Game On|Tobi

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To be honest, if you had the choice, you would've chosen Tobi's friend over Tobi. It was nothing personal, just the dirty blond had caught your eye first. The cockiness that occurred later was somewhat a turn off as well.

He took you down to a coffee shop where he attempted flirting as you bought him a drink. You were sat at a table in the corner, his request, he didn't want to be seen by any fans at this moment.

"So, what about you? You play any football?" He asked after talking about football for the last 5 minutes; you showing no interest at all.

"Yeah, a little. Not professionally or on a team like you had. Just a kick about" you mumbled, tearing the heat strap on your cup for any form of entertainment. There was silence before Tobi sighed.

"You're not enjoying yourself are you?" He scratched the back of his neck, his beanie shifting on his head.

"No no, I am" you lied.

"No you're not. And to be honest I see why" he threw a sugar packet down on the table as you looked at him with narrowed eyes.


"I'm nothing like what I'm being, this was my friend JJ's fault, he told me to be more confident with girls like he was and when I saw you, you were so pretty and I didn't want to push you away with my shyness. I though JJ's tactic might work so..." He moved his hands between the both of you. You felt warmer to him now he was being honest. A weird feeling of guilt washed over you.

"Oh I'm sorry" you blushed. Although Tobi wasn't your first choice, his honesty was winning some points with you.

"Can we start over?" He asked edgily. It was as if he thought you were going to throw your coffee at him and run out.

"Of course" you smiled before sitting up and clearing your throat. "Oh hello, my name is Y/N, nice to meet you...?" You held out a hand as he cottoned on to what you were doing, sitting up as well.

"Why hello, Y/N, I'm Tobi" he shook yours and you both giggled as the handshake went sloppy. "You're cute" he smiled before sipping his coffee as your cheeks went hotter than the coffees themselves.

"Thanks, not so bad yourself" you smirked brining the cup to your lips. He simply laughed before setting his empty cup down.

"Wanna get out of here?" He asked as you sucked on the very last drop of coffee in your cup. You nodded before grabbing your bag and swinging it over your shoulder and collecting Milly on the way out.

You walked down the street talking about anything and everything. You already knew he was a YouTuber as you'd seen his face a couple of times on your recommended section. You watched Vikk and The Pack a lot and you guessed his videos were similar.

After a while of walking there was a sudden warmth sliding across your palm. As you looked down you noticed his hand slipped casually between your fingers, laced with his own. You looked up as he avoided eye contact but a small grin made its way onto his features as you giggled at his smoothness.

You had no idea where you were or where you were going but you ended up by a small river/canal. Milly, being Milly, decided now would be a good time for a lie down. You groaned as you tugged at the lead, feeling embarrassed for making Tobi wait.

"It's fine, look there's a bench, we can sit and watch the boats go by" he smiled and took your hand, doing everything he could to make sure you were happy and calm.

It was getting kind of dark and the lights across the canal had come on, the whole scene becoming extremely romantic. It was beautiful. You talked more with Tobi, the conversation never stopped flowing, that was until you looked over at him. His eyes glinting in the street lights and his smile as wide as yours. He was gorgeous.

You smiled back shyly as the silent conversation you were having with your eyes stopped when you looked away to avoid him seeing you blush. He just laughed and tapped your chin with his index finger, bringing it to look at you.

"Y/N?" He half whispered.

"Yes?" You whispered back, the mood being set with his tone, was he about to kiss you? Were you prepared? You looked into his eyes before he spoke;

"Do you think I could jump that?" He asked looking over to a fairly tall bollard by the canal, the mood changing instantly.

"Hell yeah, even I can vault that" you said folding your arms. The once questionable kiss long forgotten.

"Oh really? I'd like to see you try" he smirked, nudging you in the arm with his own.

You got up and sprinted towards the pole, hopping over it no problem. You raised your hand in a 'bitch what?' Way as he laughed, readjusting the bean it atop his head before taking his run up. He ran towards you, placed his hands on top of he bollard and hopped over, catching his jeans on the top and flipping himself forwards. He fell to the floor with a groan but, you being you, you just laughed as hard as you have ever laughed before.

"A-are you okay?" You breathed out between laughing fits.

"Yep" he groaned, writhing around on the floor holding his arm. You stumbled over to him, your laughter impairing your balance so you fell over next to him.

"You sure?" You asked, calming down to small chuckles. He rolled his sleeve up to reveal a large graze. "Aww poor baby" you said with a pout. You took his forearm in your hands before ghosting your lips over the wound, slowly pressing a soft sweet kiss over it. You could feel his goosebumps rising on his arm where your fingers held onto his skin.

You pulled back to look at him. His face as red as it could be and his grin as wide as his face. You slowly leaned up towards him as he did the same. Your noses grazing each other's as your lips touched. Slowly pressing against each other for a deeper kiss.

The night was magical. It it would've been if you weren't interrupted by a splashing sound as your dog jumped in the canal. You and Tobi looked over at her splashing happily in the water as you just shrugged, slamming your lips back onto his as the streetlights lit up this moment. Suddenly Tobi's friend wasn't as appealing anymore.

A/N: I am so sorry for not uploading for a long long time, some bad things have been happening in my life lately and I've just been feeling generally sad lately and I'm not sure why. Here's Tobi's Game On part. Again super sorry for no updates but college and home life have been difficult lately. Love you all so much 😋

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