Sorry Boss (2)

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There was a pit in your stomach, ever since you made that phone call and set up an interview you'd been regretting it, you knew nothing about looking after kids, you could barely look after yourself!

This was a bad idea, it was such a bad idea. At least you had convinced yourself it was a bad idea, to anyone on the outside looking in they'd be wondering why you're so anxious, it's just an interview for a temporary job where you had to look after kids.

But it wasn't even kids, the girl was 17 and even though she's only 2 years younger than you, you had no idea how to entertain her, when you were 17 you were admittedly a little wild, there wasn't as much GCSE studying as there was underaged drinking and mixing with wrong crowds. You knew your mum thought you were a nightmare, how on earth were you going to look after that?!

And the 10 year old boy, what do 10 year old boys do? He's too young to be locking himself in his bedroom for 15 hours a day and too old for building blocks, how were you supposed to entertain him?

You hadn't noticed your knuckles turning white as you gripped the steering wheel, anxiety setting into its full potential as you turned into their driveway.

It was a small house, didn't seem to be too crazy, if anything it was fairly tame and welcoming. You grabbed your bag and got out of your car, taking a deep breath in before stepping into the autumn air where your fate awaits you.

Okay, maybe you were being a little too dramatic about this, but for you this was scary shit, you were in fight or flight mode and although the little ball of terror in your chest wanted you to take flight, you marched yourself up the pathway and pressed your finger on the doorbell. Your act was, to you, very brave, at least until you heard footsteps coming towards the door, then it felt more like an act of stupidity. You were more than ready to turn yourself around and run back to your car screaming and waving your arms, but you stood your ground, partly because you knew deep down that this was a good thing and partly because you were frozen to the spot.

"Hi, you must be Y/N?" A warm smile met you at the door, opening it wider to greet you properly. The woman held out her hand and you took it, shaking it rather firmly out of nerves.

"And you must be Mrs. Lewis?" You asked, a small shake to your voice as she stepped aside to invite you in.

She laughed sweetly at your nerves before placing a reassuring hand on your forearm.

"Don't worry, we don't bite. I understand this can be a very nerve wracking thing, it's a big responsibility but we're all very calm here." She smiled before a large crash was heard upstairs. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Well most of us are, fortunately the one creating such a racket isn't one you'll be looking after" she invited you into her living room where you took a seat on her black leather sofa, worrying about the noise upstairs.

"Would you like a drink?" She asked kindly.

"Uh, yeah a glass of water would be nice, thank you" you stumbled through your words, dropping your bag as you relaxed into the couch. As she went to get the water you admired your surroundings, taking in the vibrant blue walls, unique ornaments and the many footballs scattered about the room. It seemed odd to you how a family of 4 could own so many footballs and use them all but you decided not to question it.

"Here you go, dear, sorry about the mess, boys right?" she chuckled, placing a glass of water in front of you and relaxing in a bright pink armchair opposite you.

"It's fine, my flat is worse, trust me!" You giggled making her laugh, it came across as a joke but you decided not to tell her about the amount of pizza boxes stacked on your kitchen counter and clothes scattered across your bedroom floor.

"Well Rosie is fine, she keeps herself tidy and the only mess is her GCSE notes lying here there and everywhere. It's the others that you have to watch your step for, my husbands been in hospital twice because he's accidentally tripped over some trainers!" She laughed as you simply scrunched your eyebrows.

"Others? Your ad only mentioned two children?" You enquired, a large ball of fear forming in your throat at the thought of having to look after two boys and a girl. Oh god.

"Well you'll be looking after two children for me, my eldest doesn't need looking after, he's 19." She smiled as the fear lessened.

"Oh so why doesn't he look after them?" You asked, worried that you had potentially thrown away the job position.

"He used to look after them but he became rather unreliable. He's a good boy and a good brother but struggles with his priorities. The amount of times I would come home to find Rosie traumatised and Josh spouting all kinds of obscenities after Harry had taken them to see his friends is too many! Plus with his busy work schedule it never worked" she stated simply, sighing slightly as yet another crash was heard upstairs.

"Don't mind the bangs, that's just my eldest. He's losing at his game" she grumbled with a roll of her blue eyes, she tutted to herself before standing up and offering you a tour of the house. You obliged nervously before standing up and walking through the living room, to the kitchen and dining area as she showed you how appliances worked and told you how certain marks on the walls appeared, before taking you upstairs.

"Now all my kids are upstairs, they know you're here but they'll probably just be getting on with their own thing" she warned as she led you upstairs.

She took you to the first room which had a large pink flower taped to the door with the name "ROSIE" scribbled in crayon in the centre. As the door swung open, your eyes landed immediately on the giant 5 Seconds Of Summer poster, taped to the all above her bed. Your vision flitted to the gorgeous tall brunette sat at her desk, face buried in stacks of revision books.

"Rosie? This is Y/N, want to come say hi?" Mrs Lewis asked, receiving a flicked wrist from Rosie, obviously too caught up in her work. She shrugged before closing the door.

"She's a bright and lovely girl but when she zones out its like talking to a brick wall!" She muttered as she moved onto the next door.

"Hi!" A loud burst was heard before the door had even opened, a young boy stood in the middle of his room, at a glance it would look tidy but as you looked closer you could see all of the things that had been shoved under his bed and into his wardrobe, sticking out at a hurried attempt.

"This- well this is supposed to be Josh but he's standing in a tidy room so I don't know who this is or where we are!" She joked, looking around, a slight concerned look on her face.

"Nice to meet you!" He beamed, eyes wide and jaw slightly hung open as he looked you up and down. You giggled at how adorable he was before bending down to his height.

"Nice to meet you too." You stuck your hand out which he quickly took, squeezing hard as if to impress you. You shook before standing up and giggling again, waving a goodbye as Mrs. Lewis led you out, closing the door behind her.

"I think someone's going to enjoy you coming round ever now and then!" She smirked as you laughed, he was cute, a kid having a crush on you was adorable and would definitely make working here a lot easier.

"And this is my other son, you won't be looking after him but he'll be here from time to time." She opened the door as a loud scream echoed into your ears and a controller flew past your face, making you squeal and flinch backwards.

"OH SHIT IM SO SORRY" the boy shouted, coming to collect his now smashed controller from by your feet and sticking his hand out for you to shake.

"It's okay, I get Fifa rage too." You chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and taking his hand.

"I'm Harry" he smiled.

"I'm Y/N"

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