Game On|Simon

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A/N: The Game On preference/imagine is the part 2 of how they met.

You ran out of the building with Simon storming ahead, watching as he ran his hands through his hair, settling at the back of his neck.

He, of course, ran off to his mates to tell them the "good news" whereas you ran to your team. You needed to psych them up, to prepare them for decimation against the sandy blonde haired boy.

"Girls!" You called out "huddle" everyone ran over to you and created a circle, arms over each other's backs to close it off and heads ducked down low.

"Okay, so that prick over there just took me all the way to the managers office to yell about who's turn it was on this pitch, and now, we're playing the fuckers" there was a round of 'oohs' emitting from the circle as many of the girls took a glance out of the circle to look at the group of boys.

You took a quick look as well, noticing how Simons expression was still as angry as ever, only turning away when one of the boys looked over to you.

"I don't care if they're at least a foot taller than us, I don't care that they're probably heavier and stronger than us, we need to get out there and destroy them, okay?" Your face looked fierce, scaring a few of the girls, the only other time you're this passionate about the game is when you're in a real match trying to go through to the next league.

"But... Why?" Casey asked, the only one not feeling the strong, violent vibe that was running through all of us. Everyone looked at her and the. To you as if to say 'just bench her' and if you could, you would, but she's probably got the best volley you've ever seen and couldn't risk losing that.

"Because, that blond butthole over there doesn't think we're worth time on the field, he thinks we're a bunch of daft girls on a silly little team, he needs to understand that calling me a whore was a big mistake" you looked her dead in the eyes and it's as if she had finally listened to you once, she nodded her head before sticking her hand out in front of herself.

Casey has always been the at the brunt of 'whore' or 'slut' remarks and she knew how hurtful it truly was. He eagerness to kick these boys asses was just as strong as yours. All of the girls put their hands in front of yourselves, creating a pile before doing the cliché thing and chanting.

"GO, KICK, KILL" and running away to assume your positions. As you were running to your position in the centre mid field, you noticed one or two of them eyeing our team, terror was the only thing you could pick up from his face.

They sheepishly scattered about with their belongings before one of them, a beanie wearing boy with goalie gloves on came running up to you. He outstretched a hand before speaking;

"Hi, I'm Tobi, we were just wondering if we could film this for our channels? We were gonna film anyway and it doesn't look like we're gonna get to use the pitch for what we had in mind so...?" You thought for a moment before nodding, the thought of Simon getting publicly destroyed brought a good sensation running down your spine.

After a few cameras were set up, the boys took their places on the field. They had one too little players to match your team but they were cocky enough to announce 'it's okay we might need an extra player'. As it turns out, Simon was also centre midfielder and took his place right in front of you, placing the ball between your feet. You stared him dead in the eye wit a malicious expression, lips turned upwards into a smirk.

"Winner, gets the pitch" you muttered as he nodded his head, his glare giving the same affect yours was. There was a moments pause before someone from your team stuck their fingers in their mouth and let out a high pitched whistle, startling Simon slightly, already giving you the advantage and taking possession of the ball. A small cackle could be heard from your sprinting body as Simons realisation kicked in. Your team wasn't actually as sissy as he thought.

The game went on for a long time, the timer one of the boys had set was counting down. There was only 10 minutes left and the score was 3-3, your team were running rings around the boys but their goalie, Tobi, was one of a kind, saving 9 out of the 12 attempted shots.

You currently had the ball dribbling between your feet, absolutely legging it down the field, getting around the boys team with ease, but before you knew it, you were faced down on the grass with a lot of 'oooh's going around the field. When you opened your eyes you saw yourself lying on top of Simon, his face a mixture of worry and apology.

"Oh god, sorry, I didn't mean-" you cut him off before he could finish, getting up with pain coursing through your left leg. The incident only making you want to beat him more.

"Just play the game, don't be sorry" you mumbled out harshly as the ball was set on the ground for your penalty. He looked at you worriedly before going to join the others in the penalty lineup.

You took a few steps back, motivation was running through your veins, power the only thing playing on your mind. There was a pause where you thought about how good it would be to score this goal and win the game. You took your run up, swiped your foot across the ground and curling the ball into the net. You fell to the floor as the other girls piled on top of you. Your leg starting to hurt more than anything.

There was a beeping sound that said the match was over, you won the game and you couldn't be happier. There was cheering from your team and groans from the other. You were busy jumping around, carefully, with your team when you noticed Simons devastated face. He gave you a glance before stalking off to the side to his camera.

You departed from the group of squeals and made your way over to the unhappy Simon, aggressively putting his camera away.

"Good game" you smiled behind him, he turned around with a sad smile, you gestured towards his camera before talking;

"You don't have to post it if you don't want to, I don't really care" you thought you'd save him from embarrassment and regret from having to post it but he just smiled;

"Nah, you need your fame somehow" he put his camera in his bag before looking to you again "you really are a great player. I'm gonna be honest in saying I didn't think your team stood a chance but... I think my team could use some lessons" he chuckled embarrassed.


"Sorry about your leg too" you had almost completely forgotten about it until Simon pointed out the blood dribbling down your sock. You just shrugged,

"It's all part of the game." He let out a low whistle, obviously impressed.

"You're cool, Y/N" he pat your back before leaving the pitch, you honestly felt bad for kicking him out but you really needed practice.

As you went over to your duffel bag, you noticed a piece of paper sticking out of the top, pulling it out, you realised it was a number with 'call me- Simon' written at the bottom. A small explosion of butterflies went off in your tummy at the digits scribbled into the scrap. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all?

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