How Could You

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A/N: long time no see but I haven't felt that creative spark, that was until I found a message from a wonderful FaithStansfield with a storyline I've simply fallen in love with. Super excited to write this, thank you so much for the request 💖

Simons P.O.V

"Shouldn't it be your dad that I diss? I mean the channel is pretty much his" I tapped my hands on the steering wheel and bobbed my head as my song came onto my shuffle, feeling pretty stoked after seeing all my friends.

I pulled into the driveway of the sidemen house and noticed most of the lights were out, the rest of them must still be at the party, I decided to leave early so I could get on with editing my video but it was still kind of early into the night so I wasn't really expecting anyone to be home yet anyway.

I parked up and grabbed my McDonald's from the passenger seat before I walked into the house and noticed some high heels strewn across the floor along with a pair of JJ's shoes, immediately realising JJ and his girlfriend Y/N had taken advantage of the empty house and also came home early from the party.

I chucked my keys on the side table, kicked the shoes aside, and made my way upstairs, noticing the sounds coming from JJ's bedroom, I tried to shut my ears off but JJ was never one to be quiet when it came to Y/N, no one blamed him though, she was a beautiful girl and any man would be showing her off and trying to make their friends jealous.

She did sound a bit weird though, her voice seemed deeper than normal and almost like she had caught a cold. I shrugged it off, trying not to listen to their moans any more than I already have to.

I get into my room and set down my food, quickly realising they forgot my ketchup, I grumbled a little before heading downstairs to grab some. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I noticed the front door opening, I was curious about who had bailed from the party early like us but probably the last person I expected came through the door.

"Y/N?" I said, complete shock and panic running through my body. The realisation of the situation becoming all too obvious.

"Oh, hi Simon, I see you bailed from the party too then?" She giggles half heartedly, I noticed the mascara smudges under her eyes and the redness around her nose.

"Yeah, had some editing to do, are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Uh, yeah I'm okay. JJ and I got into a bit of a fight at the party, something to do with rumours" she shrugged nervously, staring at the ground and sniffling gently "he stormed off and left me by the bar, I searched for him but couldn't find him so I figured I should look here" I was at a loss for words and could feel my heart breaking a little, if she knew what was going on up there she would be devastated.

"Yeah I think he's here, I think he's in the kitchen though so maybe check in there?" I suggested, trying to buy time so I could figure out what the fuck to do. She pottered off towards the kitchen and I immediately sprinted up the stairs towards JJ's room. I stood by the door and prayed not to see anything too gross before bursting in.

"What the fuck bro?!" JJ yelled as soon as the door opened, scrambling to cover himself and the girl he was on top of.

"Who is this?!" I whisper yelled as I shut the door, complete disgust on my face as I looked at the girl who was trying to look away.

"She's no one" JJ mumbles angrily, the girl giving him an offended glance.

"And Y/N knows about this?!" I asked as I heard her walking around downstairs still.

"Not exactly and I would appreciate it if you didn't say anything to her" JJ said with his nostrils flared and a look of threat upon his features.

"Well I don't think I'm going to have to because she's downstairs, you're such a dick for this, how could you do this, JJ?!" I muttered as I heard her walking up the stairs, panic fleeted across his face as he tried to get up and hide the naked girl. I made my exit and saw Y/N walking towards me.

"Oh is he in there?" She asked innocently, scrunching her eyebrows at the sounds she was hearing.

"Uh.." I paused for a moment as I looked between JJ's door and Y/N's tear stained face. "Listen Y/N, if you need me, I'm only up the hallway, don't be afraid to come in" I saw the worry rising in her eyes as I gave her a quick hug and made my way to my room.

I heard JJ's door open and the anger in Y/N's voice as I closed my door and sat at my desk. I stared at the wall letting my food go cold while I tried to comprehend everything that just happened. Praying for Y/N to be okay.

I listened to them arguing for ages and began pacing my room. I heard the girl leave and everything went quiet, I couldn't stop thinking about everything that was going on. 20 minutes ago I was walking through the door with a buzz in my step and a warm dinner in my arms, now it's like the whole house has been turned on it's head.

JJ and Y/N had been together for what felt like forever but really only been together for 2 years. It's like they've always been together and I remember how happy JJ was when he introduced her to us all. I remember wondering how someone as beautiful as her got with someone like JJ. She's such a kind, quiet and sweet girl and JJ is loud, unpredictable and sometimes a real asshole.

The thought of JJ doing this to her made me angry, she didn't deserve this, no one does and despite who JJ makes himself out to be in the public eye, it's actually pretty shocking that he would do this in the first place.

I picked at my fries for what felt like hours until I heard my door creak open, immediately turning around and getting up to hug and comfort them as they burst into tears.

"Shh shh, hey, I got you okay? Everything's gonna be okay"

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