You Can't Tell Anyone (10)

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"What do you mean? The conversation we had on the balcony? Don't you remember? How fucking pissed were you?" You let out a small burst of nervous laughter as Ethan's expression got more and more confused.

"I don't know what to tell you Y/N" he sighed, moving around you to sit on the sofa. You breathed a sigh of relief as the conversation seemed to be long forgotten. It so you thought.

"Wait a minute" Ethan mumbled, you turned around to face him, shock evident on your face. He rubbed his temples in circular motions before clicking his fingers.

"I was going to get us drinks but you refused" he squinted, trying his best to remember the night before. Your heart began pounding and your knees became weak.

"And you said you didn't want any?" He asked. You nodded slowly before he got back to thinking. After a few minutes of him staring into space with no outcome you had began celebrating the fact that me might've actually forgotten everything from that point onwards.

"You said no because you were driving?" He questioned in a high pitched voice. You thought back to his enquiry last night about why you weren't drinking. He knew automatically that you weren't the designated driver as you were still a learner. His eyes went wide before he jumped up,

"Did you pass your driving test?!" He asked excitedly. You didn't know how to respond just stood there awkwardly, mouth opening and closing from a loss for words. He instead jogged back to you and you a hug.

"Congratulations why didn't you tell me?" He asked, you struggled yet again to form any kind of words, a strangled mumble coming from your throat before a husky voice sounded from the direction of Harry's room.

"She didn't know how. She wanted to keep it a secret" a yawn came from Simons lips as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. Walking into the room with a smile. Oh no.

"Why not? This is big news, I'm so proud of you" Ethan beamed. You had been trying to pass your driving test for a while and each and every sidemen was routing so hard for you.

"Because she's embarrassed and doesn't want Josh knowing" he said as if it were obvious, which to Ethan, clearly wasn't.

"Oh come on, Y/N, Josh would be so happy. Even if you aren't on speaking terms right now he's be so happy to know you got a good result on the test" you laughed to yourself quietly as the conversation was about two completely different things, adding to Simons sleepy confusion even more.

"You know Josh mate, he's not exactly going to be thrilled about this. Knowing him he would throw her out again because of it" Ethan's eyes narrowed. Confused even more after this.

"Why would Josh throw her out over something like this?" He asked slowly.

"Because having a baby is a big responsibility? Because Josh would only get angry?" Simon began raising his voice as Ethan stood there shocked. Completely dumbfounded on what to say.

"Hey Y/N did you know there was a pile of vomit downstairs?" The jingle of keys and the laugh-filled outburst as he opened the door could only mean one thing; Harry's home!

He walked in with a grin on his face but it immediately faded as he stopped in his tracks to stare at the scene in front of him. Ethan was white as a ghost, Simon had no shirt on and you were still in your cocktail dress with make up smudged across your face. All of you caught up in a weird conversation.

"What's-" Harry's voice faded away as he stared between the three of you. Pointing at you all individually with a questioning look.

"You're pregnant?" A small squeak came from behind you as you saw Ethan stood there with the biggest eyes you've ever seen. He was shocked to say the least.

"You told him?!" Harry exclaimed. Walking in and dropping everything he was holding on the kitchen counter. E came to stand by youth side as Ethan kept on mumbling the word 'pregnant'.

"Technically Simon did" you said quickly, passing the blame to him.

"What?! You told him last night at the party!" Simon shot back as fast as he could.

"He was drunk, he didn't even remember it this morning, he was talking about my driving test!" You yelled even louder, Harry and Ethan both as confused as ever.

"You haven't even done a driving test!" Simon pointed out.

"He didn't have to know that!"

"Guys?!" Harry interjected, both of you panting from the heated argument and both of you as angry as ever.

"Can someone please explain to Ethan what the actual fuck is going on?!" He asked. You were about to say something until a wash of nausea suddenly poured over you. You clapped a hand to your mouth and ran away. Doing exactly what you hated doing. Morning sickness really was a bitch.

When you were done, you brushed your teeth, washed off your makeup and changed into a black tank top and Marvel pyjama bottoms. You quietly tiptoed back to the living room where low murmurs were being shared. You quietly crept to a place where you could hear them but they couldn't see you. Eavesdropping to the best of your abilities.

"So she's going to keep it?" You heard Ethan ask.

"Yeah. She's going to go the whole 9 months and then the rest of the 18 years" Simon breathed out.

"Shit. What about you guys?" Ethan mumbled. Almost inaudible for you.

"We're going to support her for as long as she needs, she needs help, she knows that" you were playing with the hem of your T-shirt, trying to my feel guilty about being a burden to them.

"But you can't exactly have a baby living around here? Do you want a baby in your house screaming into the early hours of the morning?" Ethan questioned simply adding to your guilt.

"It's not about what we want it's about what she needs" Harry replied sternly.

"But what if she decided to stay with you forever with a kid?" He asked. His tone sounded almost disgusted. Making you feel even worse. There was a sigh and a creak of a sofa as he sat back.

"I really don't know" that's when it hit you. They didn't really want you here. You were a hassle and you weren't helping with the pregnancy in that area. It's not fair to them. You have to leave.

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