Sorry Boss

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Your fingers drummed against the hard wood of the table, a pencil hanging loosely between your teeth and your eyes transfixed on the newspaper in front of you. You sipped on your coffee and groaned softly, it's been 3 weeks since you got fired from your job at Tesco and today was the 21st time you were sat in this coffee shop, listening to the same playlist and scraping the paper for a job.

Drawing feint circles around certain job vacancies you knew you would never go for, you couldn't work in construction, you couldn't be a chef, you needed qualifications for that shit. All you wanted was a little job to keep you going so you could pay rent and buy food, you couldn't borrow off of your parents forever.

You sipped your coffee and hummed along quietly to the Fifth Harmony song that played in your ear phones, completely ignoring the fact that one of your best friends had just sat down in front of you. She clicked her fingers in front of your face and you nearly hit the ceiling, screaming out in terror.

"Amy, what the fuck?!" You whispered harshly, looking around at all the staring eyes.

"Thought I'd pop by and see how you were doing, also as funny as it was, I couldn't let you continue singing that song" damn headphones, didn't realise it but you were actually singing quite loud, a dull red glow appeared on your cheeks as you looked at all the people judging you.

"Thanks" you muttered quietly, silently wishing for the ground to swallow you up right now.

"No problem, so how goes the job hunt?" She asked, reaching over and stealing a sip of your coffee before grabbing the newspaper from beneath your fingertips. A disgruntled look appearing on your face as your whole routine had been disturbed.

"Still nothing" you sighed, beginning to get bored of seeing the ad for your replacement in Tesco.

"Hey what about a dinner lady?" She chuckled, eyeing you jokingly, you simply rolled your eyes at her suggestion and told her to cross it out as a potentiality.

"You could backstab Tesco and work in Asda?" She laughed, pointing to the little green ad, you thought it was funny but scrunched your nose up at the thought of stacking even more shelves.

"You could be a babysitter, look, 'Wanted, someone 18 or over to look after my two children, a 17 year old girl and a 10 year old boy. Must be able to drive and must be flexible. Expenses paid for and £7 an hour wage.' You could totally do that!" She read out, she was quite right, you did fit the criteria well. Before you could even think about it she had already circled it and made a note of the phone number.

"If you don't at least try for this job, I'll tell your mother on you" she scorned jokingly, handing you the piece of paper and stealing your coffee once again. You rolled your eyes before studying the number, contemplating the opportunity.

Would hurt to try right?

A/N: Okay so this is the start of a new series and this is only half of a chapter for you guys so you can get a feel for it, let me know if you would like it in a separate book or whatever because I feel this is going to be a long one. I also apologise for the lack of Sidemen so far, I promise they'll be in the next one. Let me know which member of the Sidemen you think this will be about and let me know what you thought. I have a lot of ideas for this series so I hope you like it :3
-Ashii 😋

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