You Can't Tell Anyone (8)

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As soon as you got home you showered. You hated the smell of hospitals and when she gave you a wipe to get the gel off, it didn't exactly work.

As you showered your hands brushed over your stomach where you smiled proudly. Happy you were making such a nice home for the little thing in there. It must be so dark and loud. Being able to hear all the things inside and outside of your body.

When you finished showering, you immediately went to put on make up, Simon had brought over a few bags full of your things, he tried to be a little sneaky so Josh wouldn't find out but apparently it was a little bit more tricky as Josh caught him smuggling some of your clothes into a bag. When asked, he had to lie and say he was taking them away so he wouldn't pine over them so much.

Although Josh was confused he let Simon do it. Apparently he seemed a little anxious about it but his words were 'yeah, sure go ahead, I don't care anyway'.

That's when it hit you, as you slid the little black dress on, you realised that the odds were that Josh would be there. He was going to be in the same building. Same room probably. And you don't even know how to face him. Fortunately because you were so early into the pregnancy you weren't showing much, just a tad bloated.

"You ready to go?" Harry poked his head around the door carefully, making sure not to walk in on you changing. He had caught you staring blankly into space with a worried expression making him knot his eyebrows together.

"What's wrong?" He asked, stepping closer into the room.

"What if Josh is there?" You said shyly. Afraid you would seem somewhat irrational.

"Well, he probably will be. If he is, I know you don't want anyone to tell him so we won't and we'll just avoid him if that's what you want. I know it's probably safer for me to avoid him anyways" he chuckled darkly, you could tell he was secretly afraid of Josh. Rightly so, he was considerably taller than Harry.

You sighed before nodding your head. Slipping your black heels on and grabbing a small purse. Harry held his arm out for you, you giggled and linked yours with his.

Callux was away for the week so he still had no idea you were staying and also wouldn't be attending the party tonight so it was just you, Calfreezy and Harry in your car. Silently watching the flashing lights go past as the darkness took over the city and covered the sky in a deep blue blanket. You'd always loved stars, to you they were the prettiest things on earth. They calmed you down when you felt anxious.

The second you pulled into JJ's drive way, music was already piercing your ear drums. The bass vibrating in your chest and the multicoloured flashing lights coming from each and every window in the house.

As you walked in you immediately felt at home. You never were a party girl and were pretty introverted but for some reason the dancing sweaty bodies and stench of alcohol around you made you feel somewhat relaxed. Maybe it was because being around so many happy people was effective on you, maybe it was because you knew that JJ's house parties were legendary and being a part of it was elating.

You made your way through the crowd with Cal's hand protectively placed on the small of your back, guiding you through the party. It wasn't long until you saw a familiar face.

"Y/N?!" He screamed over the music, his eyes going wide as you stood before him.

"Having a nice time JJ?" You smirked as his arms wrapped around your neck, pulling you into a slightly wobbly hug. The alcohol obviously taking its toll on JJ.

"What are you doing here?! I thought you were gone forever" he pouted, something that people wouldn't expect was that JJ was a very emotional drunk. His emotions being accentuated by a considerable amount.

"Well, things may have happened but you'll never get rid of me that easily" you winked. You were really close with JJ, living in the same house had its perks then he was relocated to work on something and had to get an apartment more central in London. You missed him so much.

"Let's dance!" His excitement making him bounce as he yanked on your arm, leading you into the living room where people were dancing together.

You danced for a long time until you spotted someone across the room that you really didn't want to see. His tall frame really sticking out from the crowd. As more people moved around a large gap found its way between you, except it wasn't just you two. A small blonde girl sat on a table next to him, clung onto his arm and blatantly flirting with him. Even though you couldn't hear her flirting was so obvious.

You stared for a moment, eyes transfixed on him. You watched him glance up and around before his eyes landed on you. His jaw clenched and his body tensed. Not-so-subtly moving closer to the blonde hanging off of his arm. Your situation didn't get much better when Harry came up behind you. Ha placed a hand on your arm, he asked you something but you didn't hear, you were too busy looking at the disgusted look on Josh's face to understand.

"Y/N can you hear me?" He yelled over the noise.

"What?" You looked at him blankly, your tone although probably unheard was vicious.

"I said I don't think Josh is even here tonight, none of the boys have seen him yet" you scoffed before sighing.

"Yeah great look I have to get out of here" you huffed, pushing him aside and walking away from the dance floor. You made your way to the kitchen where you thought it would be quieter, instead it was just as loud. JJ had hired someone to pour drinks for everyone tonight and as you went to order one, you realised that having a baby means no alcohol.

You cursed under your breath before a small tap was felt on your shoulder, as you turned your eyes met with Ethan's, instantly pulling you into a giant bear hug. You could tell he had-had a few.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" He laughed, you missed his laugh so much, it was always so contagious. Even though right now you were feeling pretty shitty, you couldn't help her giggle and reply;

"I know it's been too long" you smiled.

"Let's catch up yeah? I'll get you a drink, you like vodka don't you?" He asked, signalling the hired bartender to come over.

"Oh no I'm not drinking tonight" you placed a hand on his arm as he raised to get the mans attention. His eyebrows furrowing at your statement. You weren't a heavy drinker but you were never one to turn down a shot.

"Why? You're not the driver because you can't drive. You pregnant or something?" He laughed, obviously joking but it didn't help your situation. You froze, you could never lie, not easily and Ethan knew your tell. You just stared at him as his eyes shifted from laughing to shocked.

He was about to say something else but you cut him off before he could, swiftly leading him to a balcony that seemed deserted.

"I need to tell you something"

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