Chapter 39: Teen Napper

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They all returned to the cottage, and the moment they entered, the lights went out. "Great.", said Steve. "Is it bad luck?", asked Caleb, "No, I don't think so.", said Stone. Cody and Kate didn't say a word but just froze. "Kate?", called out Stone. "These two!", said Steve, as Caleb and Steve scoffed. "What happened to them?", asked Stone. "Both the siblings are scared of darkness.", said Caleb.

"Wow,", continued Stone, "What now?", "We should probably drag them...", suggested Caleb. The lights came again and Kate and Cody sighed. "Seriously! Why are we so scared of this stupid darkness?", said Cody to himself. They all had dinner since it was almost 7:00 pm. "Good thing we ordered something.", said Caleb, as he stuffed food in his mouth.

"Yes... It would've been 9:00 by the time we sat to eat if we prepared dinner.", said Kate. "True.", added Cody. "Who ordered by the way?", asked Steve. Kate and Cody raised their hands, and everyone nodded their heads. "I'm so sleepy...", said Caleb. "Me too.", added Kate. "I'll probably sleep well now.", said Caleb.

Everyone went to bed and slept peacefully. Stone got up around 3:00 to get some water. He went to the kitchen and filled his glass when he heard something. He turned back and was about to scream when he saw Kate. "You scared me... Miss. Parker!", he said, but Kate didn't respond. There were no expressions on her face, and she just turned to leave slowly, when Stone grabbed her hand. "Kate?", he called out, but still no response.

He let go of her hand, to see what she would do. He didn't know that this would be a mistake. She started walking towards the backyard. He was right behind her, when a hooded figure jumped from the fence, and tranquillized Stone and Kate. Before Stone could do or say anything, he fell to the ground and saw the hooded figure grabbing Kate, and disappearing, when Stone blacked out.

He woke up, to find himself on his bed, and everyone gathered around him. Cody asked him, "Are you okay Stone-", "He took Kate.", he said immediately. "We know he-", "We have to do something! We can't sit here and do nothing!", he said as he got up. "Stone! Please, calm down! You've been-", "Ow!", said Stone, as he fell to the ground. "Tranquillized...", said Caleb.

"It was Oliver, Stone.", said Cody. "You need to calm down Stone. Oliver is-", "A criminal!", "No!", said Caleb, Cody and Steve together. "Then?", "He's stupid! He didn't know we had sensors in the backyard!", "Oh, right... Sensors...", said Stone, as he had forgotten that he was the one who installed the sensors in the first place. "Where's Kate?", asked Stone. "She's still unconscious.", said Caleb.

"I'll just-", You are NOT moving from here.", said Caleb strictly. "Why?", "You fell on your butt.", "No, I didn't!", he said, as they all stared at him. "Maybe I did...", he said, as they all sighed.

The three went to Kate's room, and she was still unconscious. "Is she going to be okay?", asked Steve. Caleb went to her and checked her temperature by touching her forehead. The instant Caleb put his hand on her forehead, he removed it in pain. "Ow!", said Caleb. Cody and Steve came up to him and asked what happened. "Why don't you try?", said Caleb. Cody put his hand on Kate's forehead and did the same thing. Steve was so confused, and he tried to check her temperature and ended up doing the same thing, again.

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