.", "Then why...", he paused because he wanted to say the word 'Ignore' but he was taken aback, as no one ever ignored him, in his whole life till now.

And he realized this just in time, how it feels like when you're being ignored by someone who cares for you but doesn't show it. But he gathered up the courage to say it and he said it. "Then why... Are you...", he said, still struggling, "Ignoring me?", he said as he sighed dejectedly.

"You know, that was the only thing I wanted to hear.", "So this was all for fun?", "Yes, of course, but if you still think I ignored you for another reason, then give me a reason to ignore you.", "I believe you. Now, you can leave.", he said, as she rolled her eyes and left.

Today was the day, the others were coming. "Well, what have you planned?", "Planned for what?", asked Stone, not remembering, that 2 weeks were already over. "The others are coming. Duh!", "Oh, yes. I haven't planned anything.", "What, why?", "Planning is for children, which they, are not.", said Stone as Kate just sighed and went away. It was soon late at night, and she was still waiting for the others. Stone came up to her, and sat beside her, on a chair. "Waiting?", he asked.

"Yeah, just kind of, excited.", she said, as Stone went inside to prepare dinner. He sure hadn't planned anything, but he still made something special, which wasn't usual. He got this feeling that he should do something to make them happy, and he didn't know this feeling. It was something he hadn't felt, not ever.

The others were on their way and reached the cottage after 15 minutes. "Hey! We're back!", said Cody, as they came inside. "Hey, guys!", said Kate, as she hugged Cody tightly. "Missed you.", "Missed you too.", said Cody as he hugged back. "Hello, Stone.", said Caleb. "Hello,", he continued, thinking of what to say next, "Friends.", he said. Everyone looked at Stone, surprised by his 'Friendly' expression.

"He's changed.", said Steve, nodding his head. "He definitely has.", said Caleb, nodding his head. "I have prepared dinner, you all can come...", "Yes, we'll just wash our hands, freshen up, and come soon.", said Steve, as they went into their rooms.

Later, everyone sat at the table and had dinner, as they talked. "So, how were your lessons?", asked Caleb as Stone and Kate looked at each other, remembering the bad parts. They remembered the, missing crow, the three letters incident, the panic attack, the incomplete visions, the hooded man in the cottage, the incident at the metro station, and the black-market attack. "Well, it was kind of...", Kate continued, as Stone didn't say a word, and just sat there having dinner and looking at the food.

"Hello? Anyone there?", asked Steve, as Cody kept his hands on his mouth, and he knew something was suspicious. "It was good, and I had fun. Ask Stone, it was strange and new for him. Not to forget, me too. But I still had fun.", "Ok... Stone? What about you?", asked Caleb. "It was...", he continued, as everyone stared at him, eager to know what he would say.

The room was filled with a chilling uncomfortable silence. "Kind of...", he continued, struggling to say one word, "Good...", "Good? Are you sure?", "Average.", said Stone, in his normal, serious, and cold tone. "Quite unexpected, until you said 'average'.", said Cody "I would appreciate your kind gesture to get used to me by now, Mr. Parker.", "The way he said 'Mister'...", whispered Kate to herself, but Stone heard it. "Never mind.", she said again, all stiff, and her tone sounded like a made-up one.

After dinner, they all went to their rooms, except Stone. He went to the backyard and sat on a chair silently. It had only been 5 minutes, when the wind gushed through the plants and the grass, giving Stone chills, for the first time. And from behind the bushes, he saw someone look at him.

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