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This is going to be the last part of the How You Met Vikk/Game On|Vikk. In the last one there wasn't any kind of games or competitions and that's because I wanted to put it in this one. I said that I might turn this into a fic but i have an explanation for why I'm not, there will be an A/N after this explaining all, until then; enjoy!!! -Ashii😋

Your heart did somersaults as you woke up this morning, nothing beating the feeling of finally meeting Vikk in real life, that was until you remembered how cold and distant he was with you the last time you spoke.

You only had one more episode of that series to film with him and he still seemed to be pissed about whatever it was that was annoying him before. You felt bad and like you had done something to upset him, of course, you didn't want to bother him anymore by asking, it's not like you got the chance either, once the video was done he wasted no time in making an excuse and logging off. During the video he was the sweet lovely Vikk you knew and crushed on but as soon as those outros played he went back to vague and quiet.

Still, you had no reason to have that put you down when you can still meet the rest of the sidemen. And who knows, maybe Vikk was just having a bad day? He might be completely different when he sees you. Or he'll ignore you the whole time and fake a smile for the fans?

You decided it was best to just see what happens and got up to get dressed, you decided to be vain and wore your own merchandise but threw a red sidemen hoodie over the top of your own merch, black tank top. You applied light makeup with ripped black skinny jeans and white converse. You threw your back satchel over your shoulder that held all your equipment for vlogging the experience and a shit ton of black sharpies for signing stuff.

You got a car to come and pick you up, knowing that if you drove you would probably get lost on the way or lose your car or something. All the way over you had your foot bouncing from both nerves and excitement.

After a long drive from your flat to the convention centre, you looked out of your window and stared at the huge building, a large feeling of anxiety rising as you saw how packed even the car park was.

Nevertheless, you got out and made your way in through the back entrance, a few security people following you which made you feel like a celebrity, you wanted to enter like normal people and feel the rush of the convention but apparently it's too risky. You showed your pass to the other security and made your way to your booth, walking past the gigantic line of people queuing for your merchandise next door.

When you got in there it was completely empty, you had a small room, well it wasn't really a room, a couple of curtains put up with a cloth roof, more of a tent, so people could queue one end and exit the other, it all seemed to well planned. Until a meet of staff came in,

"Hi you're Y/N right?" She walked in nervously so you smiled and nodded "oh great um, listen there's been a few changes of plan, the schedule has been a bit off and we're having to move some events around, you're doing your meet up now and your stage talks tomorrow? A group of boys had booked the stage without us knowing and we have to move yours so they can do theirs in 2 hours" she looked as if she was going to cry, she must've been so stressed.

You took a deep breath, processing the change before nodding your head confidently.

"I'm ready" you stick your thumbs up as she breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh out of interest, who's going on stage in 2 hours instead of me?" You asked as she was walking out, she turned around quickly and smiled;

"The Sidemen" she then turned back and left. You couldn't believe it, out of all the shows and talks, that was the one you wanted to see. You wanted to be with them and there was no way you were going to make it, even if you did finish just as it starts, it's all the way on the other end of the convention site, you wouldn't make it.

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