You Can't Tell Anyone (37)

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You clutched your stomach as your yes went wide, the question Harry had asked still ringing in your head. Was this it? No it can't be, it's too early. Your gaze slipped down to the puddle on the floor, it certainly didn't look like pee, there was a hell of a lot of it and it looked really gross.

You looked up at Harry who had gone as white as a ghost, his mouth forming the shape of an 'o'. You shrugged your shoulders slightly, before you could utter out a simple 'I don't know' the sound of footsteps thundered towards the door.

"Okay you're settled in now, I'm gonna go" Josh muttered as he pushed past Harry, he didn't even look at you, just headed straight for the lifts again, that was until his foot made contact with the puddle surrounding you, splashing the liquid all up his leg. He looked down without emotion and froze, staring at the small pool of cloudy stuff.

"Y/N-" he began but soon trailed up as his eyes made contact with yours, a strong look of fear burning in your eyes as your bottom lip trembled. Josh's eyes showed a fleeting look of terror before calmly taking your hand and leading you into the flat.

"Lie down, we'll time them, if they get to four minutes apart then we'll go in, Harry, you phone doctor Davidson and we will try and relax okay? Harry? Harry?!" Josh was so calm about everything and poor Harry was still stood in the doorway looking rather horrified. He finally snapped his head into focus before running into his room, supposedly to grab his phone.

"How are you being so relaxed? I'm freaking out over here" you said with a small impressed laugh, Josh simply shrugged before sitting down with you, bringing your feet up and onto his lap before taking your shoes off.

"I'm he father, one of us has to stay calm and by the looks of things, it isn't going to be Harry" he laughed as he began rubbing small circles into your feet. You furrowed your eyebrows at his actions before tipping your head back in pleasure, you had no idea that during pregnancy your feet would swell to the size of two small hippos at the end of your legs but unfortunately, that happens to everyone. Josh's cold hands on your aching feet felt like heaven.

Your relaxing yet slightly panicked foot rub was, however, interrupted as Harry came prancing back in and threw his phone at Josh, hitting him in the chest with it.

"I panicked" Harry whispered as Josh glared at him, Josh shook his head before picking up the phone to find it still ringing.

"Oh hi it's Josh Zerka, I'm calling on behalf of Y/F/N." He started as you heard the incoherent mumbling of your doctor at the end of the phone.

"Well her baby wants to come out now" he said nonchalantly into the phone as you stifled a laugh, you shuffled a bit as you felt very uncomfortable, your maternity trousers were absolutely soaked and your back ached along with your lower abdomen.

Josh chattered away before ending the call and facing Harry, giving him instructions to mop up the mess you made in the hallway, as Harry left the room, Josh then leaned up and hooked his fingers delicately around the waistband of your sweatpants, slowly pulling them down, you felt embarrassed and awkward, like this felt wrong but Josh didn't bat an eyelid, even when he removed your panties as well.

"Well this feels weird" you mumbled as Josh folded your soggy clothes.

"I didn't really want Harry doing it, plus I've seen it all before so I would've guessed you'd prefer I do it" you nodded appreciatively before you were suddenly sent into another wave of pain. You scrunched your eyes shut as you yelled out in pain, clutching onto a couch cushion that sat under your bum.

"What's happening?!" Harry screamed, you heard him throw his mop down frantically before he thundered into the room, Josh was quick in throwing a blanket over your half naked body so you weren't embarrassed as Harry collapsed to the floor to squeeze your hand tight.

"Breathe. Breathe. Breathe!" Harry chanted in a panicked tone, only adding to your own panic, you silently retracted your hand from his grip and placed it on his face, pushing him backwards. He fell with a Yelp and a thud as Josh laughed, taking over in the birthing partner role.

"Breathe for me princess" he hummed calmly, very slowly you unclenched every part of your body, breathing normally again.

"I'll just- puddle" Harry coughed awkwardly before getting up and returning to his cleaning duties.

"You haven't called me princess in a really long time" you whispered with your eyes still firmly closed. Partly as you relaxed back into an uncomfortable  state, partly because you couldn't bare looking into his Jewel-like eyes.

"I know it used to call you... I'll go find you something to wear on your bottom half" he mumbled quietly, getting up to start rummaging through your suitcase. Your eyes look slowly fluttered open to see him delicately digging through your belongings. A small pang in your heart as you remembered how he would call you princess and whisper sweet things in your ear whenever you were upset.

After a few minutes of Josh trying to get your pyjama bottoms on, another contraction sent a shooting pain all along your stomach. Harry had finished mopping the floor but was still just as startled and jumpy as before.

Almost an hour went by with almost continuous contractions before Josh finally gave in and decided it was time to go into hospital, Harry had the job of grabbing your birthing bag whilst Josh aided you in getting to the car, you were exhausted already, hours upon hours of labour was the one thing you didn't want to do right now.

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