You Can't Tell Anyone (34)

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You sat up from Simons bed and leant back on your palms, cocking your head to the side and putting your best innocent face on.

"Simon? How long after a guy breaks up with his girlfriend is it appropriate for someone to ask him out?" You tried to act as if you weren't talking about the exact thing he knew you were talking about. He swivelled around slowly before showing a slightly disgruntled expression.

"Please don't tell me this whole thing happened because you were jealous that Josh had someone new and you didn't" he sighed, falling back against the chair.

"No no! Of course not! I did it because Josh didn't deserve to have that kind of bitch in his life. I did that purely for him. This is a whole other matter" you trailed off at the end, leaning forwards and bringing your thumbs together to twiddle them in your lap.

"Y/N, break ups take time, you of all people know that. And everyone is different, the last break up Josh had was with you and to get over you, he hooked up with the first girl that bothered talking to him. Just so happens that girl was Melissa. You, you moped around in bed for a couple of days then you went outside and got over it" Simon tried reasoning, his point on Josh was spot on but your the rows furrowed when it came to yours.

"I had to get out of bed, I had doctors appointments, morning sickness, all other kinds of pregnancy things I really didn't wanna do. I never got over Josh, I didn't move on. But I guess you're right about one thing then, break ups do take time" you huffed before heaving yourself up and off of the bed.

Your first thought was to go to Josh's room to see if he was awake yet. You'd been in Simons room for hours just contemplating the situation and that was long enough for Josh to have his drunk nap.

On your way though, you got distracted by a vibration in your back pocket. As you pulled it out your heart warmed as the familiar face popped up on your screen, you quickly swiped to answer before pressing it to your ear excitedly.

"Hello?" You called out, happiness overflowing your body.

"How's my two favourite people?!" The excited scream of Harry filling your speakers to the max.

"We're fine actually. Well. Loads has happened but I'll explain all when its just me and you." There was a pause from the other end before a small confused 'what' echoed through the phone making you giggle.

"Are we being burgled or something? Who are you with?" You let out a loud laugh as you shut the door to your room, realising that standing on the landing wasn't the best place for a phone conversation.

"Noo! Something happened with the baby and fortunately Josh was there to help and-" you were cut off by a scream of worry from the other end,

"What happened? Are they okay? Are you okay?" The questions flooded your ear drums so much you actually had to yell down the phone to get him to shut up so you could explain.

"We're fine! It was just discomfort but we went into hospital and got it checked, it's fine. But, it was really scary" you said quietly earning a small 'aww' from Harry.

"So much so that Josh didn't really think it best for me to be on my own" you trailed off innocently, awaiting his reply which you knew might've been angry.

"Are you living with Josh?" He asked surprisingly calmly but you couldn't help detecting the hint of annoyance in his tone.

"In the spare room right now actually" you chuckled trying to make him laugh.

"Well I'm glad he's helping instead of just causing you more pain. Just stay away from Melissa I know how much she hurts you" he said warningly. You couldn't explain the Melissa situation on the phone, this was an in person kind of thing. Instead you chose to change the subject.

"Yeah well, anyway how's life in the pits of death?" You asked referring to his opportunity to appear on a new YouTube series called "The Survival Trials" you didn't know when it would be out but you were more than excited to watch your Harry get suspended over a 50ft drop by only a small wire. You knew how terrified he was and it made you laugh. A lot.

"Well, our team kind of sucked and we're all kind of out" he laughed as you burst into fits of giggles.

"Aww Harry, I knew you'd be shit in a jungle!" You said through laughter, clutching your stomach as you doubled over.

"Anyways, we're on the flight now and should be back in London flat by tomorrow, I was just warning you incase you got a bit scared when we tried to enter the flat but if you'd rather stay with Josh then y'know" it went silent as you thought, it would help to be closer to Josh especially if you thought you had a remote chance of getting back together. But it was Harry, you were practically meant to go to him. Living with him made you realise he was your best friend soulmate. Living with him was so easy because you simply clicked.

"I-" you hesitated, only Harry's breathing coming through the phone as he waited patiently for your answer.

"I wanna come home" you said confidently as you realised the reality of the situation. If Josh really wanted you, he would find you. If not, you might as well have a laugh with some friends.

You heard the excitement in his voice as he said goodbye and hung up. You clasped your hands together in a sudden burst of excitement and squeezed them letting out a squeal.

In all your happiness you decided to go and tell Josh, and to check if he was awake and hungover yet. As you thundered down stairs and reached his door, you heard movement, slowly prying the door open and sticking your head through, a massive smile played on your lips.

"Morning sleeping beauty"

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