You Can't Tell Anyone (29)

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"I heard you scream" they repeated, walking into the kitchen further.

"Why did you scream out for Josh?" By now they were stood in front of you, their height only just above you. You didn't know what to say, you can't mention the dream because it would piss them off, you had no fear of them but right now, you were clutching your baby bump as tight as you've ever done before.

"Listen Melissa, I had a nightmare that Josh fell off a cliff, I called out for him because... Well.. I don't really want him to fall off a cliff do I?" Your lie would've fooled you and even Josh, more than once you've had to cover a sensual dream up with a nightmare when you woke up drenched in sweat and moaning.

"Why don't I believe you?" She mocked, folding her arms in a huff.

"Because you're delusional enough to think that I still have feelings for Josh?" You countered. You were still indecisive about whether or not that statement was a lie or not. You thought you were over him, this dream had really messed with you though.

"Oh please. I can see right through this little act and so can everyone else. You think you're so sly with him but I know the truth. That baby isn't Josh's and I'm gonna prove it" she said menacingly but you just snorted with laughter. Josh already knew it was his baby, her efforts would be wasted.

"Y-you think Josh is gonna believe that?!" You said between giggle fits. Having to hold onto the counter to steady yourself.

"Of course. Whose he going to believe? His gorgeous girlfriend that's able to give him all the blow jobs he wants... Or a fat ugly pregnant girl that clutched onto the first person she saw to make sure her baby had a daddy?" You stood there in stunned silence. Heavily confused and shocked.

"What do you want out of this" you whispered. Suddenly your fear for the baby had been passed onto a fear for Josh.

"Everything I know you've been after since you met Josh. Money" she grinned evilly as you took a step back.

"You fucking wouldn't" you said darkly as she hit laughed mockingly.

"Oh honey it's simple. I make Josh fall in love with me, done that, I make him believe I'm everything he's been lacking in you, done with ease, getting rid of you shouldn't be so hard considering you're so close with Harry give basically given me an easy alibi. All that's left to do is be there when he realises the mistakes he's made for you and marry me. I then divorce him and take half of his money with me." Every word that fell out of her mouth made you feel sicker and sicker.

"Exactly how much money do you think Josh makes?" You asked, intrigued as the last time you checked, Josh was a simply youtuber that got sponsored occasionally, not a multimillionaire that created Google.

"Enough to keep be satisfied but still not enough that I'll do it again to someone else. I've been sexting with Joe Sugg since I me Josh at that party" she chuckled smugly, like she had been really clever about this, not caring about who she can hurt in the process.

"You're sick" you muttered, shaking your head in disbelief.

"And you're doomed" she winked before leaving, swinging her hips as she did so.

You didn't know what to do or say, everything was happening too fast, she was going to tell Josh all these lies and hurt him in the process but you couldn't say anything to him because he probably wouldn't believe you.

Before you could stop yourself, you ran with your pregnant belly, which wasn't exactly running, more waddling really quickly, and yanked Melissa's arm backwards before she could get into Josh's room.

You meant to just pull her away for a minute to talk to her but, being the drama queen she is, she screamed and fell to she floor, the dainty pull seeming like a forceful tug.

You stood staring at her as she rolled around the floor, grasping her arm and screaming that she was "in pain". Before you knew it, Josh had appeared from his room with nothing but boxers hanging low on his hips. He glanced to you with a confused look but the second his eyes went to the floor, he was down within seconds.

"Melissa baby what's wrong?!" He asked, cradling her in his arms as she sobbed into his bare chest.

"Sh-she a-a-attacked meeee" she cried out. Her loud screams of "pain" pulled both Vikk and Simon out of their rooms. Poor Simon this is the second time he's been pulled it of bed by a screaming woman.

"What?! Like fuck I attacked you, I barely touched you!" You yelled, Josh sent you a death glare as you stood there red in the face from anger at this disgraceful excuse for a human being.

"Don't listen to her Joshy! She tried to throw me down the stairs!" She wailed, she was making crying noises but absolutely no tears were on her red face.

"Josh she's lying! You know I'd never do that!" You tried arguing but her cries cancelled you out. Josh stood both himself and Melissa up and carried her bridal style to his room, you tried running after them but felt a small grip on your hand stopping you.

"Josh no!" You screamed as the door slammed shut. Vikk's grip on your hand pulled you into a hug from the two boys, holding you while you cried.

"Did you really attack her?" Vikk asked quietly, a hint of fear in his voice which hurt. It was like he was afraid you'd attack him too.

"No! I would never attack anyone!" Vikk nodded knowingly,

"I know, I also know she lies to Josh more than she tells the truth to him. In just making sure" you nuzzled your face into Simons neck as Vikk rubbed your back, taking you back to your room to settle you down.

Josh needed to know. But he won't listen to you or believe anything you say. You just need to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

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