Oh my lord

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Okay so, I don't want to get into shit and explain my life story again so I'm just gonna say it straight, things for me have been pretty shit and I attempted again, before people start getting me emergency stuff, it's all fine, all taken care of and now I'm back in business (hopefully!)

I came back with like 1k notifications and I literally just sat there for like 10 straight minutes just staring at them all, I had to quickly scramble through comments and stuff and only got to reply to a few and,

Oh my god,

Guys, in the past hour you've all made me cry, laugh, make some inhuman noise and just downright made me smile, I love all your comments and cherish them all so bloody much, it makes me feel so proud of my writing and I love watching people comment through the series with rage at the character, guesses or wishes on what'll happen next, even their thoughts and feelings on the chapter. I love you all so much and all your comments have made me so inspired and motivated to start writing again, I was literally falling in love with you all with every comment I read, seriously I'm crying right now.

I don't know how to end this so I'm just going to tell you all that you're beatific and I can't wait to make you all throw your phones/PC's out of rage with my upcoming series'

I love you all so much!!

-Ashii 😋

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