Chapter 44: Blood Again

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"You're not well, Kate, please understand.", "If I feel better by the evening-", "We'll take you then.", said Stone from behind. He was there the whole time and had seen and heard everything. "Stone... Hey!", said Kate. "Wow, didn't see you there man.", said Caleb, a little disturbed by his presence. Kate then understood, that something was going on between the two, and she excused herself and grabbed Caleb with her.

She took him to her room and locked the door. "What is it with you two?", she asked, in concern. "I don't know what you're-", "Drop the act Caleb! I know that something IS going on here. I'd like to know.", "Well, I'd like to shut up.", "You don't have to!", "I want to!", "You know what? I'm tired of being a damsel in distress and a monkey in the middle! I have a life, so...", she continued, as she put both her hands on her head, and sat on her bed, out of breath.

"You need to calm-", "I am calm!", she said, as she took long breaths. "Hey, listen. I'll tell you everything, if you calm down- And no! You're not calm. So calm down.", he said, as he sat down and grabbed Kate's hands. "There are some things you have to know, but not now... Tonight.", he said, as Kate looked at him.

"I... Am so sorry.", she said, as she was calm now. "And also, there is something, that I'd like you to know.", she said, as Caleb asked her what it was. "I vomited blood...", she admitted, as Caleb was shocked at her words. "Twice...", she said, as Caleb grabbed her face. "Why didn't you tell me?", he asked. "I thought... It was just...", she said, as Caleb knew something was bothering her, and he knew what it was.

"You thought that it would give us another reason to worry about you?", he said, as Kate nodded her head quietly. "We worry about you. But I promise, we'll give you your own space.", he said, as he saw Kate smile. Caleb smiled too, and they went outside.

It was soon evening, and Kate was feeling a lot better than she was feeling yesterday. "So... Can I come with you guys?", she asked politely, as everyone looked at Cody, who was busy on his phone. "Uhm, hello? Your sister's asking something!", said Steve, as Cody noticed. "Oh, sorry. Of course! You can come with us. But, just be with Stone and Caleb, because me and Steve will leave you guys after 10 minutes, he said, as he got back on his phone.

Kate was excited, that she got to spend some more time outside, with Caleb and Stone, completely forgetting the fact, that Caleb and Stone didn't get along too well. They all got in the car, and they went off, to a nightclub. It was a disco event, and so, they all insisted on Kate dancing for a while. And so, they all danced.

After a few minutes, as Cody had said, he and Steve left Caleb, Stone, and Kate by themselves. Kate suddenly remembered that Caleb and Stone didn't get along that well, so, she hatched a plan. She escaped from the dance floor and went to a window, attached to the nightclub, from which she could see what was going on inside.

Stone sat on a chair, and got himself a drink. Caleb saw him but didn't care, and started looking for Kate. He started finding her, but couldn't, as she was hiding from them. He thought she was dancing somewhere, so he decided to get a drink. Meanwhile, Kate was offered a drink by the waiter. She took the drink, not knowing that it could get her drunk.

Caleb went to the bar, next to Stone, and got a drink. "Where's Kate?", asked Stone and Caleb together, to each other. "I thought she was dancing with you.", said Stone, "I thought she was talking to you!", said Caleb. They both knew, that it was useless of them to argue, and so they both looked for Kate.

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