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Ever since you met Harry all he's ever wanted to do was show you off to his friends. You were friends at first and soon started dating but even when you were just friends he wanted you to meet the sidemen.

You had always politely declined though, meeting new people was hard for you and you were rarely comfortable with being around new people. After 4 months of begging you decided to give in, you knew you'd have to meet them sooner or later anyway.

Because Harry lived with Callux and Calfreezy, you weren't too bothered with meeting them, it wasn't as if you'd had any choice when you skipped out of Harry's room one morning in nothing but a Wroetoshaw hoodie and your underwear to get a glass of water, not knowing they were in the room. It was an awkward introduction but automatically put you at ease the second time you met.

You were all in Callux's car on the way over to the sidemen house when you felt your phone vibrate in your hand, you looked down to see a text from Harry reading;

You okay? You look nervous x

You looked up to him to see a kind smile on his lips, thankful he did this privately instead of speaking aloud for all the car to hear, instead of texting back you simply nodded and reached out for his hand, squeezing it before letting your intertwined hands lay on his lap.

You arrived at the large house, much different to the flat Harry had, and your heart began racing, there was a large amount of people waiting inside that house and for at least ten minutes the whole rooms attention would be on you.

"They'll love you" Harry whispered encouragingly into your ear before squeezing you into his side as you walked up to the front door. Freezy knocked and not long after a tall dark haired man opened up, his smile was kind of crooked but warm and welcoming.

"Come in" he smiled, moving so everyone could walk past "you must be (y/n)?" He squinted his eyes, looking to Harry for reassurance.

"That's me" you giggled nervously, Harry noticed and squeezed your hand yet again, the small action making your heart steady slightly.

"I'm Josh, come in, hope you like Fifa because that's the only thing the boys have been playing this morning" he laughed as you followed him through to the living room.

"What the fuck?!" A low voice screamed from the couch, the familiar sound of a controller smashing to the floor, after dating Harry it was one you had learnt to recognise quite well.

"Uh JJ?" A sandy blonde boy chuckled, tugging on, who you found out was, JJ's arm before pointing at you. You smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Whoops" JJ mumbled before letting out the most childish giggle you've ever heard. You strangely loved it.

"Guys this is (y/n)" Harry smiled proudly as everyone in the room waved and a low mumble of 'hello's echoed around the room.

"This is Simon, Ethan, Tobi, Vikk and JJ" Josh pointed at each one individually as you smiled at each boy. When Josh pointed at JJ you couldn't help notice JJ's eyes trailing up and down your body. You feel insecure but flattered, Harry, on the other hand, also noticed and his grip around your waist tightened.

"So..." You said with a sudden burst of confidence "who thinks they can beat me at Fifa" the only way to push your shyness to the side was to think of the most confident thing you could do in the moment and push it out of yourself, in this case it was being a cocky gamer but they seemed to welcome it well as Harry smiled with a small 'they're all shit you'll win easily' being whispered to you.

Everyone else in the room instantly wanted a challenge because they thought they would win easily against your small person but what they didn't know was that you had grown up with these games and were miles better than Harry alone.

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