You Can't Tell Anyone (12)

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Harry's POV

I was walking up the stairs, excitement bubbling in me. I don't know why but just the thought of Y/N having a baby makes me so happy. It's the whole process of the pregnancy that's doing it, watching her progress everyday. New symptoms and new experiences.

Before now, I never really knew Y/N that well. In fact I didn't exactly like her. I think it was because her and Josh had kind of pulled back from the group. She was shy so Josh was with her more than us. Then she was introduced and everyone else got on really well with her. I never got a chance to befriend her.

Now that I have, I consider her one of my closest friends. She's sweet, kind, caring, funny and soon, she's gonna have a baby! That's crazy! We talk easily even if it's baby things and I feel like I have to protect her but she really is becoming one of my best friends.

Ethan and Cal were in tow, carrying bags of food and yelling about who can get up the stairs faster. We were talking earlier about what it would be like to have a baby actually living with us. I had never really given it much thought until now.

When Ethan asked I didn't know what was going to happen. Whether we could handle having Y/N and a crying baby around, the drastic hit it would take on our careers and such. But now that I think about having Y/N around more and having the baby around as well, I don't really want to say goodbye to that.

I never thought of myself as a having kids kind of person but, I honestly can't wait for the little guy or girl to be waddling around the flat, babbling about God knows what. I wanted her there, no matter how tough it got.

I opened the door, a small clinking sound as I pushed it open, when I looked down I saw Y/N's keys on the floor. That's weird. As I entered further into the flat, the weird sense never left.

"Y/N?" I called out with no reply. I moved around the living room and into the kitchen, as I placed my keys on the counter, my hand brushed against a piece of paper, when I looked down I saw mine and Cal's name on it. Her handwriting scribbled on the top.

As I read the note I felt my heart beating faster, I felt more and more confused with every word I read.

"What's that?" I heard Cal ask as he followed into the kitchen, placing the bags of food down.

"Y/N! Food!" Ethan called through the apartment.

"She's not here" I half whispered, both Cal and Ethan sharing a glance. Before scrunching their eyebrows at me.

"What?" Cal asked, confused.

"She left, Callum! She's gone! She heard our conversation earlier, she heard us talking about not being sure when it came to having a baby around! She thinks she's in the way, Cal! Fucking hell, Ethan, this is your fault" I screamed as I picked my keys back up and marched to the door.

"How is this my fault?!" Ethan yelled from the kitchen table.

"You asked the bloody question! You made me doubt having her here!" I was red in the face by now and was sure the whole block of flats could hear me, scratch that, the whole of London could hear me.

"But you could've just said 'I like having her here' instead of something that could hurt her feelings!" He had started moving towards me, his anger really showing.

"I didn't know she was listening! I-" I was about to scream again until Cal thankfully interrupted.

"Guys! There is a pregnant woman, out in this storm, probably on the streets! Can we sort this later?" He asked with wide concerned eyes. I was confused until Cal had gestured to the window, pointing at the pounding rain and big black clouds rolling through the sky. Immediately the protective side came out as I was sprinting down the stairs. No clue of where to start looking.

I got out onto the streets and began darting towards the nearest person. Not caring about the rain pouring down on me.

"Excuse me have you seen a young woman, about nineteen, Y/hair/C, Y/eye/C?" I asked frantically, the woman timidly shook her head before walking away, terror on her face. I didn't care I was scaring people, I was scared. I can't let her get hurt and let it be my fault.

By now Ethan and Cal were outside with me. I was running down streets without a clue of where I was headed. I just needed to find her.

•                                  •                                 •

I had been searching for what felt like days but was only a few hours. My feet ached and my body was drenched. By now my hopes had turned to dust. I sat down on a bench overlooking the busy roads of London. My heart absolutely destroyed. Cal and Ethan sat beside me, they were yelling at me to stop and think, to consider what I was doing and how I was going to find her. At the time I really didn't care, any way was a possibility and could've lead to her.

She could be in so much trouble right now and the baby too. And it's all my stupid fault for opening my stupid mouth.

"Don't beat yourself up" Cal said softly, clapping a hand against my back comfortingly. It didn't help though.

"How am I supposed to do that when you know the life of a girl and a baby could be at risk because I said some stupid things I didn't mean?" I spat bitterly making Cal bite his lip. Unsure about what he should say.

Just then there was a load of commotion happening behind us, a few boys shouting over something. I groaned and put my head in my lap, not in the mood for a big crowd over nothing.

As I sat there with my eyes trained into the fabric of my jogging bottoms, I managed to catch a few things they were saying.

"She's cute!" "What's she doing out on the streets?" "Let's go over there"

Those sentences really didn't sound good from what I could catch. Things didn't get much better from there. There was a door creak and a small scream.

"Who are you then?" A boy laughed.

"Leave me alone!" A girl cried. A cry I recognised.


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