Chapter 27: Captured

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"So, if people stand under a mistletoe, they must...", "Yes dear!", said the old lady. "Wow, jokes these days!" said Kate, to Stone, who looked pretty serious. "Wait really?", "Yes, dear!", said the old lady, as Kate turned back to Stone, and smiled at him, and then...

SNAP! Stone was dreaming. "Wow! Mistletoe!", he saw Kate, at a distance. "Kate, come here!", "Oh god, no! You come here!", "I can't...", he said. "Why not?", "I uhm... I sprained my ankle!", "You did what?", said Kate, as she came to Stone. Stone grabbed her hand, and they went to their car. "Sprained ankle... Yeah, right.", she said, as they got in the car.

"It was such a colourful and beautiful night!", "Yes, indeed it was.", said Stone. They were quite far from their home, and it was late at night, around 10:30 p.m. Then suddenly, Kate saw a man standing at a distance, when Stone got a phone call, and was engrossed in it.

"Uhm, Stone...", "Yes, we're on our way back.", he said, hanging up, "Stone, turn!", screamed Kate, and Stone pushed the brakes as hard as possible! The man was Oliver, and he attacked the car! The car went flying in the air, not so high, and fell upside down, all destroyed.

"S-Stone?", said Kate, as she coughed. "Hang on in there! I'll get us out!", said Stone. "Well, Well, Well! Look who it is! Monsieur Stone!", said Oliver, while Stone tried to the two out of there. Meanwhile, Oliver came near the car. "Kate... I'll get us out...", he said, before they both fainted.

When Stone woke up, he saw that he was tied to a chair, and Kate was sitting in front of him, with her head facing the ground. "Kate! Kate!", he whispered, but there was no response. "Please, wake up Kate...", he said, as he saw Oliver, enter the room. "What did you do to her?", asked Stone, "Well you weren't waking up, and I wanted answers, and she was awake!", "And?", "She didn't answer so I...", "You what?", "Killed her!", he said, as Stone struggled to cut the ropes.

"What do you want Oliver?", "What do I want? You don't know? Is it Money? Fame? Name? Or is it...", he said as he scoffed, "Revenge? You want revenge?", asked Stone, and suddenly, Oliver's expressions changed. "I don't think I am the one who wants revenge...", he said, as he looked down and started to cry.

"Olivander wants revenge.", said Stone, "Doesn't he?", "HE DOES!", screamed Oliver, as Kate opened her eyes. "You're not like this, Oliver! I know deep down, you're a good person.", he said, as Kate looked at Stone and Oliver, with dizzy eyes. "Now tell me, what did you do to Kate?", "I hit her on the head, and injected her.", he said.

Then suddenly, Oliver started hitting himself, hard. "What are you doing?", asked Stone, as he was just about to cut the ropes. "Leave!", said Oliver, "I'll tell him you escaped.", "That doesn't mean you have to hit yourself!", "I'm only preparing myself...", he said, as he punched his face hard, and blood started to come from his nose. "Stone...", said Kate, feeling Dizzy, "Kate... I got you... Hang on...", he said, as he cut the ropes.

He then untied Kate's ropes, grabbed her by her hand, and set to run away. They ran outside the old house, where they were kept, and into the jungle. After running for some time, they halted near a lake. "Are you hurt?", asked Stone, but Kate just held her head tightly. "I have a bandage, shall I put it on?", he asked, as she shook her head. "I shouldn't have asked.", he said, as he put the bandage on her head.

After some time, Stone realized, that this was the way they passed when they were driving. "I think I know the way.", "Good...", she said, in a harsh tone. "Is everything all-", "No, Stone. Everything is not all right! I heard both of you talk. And it seemed like you both know each other, VERY WELL!", she said, as Stone gave her a strange look.

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