You Can't Tell Anyone (38)

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It wasn't a very long car journey before you were being wheeled through a hospital, small whimpers of pain exiting your lips as you were swayed this way and that, putting Harry in charge of driving you around whiles the was still panicked may have been a bad decision.

"Hello my name is Josh Zerkaa and this is my- this is Y/F/N and she's going to give birth very soon" Josh rushed out, pausing as he thought about what you were to him. Even you didn't know by this point.

"Okay can you tell me who your doctor is?" The dark haired nurse behind the desk asked, her shortness meaning you couldn't see anything below the top of her head from where you were sitting but her deepish voice was a certain surprise.

"Doctor Davidson" Harry interrupted, there was a small pause before you heard the nurse speaking, you presumed on the phone.

"Hello Dr. Davidson it's Maria, we've just had a check in of miss Y/F/N" there was a short silence where the only sounds were distant screaming and beeping from hospital machines. She hummed into the phone as you shuffled in your wheelchair, the uncomfortableness you were experiencing right now, you couldn't even begin to described. The only thing that made it even slightly better was Harry rubbing firm circles into your back.

"We'll take you to your room now" she beamed, as she came around from the desk you were taken aback by her beauty, her dark skin accompanied with gold eyeshadow. You were slightly disgruntled by it, she was gorgeous and you knew that Josh was still in is replacement phase. The thought of Josh taking an interest, especially in a situation like this, hurt a little more than the labour pains.

She lead you into a small room, fortunately private so you wouldn't have to reveal yourself to another woman all the while watching her do the same like some sort of creepy show and tell.

"If you brought a nightgown could you please put it on now, if you don't there are spare hospital maternity gowns in the drawer here. This buzzer will call me if you need anything even if it's just some company. I'll go and check on Dr Davidson's situation then be right back to get you set up with some birthing gear" she shon a brilliant smile and waved a little before exiting the room.

You all let out a deep breath, almost on queue with each other. You were sat in the room in silence just evaluating what was about to happen. The trance was soon broken as Harry clapped his hands together making you jump.

"Let's get things started. Your blue spotty birthing gown is in your bag, I'll go and call the rest of the boys whilst you help her because, Y/N I love you and all but there are some things a best friend shouldn't see" a small laughter was shared around the room before he followed the nurse out, leaving you and Josh in a slightly awkward silence. You looked up and made eye contact before scrunching your nose in a cute little smile, he chuckled softly before placing his palm on your sweaty, warm and rosy cheek.

"Let's get down to business" he breathed before kissing the top of your head and heading towards your birthing bag.

"To defeat the Huns" you mumbled under your breath, Josh, however, heard and burst into laughter.

"I knew you'd do that" he laughed as you grimaced, a sudden wave of pain striking throughout your body, you clutched the arm of the wheelchair and scrunched your eyes shut.

"Breathe for me, love" he cooed softly, placing a firm hand on your knee as he started replicating the breathing techniques you remembered from the birthing class.

"Thank you" you whimpered as the pain finally subsided, Josh let out an small chuckle before standing back up straight.

"You know me, I hate seeing you in pain, even now" there was a sense of coldness within his statement but let it slide as he suddenly whipped out the gown, flapping it in the air with a crack to get it out straight.

You smiled nervously as he began pulling you out of the chair, he was being so gentle, so cautious, he was afraid to hurt you, he was afraid he'd cause more pain, it hurt more to see him so stressed about it than the actual pulling about he was doing.

You'd finally gotten your gown on, just in time too as Harry had suddenly burst in the room, red faced and a look of terror on his features.

"I may have walked into the wrong room and let me tell you, I have seen things" he exclaimed as calmly as he could, you and Josh had burst into laughter whilst Harry looked as if he was about to burst into tears.

"You dipstick, come on, you can help me lift her into bed because, no offence Y/N but you weigh more than a whale right now" he joked, you giggled along knowing he was only joking as Harry walked over very wobbly. It took some heaving as the bed was pretty high for some reason but you were finally in bed and somewhat comfortable as you lay back against the hospital pillows, they were about as comfortable as if you'd filled a pillowcase with nails.

You were quietly chatting away to Harry, hearing the news of the rest of the boys hopefully coming in for a visit when your lower stomach was sent into another painful spasm, you gasped before screaming out, grabbing the first thing closest to you which was poor Harry's collar, there was a yelp and a small 'Josh help, death grip, death grip!' From Harry before the pain faded ever so slightly.

You were panting and tipping your head back, your hands either side of your protruding stomach as if it would ease your pain. Your hair was sticking to your sweaty forehead as some strangled swear words slipped past your lips.

"Buggery fuck fuck shitting fuck!" You whispered harshly into the quiet hospital room.

"Well good afternoon to you too miss Y/L/N" the doctor joked as she walked in, you managed to let out what was meant to be a laugh but came across as a pained huff. She checked over a few things and gave you some reassuring words as well as call you down from your contraction.

"It seems all the vitals are okay and I've listened to the tummy which seems to be okay, just need to check yore dilation" she hummed before lifting the blanket that lay over your knees, a cool breeze suddenly bringing goosebumps to your legs as she felt around in places you wished she'd left alone.

"Well miss Y/L/N, you're only 2 centimetres, you could be here a while so, I suggest you get comfortable"

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