JJ Christmas

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"I'm. Dreaming. Of a white. Christmas" you sang, the angelic voice of Michael Bublé accompanying your own as you hooked a sparkling gold bauble on one of the branches that extended from your glorious tree.

"Errm. What's this?" You heard behind you. There stood JJ, dressed in a long black shirt and black jeans, his addition of a BEAST SnapBack hung tilted on his head.

"Decorating our tree" you hummed blissfully. You loved decorating at Christmas time, you were in your element as you sprinkled the house from top to toe in tinsel.

"That's- that's not our tree" he laughed nervously, eyeing the suspicious object, slowly coming toward the mysterious, green, plant as if it would attack him.

"Oh no it is. It's just not our usual tree. I'm tired of the plastic bullshit Jide, I wanted a real tree, one that smells amazing and creates large amounts of vacuuming" you muttered the last bit to yourself and thankfully, JJ was too immersed in the plethora of ornaments to hear you.

"But plastic trees are so much easier" he whined, poking one of the branches and retracting sharply. You decided to go for a soft needle tree and sighed at JJ's pettiness over the stupid tree.

"Yeah but this is what I wanted, JJ. If you want to put the fake one up too, go ahead. I'm more than happy to decorate more but I wanted a real one because it made me happy seeing it. You don't have to help, just please don't ruin this for me" you pleaded with your stubborn boyfriend, gently tugging at his shirt and pouting as he eyed the tree.

"On one condition" he said monotonously, raising a finger and captivating your interests.

"Go on" you raised an eyebrow and bit your lip seductively, getting the inkling that this condition would be rather sexy.

"You have to decorate the rented party house too" it was safe to say you weren't expecting that, although you loved decorations and parties and all of the things combined, it was a big house and they'd only get ruined. You weren't sure it was worth it.

"Are you paying?" You asked, slightly disappointed that the task wasn't involving any bedroom activities.

"Sure" she shrugged as you grinned and jumped up and down excitedly. You saw him smile adoringly at you before clashing his lips against yours in a quick peck, still enough to cause a small eruption of butterflies in your tummy making you giggle.

"Okay my wonderful boyfriend who throws some of the best parties in the world, I'm just a little elf and my ikkle legs aren't long enough to reach the top" you pouted. Picking up a star from the table and holding it up to show him what you wanted. You batted your eyelids and even whimpered slightly.

"Fine" he faked a disgruntled face before spinning you around, lifting you to sit on his shoulders before you even knew what was happening. With a wobble and a squeal, you managed to place the star on top semi-straight. Slightly wonky but it just made it better.

You clung to JJ's head as he stepped back to admire your work, not bothering to put you down.

"I have to admit it does look amazing" he mumbled, his hands stroking your thighs as they rest either side of his head.

"Thank you" you sighed, you knew how easily he would change his mind, stubborn and strong willed but his mind changed as soon as he didn't get his way and realised you were right all along. You leant forwards and placed a kiss to his forehead, JJ giggling as your hair tickled his cheeks.

"JJ no! Stop!" You screamed as JJ started wriggling, you were perched so precariously that you could feel yourself slipping. He stopped for a moment and you regained your balance but what you couldn't see was a ginormous grin, stretching at JJ's lips. Before you knew it, JJ had begun spinning around, your terrified screams cancelling out Mr. Bublé.

You were beginning to feel extremely dizzy as JJ began swaying, his laughter being as loud as ever. He managed to get his feet trapped in a box of tinsel and tripped over, you landed hard against the beige carpet and hit your head on the arm rest of the couch, yelling out in pain.

"Ah shit. Y'alright?" He asked as he rolled around slowly, clutching to his hip.

"Yeah" you winced, trying to sit up but deciding your head would feel better once the room stopped moving.

"Did you hit your head?" JJ could be really sweet and caring sometimes, it's a shame people didn't see it more. He rolled onto his good side and looked up at you, you nodded gently and sighed as JJ shuffled to sit beside you.

"Remind me never to do that again" he grumbled, placing a soft kiss to the area you hurt. You mumbled in response, agreeing that he should never do that again.

"Does my little elf want some help finishing the decorations?" He asked, cuddling you into his side, although whinging as it was the side he hurt.

"Yes please" you whimpered, slowly getting up, still keeping one of your cold hands against the bump, a lump definitely forming.

You carried on with low spirits, placing the decorations around the room, you weren't necessarily hurt badly, just the shock had put you in a bad mood. You stepped outside to place the wreath on the door and sighed.

"Merry Christmas" you frowned, poking the lump with your ring finger tenderly.

You stepped inside and shivered as the snow outside had started to become dangerously deep, and it wasn't too long until you heard JJ calling out for you.

"Babe, can you come here I need to know if this looks alright." You plodded along the house, certain that whatever he had done it probably wasn't what you had planned. Although when you walked through the living room door, your hands flew to your mouth and a smile sprang onto your features.

"What do you think?" He asked, posing as a Victoria's Secret model would. He had tinsel wrapped around his head and flashing lights around his whole body. A pair of shades adorning his eyes and a Santa hat balancing atop the SnapBack he was already wearing.

You giggled as he shifted poses, from flexing to pouting with his bum stuck out. You couldn't deny, he did hilarious, it was hard to be mad at him for your injury.

"That is amazing" you breathed after gasping for air, laughter taking over your whole body. Clapping your hands and doubling over as he started taking selfies.

"Am I forgiven?" He smiled, walking towards you with his arms outstretched which you quickly walked into, embracing each other in a warm hug.

"Of course" you giggled.

"You're still a dickhead though" he playfully slapped your bum and scolded you although laughed all the same.

Christmas wasn't totally ruined.

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