Josh Christmas

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Christmas Eve was your favourite time during the Christmas period. It was always so full of excitement and always brought you so much Christmas joy, Josh was beginning to get annoyed with you. You were singing and dancing, shaking your Christmas booty, and frankly, Josh'd had enough.

"Jesus, babe. Can you please stop?" He asked, tired of hearing Santa Baby being repeated for the umpteenth time.

"What's up with you, Grinch? Holly up your butt?" You giggled, throwing a strand of broken tinsel at him, he gave a blatantly fake amused look before tossing it into the box you had sat in front of you.

"Wow, calm down, it was just a joke" you mumble, rolling your eyes as you place a cracked bauble in the box. You had had your nephew over earlier and, poor boy, got a little excited and went on a toddler rampage, sadly breaking a few of your ornaments in the fit of giggles and jumping.

"Yeah well I'm just a little fed up with the festivities right now" he groaned, setting his phone down which he was previously scrolling through, before rubbing small circles into his temples, attempting to calm himself.

"What?! It's Christmas Eve and you're sick of it?" You asked in complete disbelief. You heard him hum in response, shortly followed by a sigh as he sunk into the sofa.

"Well you're gonna suffer tonight, I'm going all out" you joked, standing up to take the box into the kitchen.

"Yeah I thought you might" a groan came from the space on the sofa, a soft sigh falling from your lips as you watched him.

"I can't believe you're this fed up with Christmas already!" You shook your head, laughing to yourself as you set the box down on the kitchen counter, ready to be taken away by Josh.

"Well when your girlfriends such a freak at Christmas it's hard to get a little bored" you could feel the maliciousness from the kitchen, knowing full well that he meant that in a negative way.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You huffed, waltzing back into the living room with a hand on your hip and a frown on your face.

"I just wish you'd calm down. You're taking all the Christmas fun out of it for me." You heard him laugh as he stood up, probably to go and finish editing his Christmas video, stupidly leaving it to the last minute.

"Excuse me for celebrating it" you spat back, taking Josh by surprise, he didn't expect you to get this defensive over it and certainly didn't expect this kind of backlash from it.

"Woah, I was just saying it's hard to not get tired after the celebrations started in November" Josh's expression had completely changed in a matter of seconds, glaring at you from the sofa as you continued to shoot steam out of your ears by the kitchen door.

"I'm sorry, I get excited, that's who I am!" You almost yelled, you got defensive, you admit, but Christmas means a lot to you, especially this year, this was your first Christmas away from home after Josh himself had requested a Christmas "just the two of us". Yes at the time it excited you but as November struck, the homesickness started sinking in.

Apart from your brother and his family, you had no family in a close area. They were so far away and visiting them was a huge effort. Of course you wanted to make it but it just didn't seem like a good idea especially with such heavy snow forecast. Tobi was currently stuck up country for fucks sake, his girlfriend was home alone right now and you knew Josh would hate being in her position.

"I thought you'd get excited I didn't expect you to turn into some Christmas maniac, it's starting to get difficult for me" he groaned, making his way to the hallway where he would disappear upstairs for some amount of hours.

"Do you not want to spend Christmas with me anymore?" You asked slightly heartbroken, Josh turned around by the door and sighed.

"I just need a break" he said, defeatedly retreating to his office. You stood there with a heavy heart. All the merriment quickly dissolving into a pit of smashed up baubles.

You felt a year slip and decided not to wimp out right now. You needed to be strong and Christmassy, at least until Boxing Day. You shook your head and sighed, wiping away the stray tear with the back of your wrist.

"It's okay, we can be Christmassy without him" you said to yourself although there was a wobble in your voice, a whimper as you coughed away the sadness.

You quickly went into the kitchen, head held high and knees slightly weak. The only thing you had left to do was baking, you always did your baking on Christmas Eve, ever since you could remember.

You got out all the stuff you needed and started weighing and mixing, singing Baby It's Cold Outside to yourself, quietly. You'd just gotten the cookie dough out onto the counter, the argument swirling your brain as you sang about 'your mother starting to worry and your father pacing the floor'.

Before you could even begin rolling it out, a pair of arms snaked their way around your waist, a pair of lips being pressed into the exposed skin on your neck. You stopped immediately, unsure on how to react. You didn't want to cave and become completely vulnerable but you didn't want to aggravate him any more.

"You know how much I love your singing" he hummed as he placed a short wet kiss to your neck, his front pressed against your back. It did feel nice to have him holding you, your body was completely relaxed and he could feel it.

"Even when it's singing Christmas songs?" You asked timidly, pushing the dough around with your palm.

"Especially when it sings Christmas songs" he sighed gently, his warm breath tickling the back of your neck, a small eruption of goosebumps running up your spine.

"I'm really sorry. About everything I said. I was tired, I don't spend a lot of time with kids so I got pretty tuckered out and I was stressed over my video. I didn't mean to take it out on you" his hands glide over your hips, gently digging his fingernails into the fabric of your shirt.

"Apology accepted" you mumbled. A small silence filled the room before you broke it,

"Do you wanna help me make cookies?" You asked as a small chuckle came from Josh,

"I thought you'd never ask" he laughed, squeezing you once more as you giggled before sticking his hand in the flour and smacking your bum, leaving a white powdery hand print on your backside.

"Josh!" You squealed as he simply laughed.

"Merry Christmas my Angel"

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