You Can't Tell Anyone (42)

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You were in a daze, the exhaustion you had felt had completely caught up with you and you'd been falling in and out of sleep for the past few hours. The twins had been taken away shortly after you'd decided their names.

As you flitted in and out of consciousness, you could faintly hear Josh in the corner flipping through a magazine, the sound of an occasional hum or page being turned, you knew it was Josh. You were now fully awake but still too tired to properly open your eyes, you groaned a bit and caught Josh's attention but he didn't think anything of it, quickly returning to his magazine.

You were about to call out to Josh in more of a grunt than a "Josh!" Kind of manner but were swiftly cut off as the sound of the door opening and closing made you jump slightly. Not enough for any of them to notice though. You strained your ears listening for who it was when suddenly Simons voice rang out.

"Hey!" He called loudly, earning a shushing from Josh as he pointed to you.

"Oh sorry. So how are you then buddy? You're a dad now" he whispered excitedly, you heard a small smack which you presumed to be Simon excitedly hitting Josh in the arm.

"Exhausted. Tired. Sleepy. Drained. You getting the idea?" He laughed dryly, you could hear the strain in his voice, it made you feel pretty guilty.

"But hey, you have twins now, that's gotta be great! Plus why don't you take a nap, Y/N's taken advantage of the kids having a nap why don't you?" Simon said a little loud which earned him yet another scolding.

"I couldn't sleep" Josh sighed after a pause in which he took to make sure you were still asleep.

"I kept thinking about Y/N waking up in pain or soreness or something bad and I wouldn't wake up for it. I was worried" he admitted. You could hear the scratch in his voice and the strain in his energy. Now you knew the cause of his insomniac-like mood you couldn't help feel even more guilty than before.

"She'll be fine. Take a nap, I'll keep watch" the sound of Josh's quiet chuckle meant you knew he was shaking his head.

"I can't, besides I-" the door opened yet again, stopping Josh in his tracks. There was a shuffling of feet before the sound of the deep female voice rang out into your ears.

"I brought you a coffee. Thought you might need it" you heard her mumble quietly, the obvious addition of sweetness to her voice to get Josh's attention.

"Nah I'm good, you can put it on the side for Y/N when she wakes up though" the simplicity in Josh's voice made your heart twang. Josh was denying this girl, a beautiful dark skinned goddess when he's still in his replacement phase?

"Right" she huffed. There was a feet shuffle before a the sound of a cup being placed firmly into your bedside table. She left soon after scoffing at Josh for no reason at all.

"Josh- what- how- why?!" Simon exclaimed earning yet another volume scolding, this time a punch in, you guessed, the stomach as Simon winced.

"She's gorgeous why did you turn her down?" Simon whispered almost inaudible for you.

"She's not Y/N" you could feel Josh's eyes staring at you.

"But, she's pretty and practically throwing herself at you, you're not at all interested" the sound of Simons disbelief and Josh's quiet laughter made you giggle a bit, it caught their attention but managed to cover it up as a moan in your sleep.

"Yeah, she's pretty cute but, there's not an inch of her that I'd choose over sleeping beauty over there. She's just had my children for gods sake" he chuckled, the slight hint of disbelief over actually having a child with you in his tone.

"I love her" your heart tore thinking about his sad puppy face longing to smash against your own.

"So, you're over the replacement phase? You actually want Y/N and not just because she's there?" Simons asked as clarification before he got too excited.

"Yeah, I'm over finding a meaningless relationship, I just want Y/N. But she's made it pretty clear that she's not interested" Josh sighed.

"No no! I was talking to Harry and he said she liked you, she does, she really does." Simons said excitedly, he was like a child, it was adorable.

"What?!" Josh suddenly sprang into life, leaving his tired stay behind him as he sat bolt upright.

"Harry said she likes you, she was just afraid of being another replacement. She misses you dude, she loves you" Simons cleared, excitement bouncing between them.

"Oh my god really? Uhh, stay here and keep watch I don't want her to wake up alone, I'm gonna go buy flowers or something to surprise her when she wakes up!" Josh exclaimed. Forgetting his quiet rules. You decided now would be the best time to stop him though. His feet ran towards the door but before he would get there you mumbled with your eyes closed;

"Or you could just kiss me instead of buying more flowers" your eyes fluttered open to see Josh and Simon both stood up with their mouths hanging open and eyes wide.

"How long have you been awake?" Josh mumbled embarrassedly.

"Since Simon came in" you giggled mischievously.

"Ah, Y/N- uhh- I just- errr-" Simon fumbled for an explanation but his thinking wasn't paired with his tiredness tonight, he gave up and simply bowed his head before walking out leaving you and Josh alone.

"So you like me huh?" You raised an eyebrow at him as his cheeks flushed pink. He slowly walked towards your bed with a shy grin plastered on his face.

"More than anything in the world" he beamed before placing his lips against yours and moving them in harmony. Kissing you quickly before pulling away.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt" a blonde petite nurse came through the door slightly.

"But your little ones want to see you" she beamed. You sat up excitedly as they brought in your babies. Josh asked the nurse to let all the sidemen in, it wasn't exactly within the hospital rules to have so many people in a room at once but considering Josh's status online, they made an exception.

They all piled in slowly and quietly, the occasional "aww" coming from a few of them. They all crowded around your bed as you cradled your infants close to your chest.

"They're so cute!" Ethan exclaimed excitedly.

"The girl had your eyes Y/N" Freezy said in awe, staying at the babies.

"I can't believe you're parents now" JJ giggled before reaching a hand out and stroking your little girls cheek with his index finger.

"So do you have names?" Tobi asked quietly.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet, Skylar Grace Zerkaa and Nathan Tyler Zerkaa" Josh said proudly. Handing Nathan to Simon and Skylar to Vikk.

You noticed Harry being quiet right beside you as he stared at your children. You nudged him in the ribs with your elbow as the room filled with cooing noises and baby voices.

"You okay?" You asked quietly. You saw the tears brim his eyes and suddenly his arms wrapped around your shoulders.

"I'm just so fucking proud of you" he whispered into your greasy hair.

"Language Wroetoshaw! There are little ears in the room!" You winked as you pulled away.

"Sorry" he blushed.

You watched as the boys all took turns in holding your babies. You watched their proud faces and their eyes filled with joy.

You couldn't think of better people to surround yourself with and you felt so lucky to have one huge family like this"

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