You Can't Tell Anyone (20)

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You laid down once more and heard the same calling through the door as last time, you heard the same giggle come from the doctors lips as she granted them access and they all came piling in. Harry taking he seat right next to you and taking your hand in his. You noticed the hurt look on Josh's face but chose to ignore it. Right now, it was your baby's turn in the spotlight, not him.

He told a seat between Tobi and Cal, a rather grumpy pout displayed on his features.

She squeezed the cold jelly on your stomach with a fart sound coming from the bottle, Harry had to stifle his laugh but managed to pass it off as laughing at your shocked expression. You hadn't quite gotten used to the coldness of the jelly. He squeezed your hand as you sent him a sceptical look. Reminding him that he needed to be grown up for you right now.

The doctor moved the wand over your lower stomach and tapped in numbers on the keyboard. She kept on zooming in before she fiddled with a switch on the monitor. Suddenly a loud throbbing noise filled the room as small gasps came from all the boys.

"Is that the heartbeat?!" Callux asked a little startled, you had to admit, it was a rather odd noise, didn't sound like a heartbeat would if you lay your head against someone's chest. It was more wavy.

"Yes, don't worry that's perfectly normal. In fact little baby Y/L/N is perfectly healthy" she beamed at you, noticing the tears brimming your eyes. This was proof there was a human living inside of your womb right now. Not that the bump, mood swings and bad cases of morning sickness weren't proof enough, hearing the heartbeat suddenly made everything seem more real.

You felt Harry's hand tighten around your own as a little excited squeal came from him. As you looked at him you saw the biggest grin you've ever seen on his face. His cheeks were turning red from the force he was putting on them.

Tobi was sat there in awe, watching the black and white waves wobble around on the screen. His mouth was in the shape of an 'o' and his hands were clasped together on top of his head.

Calfreezy was grinning from ear to ear and Callux was still a little concerned for the noise the baby was making. Josh. Well. Josh held no expression. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed but his eyes seemed sad. He said nothing throughout the rest of the session. Not until you were leaving anyway.

"And I think it would be good if you and your boyfriend take a birthing class, your questions will all be answered there" the doctor chirped as she bounced out of her door with everyone else hot on her heels.

"We're not together" Josh said a little too quickly, making a blush rise on Dr. Davidson's cheeks. You apologised as he rushed out, not bothering to wait for the rest of the boys as he began barreling down the hallways. You ran after him but didn't catch up to his speed until you were outside again, in the car park.

"Josh you fuck-nut, come back" he stopped immediately before you saw his shoulders drop and his head lower. He turned around with a beaten up expression and what looked like a few tear streaks lining his face.

"I am so sorry" he cried. Breaking down after what seemed like a lot of strangled silence in the doctors office.

"Hey, come on, what's wrong?" You asked, your sensitive side coming out. Josh wasn't your favourite person on earth right now but you guessed the mothering instincts were beginning to kick in as you walked over to him and placed your palms on his cheeks. Like you used to when you were together and he got upset over stress or work. It always used to calm him down and you could feel his muscles relax as your skin brushed against his.

Pushing that aside you slowly tilted your head to look hi in the eyes as he was refusing to look up at you.

"What's up?" You whispered with a calming smile.

"I can't believe I did this to you. I can't believe I did this to my kid. I'm so sorry I left you on your own." He whispered back, afraid that if he spoke too loudly his voice would crack and he would begin sobbing.

"Hey, you're here now, right? You said you'd be involved as much as possible right? Well, you're being involved right now" you chuckled as he let out a small crooked smile.

"How can I make it up to you?" He asked weakly. You felt slightly guilty, like you had caused this.

"Well you can start by taking me to a birthing class" you giggled as Josh let out a rather choked laugh. You smiled as he smiled back. The rest of the boys slowly catching up were a little confused as to what was going on but didn't ask too many questions, instead explained the story of how they managed to get briefly lost and wondered into the labour ward.

"It was so scary, everyone was screaming, the kids, the pregnant woman, the dads" Harry said blankly, the shock of having all those sweaty pregnant ladies being thrust into his face suddenly wasn't an experience he seemed pleased about. It made you wonder how he would be when you went into labour.

Josh had invited you all back to the sidemen house to chill out and watch films tonight, he wanted to celebrate baby sideman but wanted to do it quietly so you hopped in Harry's car and went in convoy to his house.

"What do you want to watch then? Comedy? Romance? Thriller? Horror?" Josh asked after everyone had gotten settled down, you had gotten rather uncomfortable in your skinny jeans and fortunately Josh hadn't thrown any of your stuff away yet so you managed to find some pyjama bottoms that were actually yours. It felt like you were home again.

"Horror!" You squealed. You loved horror films, they were your absolute favourites. He popped the DVD in and sat down right next to you. You felt a little uncomfortable but let it slide. You had to start getting used to him again if he was going to be back in your life.

"Shit, I didn't get any copies of the sonogram" you whined. You felt so upset so suddenly, you almost started crying but you put it down to hormones, then again, the sonograms were a big part of the baby's growing stages, it didn't exactly make you happy that you forgot.

"Oh, right, this is for you" Cal smiled as he slipped a strip of glossy paper from his back pocket and handed it to you.

"I figured you'd want it so I got it for you after you ran after him" Cal said as if it was nothing when in reality t made your heart melt. He stayed behind to get your sonogram pictures because you forgot.

"Cal thank you" you said a little teary eyed. You crawled over to give him a hug as he sat on the floor and you were on a couch, it was an awkward hug in the ways of positions but you were happy nonetheless.

You were sat there happily ignoring the film as the boys were scared out of their minds. You were too busy looking at the shape of your baby as it started to form. It was beautiful. You were so happy. But that all faded when the doorbell rang and the familiar voice of JJ called through the house;

"Josh! Melissa's here!"


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