Game On|Harry

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You had been living in the building for about a month and had seen Harry pretty much everyday. Not on purpose, just run ins, you'd see him with a group of boys a lot, mostly when you were leaving for uni classes but occasionally when you'd return, if he had the boys with him all you would hear for the rest of the night was shouting and screaming.

This particular morning you had caught him on his own, carrying a pretty big box. You insisted on helping him but he would constantly repeat that he had it all under control. On your way down the stairs though, you swore you heard a loud bang and slur of curse words.

If this morning wasn't already shit enough, today just proved it does get worse. The only good thing about your morning was the smile Harry gave you as you came into his line of vision. Unless you liked burnt toast, late alarms, no clean and dry clothes and your shower to be colder than the sea in Titanic. Then your morning would've been perfect.

You had been given 12 assignment sheets to have done by next week, a presentation to finalise for tomorrow and your professor just happened to pick you as his target for verbal abuse. You tried to shrug it off but when he said the words "now class if you were hoping to excel your grades, you would have passed the assessment from last week. However if you're Y/N, then you should get your fast food restaurant CV filled out now" you were pushed over the edge.

The bus ride home wasn't too bad, a couple of traffic jams, nothing unusual for London.

As you walked into the buildings entrance hall you clicked eyes with the one and only Harry. He was on his own this time though.

He caught your eye as you both stood at the bottom of the stairs and it was as if you read each others minds. A grin appeared on his face as you prepared yourself. Then before you knew it, you were sprinting up the stairs two at a time, your breathing becoming uneven and your book bag weighing you down. But when you turned around you noticed Harry huffing and puffing against the bannister.

"Come on Harold, don't you ever exercise?!" You called out behind you. You heart a low grunt followed by heavy footsteps, nowhere near matching the speed of your own. You were nearly at the top when there was a loud roar behind you, Harry had given himself a boost of energy for the last flight but tripped on his own feet, giving you the opportunity to win, which you took.

You doubled over, resting on your knees as your erratic breathing calmed down. You watched Harry crawl up the stairs, red faced and barely breathing. He had sweat dripping off of his face and his hair was matted on his forehead. You weren't going to lie in how hot he looked right now.

"L-l-l-" you tried to say but barely able to make noise at all. Harry looked up expectantly until you pointe at him and yelled out "LOSER" before cackling. He looked to the floor in defeat and collapsed onto his front.

"I'm so unfit!" He screamed out, his voice muffled by the floor.

It took a long while for you both to return to normal heart rates, during which you both splayed out on the floor, hot sweaty messes, until Harry stood up and stuck his hand out for you to take.

"Winners. Need prizes" he smirked before going into his own flat. There was a jolt of terror at what he meant by that, making you follow in as slowly as possible, not really sure if you were invited in.

You'd never really seen the inside of Harry's flat, not too sure about where everything was but as you walked in, everything looked so modern and expensive, the view was almost as good as yours. But, because it was a boys apartment, it was messy as anything, pizza and take out boxes covered the countertop and diary dishes over flowed the sink.

You sighed at how anyone could live like this but your thoughts were interrupted as Harry made an appearance from a room you could only assume as his bedroom.

"And this prize is the best I've got right now" he smiled proudly as he handed a black shirt out to you. You took it confused but quickly realised what kit was when you unfolded it.

It had "SIDEMEN XIX" on the front in white and pink letters, it looked so cool and looked exactly your size. After you met Harry he told you all about YouTube and the sidemen, you subbed them all immediately and became pretty obsessed with their videos. Your jaw fell open at the sight of the shirt and you heard a small chuckle come from Harry.

"New merch. This ones for you" he smiled and you couldn't even express how thankful you were. Especially when you were running out of clean clothes.

"Thank you so much Harry!" You squealed before wrapping your arms around his neck, taking him by surprise but slowly melting into the hug after he realised what was happening.

You stayed embraced for a while until your hurriedly pulled away in a panic.

"Oh I probably smell so bad, I haven't sweat like that in a long time!" You laughed, referring to the race you'd had before making Harry laugh. "I already showered this morning, and it was cold" you muttered the last bit under your breath but Harry heard, quickly giving you an offer

"You're more than welcome to use ours if yours is fucked" he said bluntly, a small tiny rising in his cheeks as he realised what he said before his brain could filter it into a more formal offer.

"Thanks that would be great actually" you smiled and he lead you to the bathroom.

Wow, getting naked in his place on the first time I've seen it. This should feel weird right? So why doesn't it?

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