You Can't Tell Anyone (13)

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You had your body pinned to the chair out of fear. Three boys wearing football shirts started crowing around you. Snarling comments and smirking at you disgustingly.

"Please go away" you whispered, a strong sense of fear in you tone.

"I don't think we will. We want a little bit of fun before we leave" one of them smiled an evil grin, one that made you feel sick to your stomach.

"See, I think you should just fuck off mate" the voice came out of nowhere before one of the boys was falling to the floor. Blood immediately pouring from his nose. When you looked up you saw Harry in the doorway shaking his hand, punching people hurt, his hand was already starting to bruise.

"What the fuck?!" The boy screamed from the floor, his voice muffled slightly as his hands gripped his nose.

"What did you do that for?!" Another boy yelled at Harry, making Harry look up in disgust, eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"Are you kidding me?! Your mate was about to sexually harass a pregnant girl, that's what's fucked up here!" Harry yelled back. One of the boys, the one who hadn't spoke yet came forward and got in Harry's face, Harry held his ground though, glaring just as hard.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kick your face in right now" he snarled, spitting in Harry's face.

"I can give you two reasons if you like" a voice chimed in. Suddenly Ethan and Cal made their way through the door. You were just sat there stunned, pale faced and weary eyed with a heart beating faster than ever.

The boys seemed to back off slightly as the three boys came to your rescue. They picked up their friend and scampered off, not before punching Harry square in the eye. Harry barely flinched though. Whether it was because he had the determination to be strong for you or whether the punch wasn't actually as hard as it sounded, either way, you were insanely impressed at how all he did was stumble at the impact.

"You alright mate?" Ethan asked as Harry stumbled into him, his palm clasped over his eye, he blinked a few times before nodding. Instantly looking up to you. His shoulders dropped as he ran to you, engulfing you in a hug as your body remained frozen in fear. Managing to wrap your arms around his neck as he held you so tight against his chest, you could feel his earnest pounding through his soaked hoodie.

"I'm so glad you're okay" he whispered into your damp hair, you hadn't realised it but tears had started forming in your eyes and dropping into his hair. He was knelt down in front of you as you sat curled in the chair. His body pulled as close to yours as possible.

"I was so scared Harry" you whimpered into the fabric that clung to your cheeks. Harry let out a strangled laugh as one of his hands came up to hold the back of your head, probably to make sure you didn't pull away.

"You were scared? How do you think I felt?!" He laughed softly. He placed a small kiss to the top of your head before pulling back slightly.

"Shall we get you home?" He asked gently as he stroked a strand of hair from your face, wiping a tear away with his thumb at the same time.

You nodded before he stood up, Ethan too your case and Harry lead you back to your flat.

It never occurred to you how far you were walking while you were doing it but the walk back seemed so far. So far that you actually sat down on your rolling suitcase and had Ethan pull you along for a small part of the way.

When you got in, Harry sent you to shower, not taking no for an answer. After you did, he gave you some fresh clothes to wear, not your own though, he gave you your own leggings but he held out one of his own shirts. You questioned him about it but his answer was simply 'you'll want something loose and comfy' you shrugged and kept it on anyway, sitting down on the sofa with him.

The sky had turned black and the streets had filled with a dot to dot of flashing lights and sirens. The living room was dimly lit and only you and Harry sat together on the sofa. Staring out at the view. You were curled up with your knees resting against Harry's lap as his arm was placed securely around your shoulders, his fingers daintily playing with your hair.

"Thank you" you whispered as you rest your head against his chest.

"What for?" His voice was low and raspy, soothing almost.

"Punching that creepy fucker in the face" you giggled softly as you drew patterns into his shirt, nervous about opening up to him.

"I can't even imagine what he would've done if I hadn't of done something and, to be honest, I really don't want to know" he laughed darkly, gently letting his forehead crash against yours for a moment before returning his gaze to the view.

"It wouldn't of happened if I didn't run away though" you mumbled. Afraid to talk about the whole running away thing with him.

"True. If you'd have stayed put like a good pregnant girl I wouldn't have run around London in the pouring rain trying to find you and hen finding you in trouble" he said more to himself.

There was a moments silence after he said that. You heard the bed springs of Cal going to sleep after probably spending the last few hours editing. Ethan had gone home, deciding that since Callux was coming home tomorrow we would need our space. But before you could sink back into lazily tracing the city with your eyes. Harry's whispers brought you back to reality.

"Why did you run away?" Harry whispered almost inaudibly. Your heart froze, realisation hit and you knew you'd have to have the conversation you didn't want to have.

"I thought you read my letter" you whispered back making Harry sigh.

"I did" you looked up at him as he had his lips pursed. Pursuing what he was going to say.

"You know you'll never ever be a burden to us. We love having you here and you know how Cal is with babies, he won't want to let you go. We do want you here. More than we want each other here. I can't believe you thought we wanted to get rid of you" you sounded hurt, making you feel guilty. You didn't mean to hurt him, never in a million years.

"Then why did you tell Ethan you didn't know what was going to happen when I had the baby? Why did you sound like you were asking for advice on how to get rid of me?" Your voice was quiet and high pitched. Embarrassed you'd ever had these thoughts.

"I didn't mean for you to hear that and what I meant was I didn't know how we were going to fit it all in. A baby is a big change and I didn't know how we were going to go about readjusting our lives. That doesn't mean we don't want to though, Y/N. We want you here because we care about you and the baby. Please don't go" his head dropped as he said the last sentence, instantly making your heart hurt.

"I'm sorry" you croaked out, your throat had become tight and your eyes began to mist but Harry simply smiled and whispered;

"I'm sorry too" and then just like that, a huge weight has been lifted. You felt happier, calmer and more relaxed with being here. Being in the flat and living with them. Then, right out of the blue, Harry said something that made your heart stop and your brain panic.

"I love you" you looked up with wide eyes, shock running through your body. He loved you?!

"What?!" You almost yelled, Harry turned to you, eyes suddenly going wide before laughter spilt from his lips.

"No! Not like that. I mean like, I feel like you're my sister, I love you like a friend. A close friend, my best friend. Sorry if I scared you" he chuckled as your heart rate returned to normal. You placed a hand over your heart and let out a sigh of relief. Giggling slightly before returning back to your cuddled position.

"Thank God" you laughed as Harry laughed along as well. You settled back down and sighed as Harry's grip had been placed back around you.

"I love you too, Harry" you yawned, the events of he day catching up to you and your eyes beginning to droop. He gave you a squeeze and before you knew it you had fully closed your eyes, drifting off into a sleep to prepare for Callux. You knew you'd have to tell him, he was going to be living with you after all.

It was how you were going to tell him was the problem.

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