Why Do I Try (Part 1)

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Today was the day, today was the day you had been both dreading and looking forward to for a long time. Today you would be celebrating your one year anniversary with your boyfriend Simon. You had gone to all the trouble of finding him the perfect present and even got out your baking skills and made him an anniversary cake.

Your eyes fluttered open on that morning and you could feel the ball of excitement tingling in your chest. You sat up feeling a buzz of energy to find Simon snoring away. Lately he had been a little distant towards you, he wasn't very cuddly in bed anymore and spent more time editing that he did simply talking. You'd hoped today would've been different though.

You had decided to wake him up in the best way you knew, you crept down so your lips were hovering just above his earlobe, pressing your lips lightly against the skin. He squirmed gently beneath your touch.

"Morning Simon" you purred into his ear, your voice as quiet as you could make it. You pressed another kiss to his ear before moving down to his neck, you gently nipped at the skin with your teeth before a groan came from Simon. You smirked at the noise, thinking he was enjoying it.

"I'm tried Y/N not now" he grumbled huskily. Your face dropped and a disappointed frown appears on your features. You didn't feel like you wanted any more disappointment and left him to sleep in. You got up, showered and dressed in one of Simons shirts and a pair of shorts, letting your hair air dry before figuring out what you and Simon had planned for the day.

You crept downstairs after hearing Simon get up whilst you were in the shower. You thought you heard Simon talking about your anniversary with Josh but when you got to the kitchen he was alone. Quietly munching on cereal as he scrolled through Twitter on his phone.

"Hey baby" you smiled, planting a kiss to his cheek and wrapping got arm around his neck to hug him. You barely got a grunt in response before you grumpily stalked off to make some tea.

"What do you want to do today?" You asked. Hinting heavily at your want for some form of romantic date to celebrate. He barely looked up before muttering out the sentence that put a bucket of water over the fireworks in your chest;

"Not much. I have some editing to do" he obliviously kept on spooning cereal into his mouth as you bit your lip to stop from crying.

"I thought we could do something together y'know?" You raised your eyebrows at him. Seeing if you could get him to remember. He only shrugged his shoulders. Your heart has sunk into your pop socks at his thoughtlessness. You nodded your head sadly before sluggishly walking out into the hallway, planning on going back upstairs to sulk in your bed all day as Simons edited a video.

On your way back up the stairs you saw Vik coming out of his room, he smiled and greeted you with a warm hug.

"Good morning and happy anniversary by the way" he beamed as he retracted. Vik was your best friend out of all the sidemen and always said good morning with a bright smile. He knew you weren't a Mornington person but he kind of was, it helped you get into the routine of using your lips to make your face look happy for the day.

"Thanks. At least someone remembered" you looked to the floor, a sad smile stretching your lips. Vik sighed before slapping his hand against his forehead.

"Don't tell me he did the typical boyfriend thing and forgot?" he asked. Vik knew how excited you were for this, he even helped you pick out your present for Simon. He was just as excited as you were and it was nothing to do with him.

You nodded your head sadly before shrugging and walking back up to your room. Collapsing on your bed and staring at your coat in the corner, knowing Simons present was hiding underneath it. The thought of him not even getting to open it today made a lump rise in your throat and before you knew it, your sheets had become damp with the tears spilling from your waterline.

Simons POV

I crunched on my cereal quietly, retweeting a few screen shots from my latest video and sending an indirect tweet about Harry's new car.

"Simon?" I heard Vik mumble from the door. Great. Another interruption, it's not as if Y/N bothering me all morning was bad enough, I have a lot of shit in my head to sort out, I don't need this right now.

"What?" I barked, taking Vik by surprise as he kind of recoiled. Stepping back into the hallway for a moment before coming foreword again.

"You- you know what today is right?" Why was Vik so nervous? I wasn't going to hurt him, I was just tired.

"13th? Thursday? I don't know" I groaned before digging my spoon back into my Shreddies.

"No?" He shook his head, I looked at him quizzically before he responded.

"Your anniversary?" As the words left his lips I felt a ball drop in my stomach. I completely forgot. I don't have time for this, what the fuck was I supposed to do?! I had to take her out? But I took her out the other day.

"So...?" I looked to Vik for help, his expression making me feel worse, I know I should be the one doing this and I should have put more thought and consideration into this but I've been busy. She understand though right?

"Maybe take her out to dinner? Celebrate? While you're out buy her something nice?" Vik suggested as if it was obvious. Which it was, I just didn't think of it first.

"Fine" I groaned, pushing myself out of my chair and going upstairs to find Y/N. I found her in our room, just lead on her stomach, sideways on the bed. I sat down beside her and massaged gently on her lower back.

"I'm sorry I forgot our anniversary" I whispered before placing a kiss in the centre of the small of her back just above her bum.

"It's okay" her voice was muffled in the sheets. I could hear her sniffle and knew she had been crying but I knew she didn't want me to know, otherwise she would've turned around.

"I'm taking you out tonight, so get ready" I gave her a light smack on her bum before getting up to find some sort of formalwear.

"Okay" she mumbled into the bed.

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