Science Lesson

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(Y/n's PoV)

My eyes follow the ball as I throw it in the air, catching it and repeating. My feet are on my desk as I lean back in my chair whistling along to the tune of the music playing from the speakers in the room. Surround sound is great for being immersed in the music when you are using it as background noise. I close my eyes, allowing them to rest for a moment while I wait for my computer to finish some file transfers.

I think back to the day before last when I crashed at Wanda's after she rescued me after a night out. We didn't do much that day, I think I slept for most of the day ... and the night ... that hangover was probably the worst one I have had and I do not plan to have one that bad again. Wanda was great, she cooked me dinner that night and breakfast the next morning. She let me crash on the couch for all of yesterday too before I left this morning for work.

I was still feeling a little fragile yesterday so nothing more came of the day. It was much the same as the day before. I slept, I complained about my headache, and I ate food Wanda made. I complained about the fact that I didn't want to come to work today, but I woke up this morning to pancakes and a goodbye kiss so I couldn't complain too much.

However, I now regret falling for the pancakes and kiss, making me think that it was going to be a good day at work. I may have been able to pass off a lot of my work to other people while I was at the farm, but some stuff only the CEO can do apparently so here I am catching up on all the work I didn't know I was coming back to.

Right now my computer is transferring files from a file labelled 'WNA' which just stands for work needing approval to a file labelled 'FIIN' Which stands for Further investigation and/or information needed. Basically this file gives me an excuse to leave my office for a little while as I can talk to the people putting forward these projects.

Usually the head of each department will approve or decline their peoples work that they put forward in a research proposal, but if the whole department wants to work on one bigger project as a unit the proposal has to come to me. It is a company policy that Sarah herself put in.

Something about when a department wants to work as a unit on one job instead of separate people working on multiple different things, it should be down to the CEO to decide if the project is worth the company's time and money. It also means I have to do my own research on the topic, see if there have been other projects out there like this that show the results my team want to investigate and attain. It also means I have to email back and forth with finance and the head of the department as they can only give an estimated cost of the project and I have to see if the finance outcome will be worth the time.

Sometimes we have approved things that have lost us a few million. Science is about trying to find new things everyday, in every single branch of science not just R&D, but sometimes the cost of failing can be huge and we are just making sure that if the project does fail to provide the results the cost won't set the company back or affect our assets and investors too much.

Basically it's just shit I gotta do to cover my back and the companies back from anything and to show we followed every rule and procedure. I understand it enough to get these things done but this was always Sarah's thing. I used to love working in the lab doing my own work, or helping others with theirs, but with Sarah gone a lot more responsibility falls on me and I barely get to look in on each department and work with them.

I sit up, opening my eyes, when I hear the computer beep telling me the file transfer is complete. Leaning for the phone on my desk and quick dialling.

"What can I do for you boss?" Mantis's voice rings through and I swivel on my chair to look at the computer screen.

"Mantis, could you let the engineering and physics department know that I am coming down to discuss their project proposal."

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