You Can't Tell Anyone (14)

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You woke up the next morning with the sunlight streaming into your face, surroundings you were certain you hadn't fallen asleep next to were looking down on you. The blanket twisted around your body tightly. You sat up and rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand, yawning as the familiar grumble in your stomach told you that being pregnant was still not as fun as advertised.

After a round of morning sickness, which you had gotten fairly used to by now, you made your way into the kitchen to see Cal already up and dressed, spreading butter on his toast. The scare a few mornings ago where he was simply in his underwear had taken his attire to a new level, unnecessary layers. Why did he need his coat on?

"Going somewhere?" You asked playfully as you gently squeezed his side, making him jump on purpose. A small action you used often on him. Also one he had grown to hate. He glared at you before whispering.

"May I remind you that sleeping beauty is behind you and also remind you that he's not a morning person?" Cal scolded as you stole one of his slices of toast. He tsked you before placing the remaining slice in his mouth and moving towards the door.

"You still haven't answered my question" you said a little quieter now you realised Harry was still sleeping on the couch, making Cal have to strain his ears to hear you.

"I'm going to pick up Callux, his flight came in early and he's stuck in the airport waiting for us. Harry's still asleep though, so I have to go" his voice was irritated and muffled as he spoke with his mouth full. Something you had been scolding him for-for months now.

"Oh" was all you said, your face dropping and fiddling with a piece of paper on the countertop. You made an innocent face as Cal stopped in his tracks to look at you suspiciously.

"What do you want?" He asked, squinting his eyes to try and see your motive through the innocent smile you were holding.

"Can I come?" You half smiled, trying to convince him to let you go with him. You were fairly close to Callux and he had been away for what felt like ages. Also you didn't really want to be in the house for much longer, being locked in all day felt suffocating,

Cal thought for a moment before nodding his head, opening the door for you and following you out. You went in Cal's car this time, it wasn't as fancy as Harry's but it was still pretty nice. You hopped in, turning your new Halsey album up full blast and hitting the road. Singing, dancing and acting stupid occupying you for the whole trip.

"I thought you said he was waiting at the airport?" You mumbled as you took refuge by a huge pillar in the middle of an airport.

"Yeah. The one he was leaving from. He should be here any moment" he shrugged, pulling out his phone and opening an app game. One that disinterested you so you decided to have a look around.

You never got up, just observed your surroundings, noticing things that were happening around you right now. Emotional goodbyes and love filled welcome-homes. More romantic kisses and meaningful moments happening inside these walls than anywhere else. The place where you realise what you had when you had it and never wanting to let it go.

You remembered the day you came home from a trip abroad, Josh texted you every single day without fail and was already there waiting for you as you stepped off the plane, a piece of cardboard with your name scribbled on it held out in front of him and a chauffeurs hat sitting atop his head. Your smiles reached ear to ear as you ran to him, discarding your luggage and jumping into his arms as he span you around.

He held you so tight, making sure you never slipped away from him again. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear, he reminded you why you came home. He was your everything. And you missed it.

A lot.

"Y/N?!" You were snapped out of your thoughts at the calling of your name, as you looked up with a blank expression, it swiftly changed to a huge grin as the dark haired boy stood in front of you, smile as wide as yours and arms held out. You sprang up and wrapped your arms around his neck, having to go on your tiptoes to do so.

"I missed you!" You squealed and he squeezed your torso in a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you too! What are you doing here?" He asked as you pulled away, him giving Cal a quick hug.

"I sort of live with you now" you grinned with a small look of 'sorry' in your eyes.

"Really? You and Josh had better not have fucked in my bed" he laughed but you and Cal simply shared a look. Cal's smile dropped as he looked between you with raised eyebrows.

"They're uhm- not exactly-" Cal made gestures with his hands, ones that looked sort of rude but simply described the situation. Callux's lips formed an 'o' as he began to apologise profusely.

"It's fine, as limb as you'll allow me to continue living with you" you smiled with a pleading look. He instantly nodded his head before hugging you again.

"Of fucking corse you can! You're awesome and you can actually cook which would be a nice change considering we live off of Nando's" he smirked, wiggling an eyebrow as you elbowed him playfully in the ribs. You knew the boys loved your cooking but there was no way you were going to look after 3 grown men as well as grow a child inside of you. No. Way.

You grabbed his bags, well, Cal did, he didn't want you carrying anything, confusing Callux but he shrugged it off, assuming Cal had simply grown some gentlemanly manners since living with you. You walked through the airport with ease before jumping in the car and driving home.

As you get inside you hear the distant patter of water from the shower and the low humming of Harry singing. It instantly made you smile as you walked through the house and plopped down on the couch.

"So. What's new?" Callux asked as he sat opposite you. You looked up at Cal before looking back to Callux.

"Where would you like me to begin?"

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