You Can't Tell Anyone (16)

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You arrived at Tobi's a little later than what you'd expected as the traffic was horrific. You were thankful that Tobi was soon going to be moving into a flat I Harry's building, it would bring everyone together.

Because of the late arrival and pregnant hormonal wreck you were in, you had become very tired and cranky, even rolling your eyes a scoffing at the lift when it took too long to close the doors. All you wanted was a sit down and a nap. But, you were in Tobi's flat, that was never going to happen.

When you walked in, you already saw a few people there including Ethan, Vik, Tobi, Manny and JJ. The place began to get really crowded when yourself, Calfreezy, Callux, Harry and Simon walked in. As it turned out, Tobi was going to do a mass of videos while everyone was here and the chances of a nap were nil.

"Y/N!" You heard a chorus of voices yell as you entered the room. Everyone getting up to give you a hug.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" Tobi squeezed you before releasing, making you giggle and shrug.

"I know it's been forever!" Vikk smiled, giving you a light and slightly awkward hug. Vikk never really was an affectionate person. D was okay with hugs but he liked personal space.

You received a few more hugs and a fist bump from JJ. Everything was going great until one name was mentioned.

"Ah fuck, I left my mic in Josh's room" Ethan said, not realising what he had just said as he rummaged through his recording equipment, sat literally right next to you. The room went a little bit quiet and a few glances shot to you.

"No worries, you can borrow mine" Tobi replied awkwardly, trying to salvage the conversation and take away the tension.

"Isn't he coming over later? You can text him to bring it" Manny commented from the floor, sat crossed legged with an XBOX controller placed firmly in his hand as he began kicking Cal's butt in FIFA. Obviously unaware of the situation.

"No he said he was busy" Tobi shot me a glance and I shook my head and smiled. Mouthing 'it's fine' to him as he mouthed an apology.

"Busy? Doing what?" He asked but just before he could reply, there was a knock at the door. Your heart leapt into your throat as you began panicking over who it was.

"Tobi!" The familiar voice at the door made your body unclench as he rowdy boy came bouncing into the room.

"Y/N?! Didn't know you were gonna be here!" He called as he made his way over to you. You stood up to give him a batter hug as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I could say the same to you Weller!" You laughed as his hugs lingered for a moment.

"Yeah it's been ages, you've even put on weight since I last saw you!" You knew Joe didn't mean anything by it, he was just that sort of buy that would point something out, such as weight, and do it so innocently, he would mean anything by it. But you your knowledge, you hadn't put on any weight.

You hadn't eaten anything heavily fatty/sugary. You should be fine. Unless?

You shot Harry a look as all the boys scolded him as you 'shouldn't say things like that to a lady' he tried apologising but you were already yanking Harry by the wrist into the entrance hall with a panicked look.

"What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing his wrist as your grip may have been a little strong, you were nervous, you couldn't help it.

"Feel my stomach" you demanded in hush tones. He raised his eyebrows giving you an 'are you serious' look. He was about to shake his head before you gripped his wrists again and pressed his palms to your lower stomach.

He felt around cluelessly, feeling more awkward with every piece of you he touched.

"Try here" you said softly as you loved his hand over the part Joe must've felt. His eyes started widening as realisation hit.

"The baby bump!" He whispered excitedly. You nodded your head enthusiastically and Harry began moving his hands more freely, not worrying about the awkwardness of he contact.

"This is so weird" he commented under his breath, as you paid it more attention, you could clearly see the slight rise in your abdomen. The size bringing a smile to your face.

"Hey guys a- what are you doing?" JJ's confused face appearing at the door that had been flung open so everyone could see had left both of you feeling a little startled. Harry's hands pressed against your tummy as you were holding your boobs out of the way so you could see. It was a bit odd.

"This is uhm-" Harry was struggling for an excuse, removing his hands swiftly and running them through his hair as he raked his brain for an explanation that made sense. None came to mind though.

"Oh is the bump growing?" Callux asked from the sofa making everyone turn to him. Your eyes going as wide as possible as everyone that knew about it made small gasps or whispers of 'shit' under their breath.

"Bump?" Vikk asked. You stared at him blankly, nothing Harry mouthing death threats at Callux out of the corner f your eye. He simply shrugged.

"Are you-" JJ started but he never got to finish.

"Pregnant?" A whisper-like voice cracked out behind you. You turned to face the owner of the voice that made your heart stop but when you did; your entire body felt like it had been hit by a train.

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