How You Met|Simon

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"Casey!" You screamed at the brown haired girl, shooting past you without a glance. Today was football practice for your girls team and, of course, no one was listening to you. Even if you were team captain.

You watched your teammate get demolished by the opposing team, leaving you and the rest of the girls in a mass of groans.

"For gods sake, Casey, learn to pass!" You screeched at her, she was one of those types that become too cocky and take on too much at once, trying to be a one girl team because she thinks she's better than all of us, in fact you don't think you've ever seen her pass the ball in her life.

You were about to take the ball to the centre of the pitch, after Casey pelted it at you in annoyance, but was stopped when you heard a small cough behind you. You turned around only to be met with a chest, the persons height practically towering over your small frame.

"Uh, y-yes?" You asked timidly, his bright blue eyes staring deep into your own.

"We were just wondering what you were doing here?" He asked awkwardly, your eyebrows knit together in confusion, was this boy blind? The game seemed pretty clear to you.

"What? We're playing football" you said, gesturing to the pitch of confused girls behind you.

"Well, we sort of booked the pitch for today" he jerked his head in the direction of a group of guys standing around the gates, most of them on their phone but one with a camera pointed in his face.

"For what time?" You were becoming pretty confused, you have the note in your sports bag that says the pitch is yours for the whole day.

"From 7 until 1" he pulled out a scrap of paper, unfolding it to reveal the pitch pass which clearly stated he could have the pitch all morning. You frowned at him before waltzing past to get to your sports bag.

You pulled out your own pass which had "7 until late" written in the time slot. You were about to bring it back to the guy before you collided with his chest yet again, not realising he was following you. You apologised quietly, handing him the pass as your cheeks started to burn.

You watched his face crumple and annoyance start rising in his eyes. He looked at you angrily making your heart start beating faster. It wasn't your fault the pitch was double booked but it looked like you were going to get the blame for it.

"Fuck" he grumbled, running a hand through his hair and looking back to the group of boys. "Look can we use the pitch for today and we'll pay for you to rent it another day?" There was panic in his voice but there was also panic in your brain. Today was the last day of training you could get, you had a huge game coming up next week and the place was booked until then, there was no other times.

"Not really, this is important to us, there's no other day we can book it before our game" you folded your arms across your chest as all hope drained from his eyes.

"Look we're YouTubers and we really need to get these videos filmed today so we can be ready for uploading by Friday" he did seem desperate but there was no way you could risk losing this game, this is what would decide your future for your team.

"My game is on Friday and there's no way I'm going to give up the pitch" you argued making him groan.

"Let's sort it out with the owner" he mumbled before making his way to the pitch owners office. He was here 24/7 considering he lived next door, he loved football and would sit in his office all day watching the matches out of his window.

The boy knocked on the door before a low, gravely voice rang out from the other side. You both marched in to see the balding man at his desk with a grin on his face.

"Y/N, Simon!" He got up to greet us before asking, "what can I do for you?"

"You double booked us!" The boy, you found his name was Simon, threw his pass on his desk.

The owners face crumpled before his hand flew to his forehead, mumbling incoherently.

"Ah, sorry about that" he smiled apologetically.

"Sorry? What's sorry gonna do? We need the pitch but that fucking team won't move their fat asses!" Simon threw his hands up, shocking both yourself and the owner. The boy seemed so gentle and awkward when he first came up to you, now he's loud and rude.

"There's not much I can do" he sat down again calmly making Simons face go red. You were pretty angry too but not about to burst like he was.

"So what are we supposed to do?!" You asked. You could hear the frustration in your voice but it was nothing compared to Simons.

"Play together?" He suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

You and Simon looked at each other before shaking your heads.

"Well it's that or nothing" you looked back at Simon before he sighed and ran out of the room. That boy seriously needs to work on his issues.

A/N: So this is my first preference on this account, I know how this seems now but there's more to it. I'm doing preference one shots for all the boys but keeping the story going. It's like a fan fic/preference/one shot story. It sounds confusing but it's not haha. Let me know what you think and I'll continue with the rest of the boys later~😋

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