You Can't Tell Anyone (3)

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You woke up that morning a little confused and scared, when you stretched your arm out for Josh, it just landed on thin air, the force of your arm slamming down pulling you into the floor.

You sat up from the floor and looked around. Unfamiliar surroundings swirling around your brain.

"Morning" a small voice from the door chuckled, a mug in hand and a smirk on his face.

"Harry?" You asked, confused as to why he was in your bedroom. But then again, you weren't in your bedroom either.

"Did you fall out of bed?" He gestured to your small body sprawled out on the hardwood floor.

"Where am I?" You whispered to him making him laugh quietly.

"My room. You fell asleep in the car on the way over. Don't worry, I slept on the sofa" he smiled. You felt happy knowing how kind and respecting Harry was being with you. You were thankful at least one person in this world would take you under their wing and make you feel special, even if it wasn't the one you wanted it to be.

You looked around Harry's room, a place you'd never been before, wishing you were back home but remembering why you were here in the first place. You couldn't go home. You weren't wanted.

"Where's my phone?" You mumbled incoherently. You still had the mindset of a sleeping person, such a rude and startling new awakening had left you a little dazed.

"Well when I put you to bed I took off your shoes and put your keys and stuff in them, I also put your phone charging so it's over there" you nodded happily before a small twinge in your stomach made you jolt into an awake state, you got up and sprinted to the nearest bathroom, leaning over the toilet and brining up everything you had in you.

At some point Harry had walked in and pulled your hair into a ponytail, his hand going in firm circles on your upper back. You were embarrassed to say the least, sad that it wasn't Josh and thankful he was here to comfort you.

"Sorry" you mumbled as your heaving had come to a stop. Clutching at the neck of your t-shirt and shaking a bit.

"It's okay, I'm guessing morning sickness is going to be occurring a lot so might as well get used to it" he began running the hot tap on the sink as he spoke, swirling a flannel in the hot liquid and ringing it out. Instead of handing it to you, he dabbed your forehead for you, cleaning off any sweat that had made its way through your skin. It felt so good, it was warm and relaxing. You didn't even care that you had just thrown up, all you cared about was that feeling lasting forever.

When Harry had stopped massaging your forehead with the flannel, you got up and brushed your teeth as Harry left the bathroom, you sighed to yourself. Josh should be the one mopping my forehead with flannels and rubbing my tummy telling me he can't wait until baby Zerka arrived. You thought to yourself, the sadness washing over you, hormones thrown into the mix and you felt worse than when you were throwing up.

As you walked out of his bathroom and into the living room, you noticed Cal say on the sofa in just his boxers.

"Well this really is a good morning huh Freezy" you smirked as Cal's head whipped around, quickly grabbing one of the couch cushions and holding it over his crotch as his eyes went wide.

"What are you doing here?!" His voice had gone high pitch from shock. Also he seemed to slam that cushion down pretty hard and probably get his balls in some way, adding to the pitch.

"I'm-" you paused for a moment, pondering whether or not you should confess to your pregnancy or lie about something else.

"Her and Josh broke up" Harry smiled sadly as he came into the room, standing by your side and squeezing you into his side gently. Your face had dropped, remembering the break up, hearing the confirmation of said break up and having Harry to say it for you was taking its toll. You shot Harry a glance to say thank you for stepping in. It wasn't necessarily a lie, it was just a small snippet of the truth.

"Oh man I'm sorry but, why is she here?" He asked, whilst a sympathetic smile played on his lips.

"She had nowhere else to go, what was I supposed to do?" He asked, a firm voice making Cal raise his arms in surrender.

"I was just wondering why we were supporting her and not Josh okay?" He spoke, suddenly realising both his hands and the cushion were up by his head and not covering himself, snapping them back to cover his crotch with a small wince from the impact.

"Because we're gentlemen" Harry chirped with a small smile on his features. A small burst of laughter erupting from your lips as Harry have you a fake offended look.

"Gentlemen don't DM their balls to people" you smirked as Cal laughed, Harry only smiled a bit, trying to maintain his offended façade but failing miserably.

"Rude" Harry laughed a bit before a silence fell over the room. Cal excused himself from the room, probably to go and put some clothes on, leaving the two of you alone. You glanced up to see him making two bowls of cereal.

"Thank you for saying that. I'm not ready to tell them yet. Especially not ready for Josh to know" even though Josh was the father and he was the one person you wanted more than anything else in the world right now, you didn't want him knowing. If he can accuse you of sleeping around then throw you away without even letting you explain then he doesn't deserve to know yet.

"No worries. I kind of like being the only one that knows. But when you do want to tell them, I can help if you want" he held out one of the bowls for you, you took it slowly, the coldness of the milk started etching across your fingertips and down to your palms.

"No I think I should do it alone. Thanks though. And for the Frosties" you giggled nervously as Harry nodded, sitting on the sofa to eat his as he turned his Sky Sports on, finding an Arsenal VS Everton football match and immersing himself in it. You had decided to go and check you phone in his bedroom.

As you unlocked the screen you saw you had a text from Josh. Two little words that made your heart pound, two little words making your stomach turn again.

Joshy (1):

I know

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