Everything Breaks (Part 4)

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I stared expectantly at Ethan. Practically screaming for him to say something instead of just tab sing there staring at the toddler you were bouncing on your lap to distract him from his injury.

"Is- is this-?" Ethan stuttered, slowly gesturing to Jake with a shaky hand.

"No, I just pick up crying children in hospitals sometimes" you rolled your eyes. Probably not the best move, this was obviously a very strange, new, scary time for Ethan, he's meeting his son for the first time, his own flesh and blood. And he can certainly see the flesh and blood, literally.

You looked down at your child as Ethan glared at you, scrubbing a small spot of blood from Jakes nose, the nose that was so similar to his fathers you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"What-what happened?" He asked, suddenly realising you were in a hospital with a bleeding child on your lap. You were about to answer before a nurse interrupted you.

"Ms Y/L/N?" You have Ethan an apologetic look before walking over to the nurse, hoisting Jake up in your arms to keep him close. You reached the nurse but saw she was looking beyond you, when you turned you saw Ethan was following you, making you frown at him.

"I'm sorry, only family members or close friends may come in with Jake" she smiled sadly at Ethan, a small victory dance in your head because you didn't have to suffer his countless questions and insufferable comments on how he is the victim here.

"I'm the father" he stated, almost proudly. Wow.

The nurse nodded much to your demise but you decided 'hey; why not let your sons first experience with a father figure be when his hand is gushing blood everywhere?' Because that's a great idea.

You were lead into a small room where the nurse examined your sons hand, his tiny palm stretching out for her, a brave face on. He was trying not to scream because you had always tried your best not to scream or let anything get to you, he had copied your 'put your game face on and the world can't get you' ways, his bottom lip turning white as he bore down on it with his teeth.

You looked up at Ethan stood awkwardly by the door, watching from a distance which, in fairness, you highly respected. He had his stupidly cute smile on and your hatred for him faltered for a second. You looked at the curve of his lip and remembered the way he would look at you like that.

He would smile like that and tell you, you were gorgeous. That you were beautiful. It was usually when you were modelling his merchandise for him as a little joke or when you had been feeling poorly and hasn't showered for a while he would smile, wrap his arms around you and tell you that you were still so beautiful. It was a fond smile. One he showed you a lot. You loved it because it was sincere, you loved it because you knew that it meant that he loved you even when you were being silly, even when you looked snotty and gross with greasy hair and ginormous bags under your eyes, you were still everything he ever wanted in his sights.

You lost control of your thoughts and before you knew it you were being tapped on your knee, bringing you back into the real world where your son was screaming in agony again.

"Miss!" The nurse called again. Apparently she had been calling your name for a good two minutes.

"Yes?" You said slightly dazed. In your head you were still in Ethan's bedroom, holding the hem of a black sideman shirt and twirling for him.

"How did the accident occur?" She asked again with slight aggravation, a clip board placed firmly in her lap and a pen between her fingers.

"Well" you coughed awkwardly.

"I was asleep. I had just got home from working two shifts and I must've fallen asleep on the couch, before I knew it I was being awoken by this little heroes cries. I went upstairs and he was hidden behind his cot with a pair of scissors, he wanted something cut but poor boy didn't want to wake me up" you finished with a nervous giggle. Every part of that story sounded so bad. You were scared he was going to be taken away from you. A constant nightmare for you.

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