You Can't Tell Anyone (5)

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"What- how did- what?" You stuttered, pulling the pregnancy test out of the bag and into your lap, Harry's realisation of what must've happened making him sit down and put his head in his hands.

"I found it on the bathroom counter, I figured it was yours but I didn't know so I thought if I gave it to you, you'd know something" Simon shrugged nonchalantly, oh no it's fine, it's not like there's a human growing inside me that you're dismissing you thought.

"What kind of things do you wanna know?" You scoffed, you knew it was rude but you were hormonal.

"Well. To start off" he looked between you and Harry. Obviously hinting at what his first question would be.

"There have been some rumours going around the sidemen house that you two slept together" both you and Harry groaned at the question, it wasn't one you were particularly fond of and after being asked so much, you were getting sick of it.

"Do you really believe we would do that to Josh? Do you really believe I was heartless enough to cheat on him and Harry was so fucking disgusting that he betrayed his friend? Really Simon?" Your anger was bubbling and your small rage was showing. Both Harry and Simon sat there stunned at your yelling.

"I just wanted to make sure that thing in there wasn't going to come out screaming 'how' at the top of his lungs" Simon said innocently, raising his hands in surrender and nodding his head in the direction of your stomach.

"Well the answer is no" you folded your arms and sat back on the sofa in a huff.

"Secondly, does Josh know?" He leaned closer to you, the sensitivity of the situation brining a soft side out of Simon. You looked him in the eyes with a guilt stricken face, shaking your head at his question.

"Does anyone else know?" He asked softly and calmly, the steam pouring out of your ears must've suggested that you were becoming upset.

"Just Harry" you tilted you head towards Harry who sat on the coffee table opposite you.

"And Cal" a voice sounded behind you, a rather stunned looking Calfreezy stood in the doorway to his bedroom. You groaned and put your forehead against your knees. Too many people were finding out, it was becoming too real.

"Well that's just bloody great isn't it?" Harry exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop right Squeezy?" Simon laughed.

"I'm sorry but what's funny about this?" You sent Simon daggers, immediately shutting him up.

"Okay, so now you know. What else do you want?" You sighed, picking a cushion up and placing it on your lap, fiddling with the zip anxiously.

"Well I take it you're gonna keep it?" He asked as you nodded your head. Getting rid of it had never even crossed your mind.

"Then I want you to know that I'll support you. If you need anything, I'll be there" he smiled. Calfreezy came and sat down on the armrest of the sofa and clapped Simons back.

"Yeah same here, and I'm sure once you tell Josh he'll-"

"We're not telling Josh" you spat, cutting Cal off and startling him a slight bit.

"He'll find out when he cares enough to talk to me properly" you mumbled. You looked up to see Harry smiling at you sympathetically and Simon and Cal looking rather confused.

"What about the other guys?" Simon asked cautiously, afraid you'll snap again.

"They don't have to know yet either. You can't tell anyone" you mumbled awkwardly. A small lump forming in your throat.

"So it just stays between us four okay boys?" Harry warned, they both snorted a little bit, laughing at Harry's attempt of a threat but nodded their heads anyway.

"Thank you" you smiled sweetly.

"So have you been to any doctors yet?" Cal asked, slapping his hands against his bare knees, his shorts not quite reaching them.

"I found out yesterday Freezy, how was I supposed to find time to call a doctor?" You asked, slightly annoyed that he hadn't considered that.

"So?! You're having a baby! You need to be prepared! Didn't your parents ever talk to you about planning for kids?" Although you might not think it, Callum was actually a really big 'baby' person. He loved kids and the idea of having kids one day, it was meant to be a secret but he let it slip one day when you all went to Nandos and there was a small baby on the table next to you and he wouldn't stop 'awwing'.

"I don't even know where to start" you whispered, secretly ashamed with yourself that you had this baby to look after and you were already failing them.

"That's okay, Y/N, no new mother does. We'll figure it out. Cal can you call the doctors?" Harry said positively. That's what was so great about Harry. In his videos he seemed like an pessimistic prick but he always did look on the bright side and made a plan on how to get there as soon and easy as possible.

Cal got up and pulled his phone from his pocket. Walking away to did some privacy.

He had scheduled an appointment for tomorrow, all three boys promising to come with you after you expressed how nervous you were.

Everything was becoming so real, it was all happening too fast. You felt confused, discombobulated. A little lost. Even though you really hated Josh's guts for the way he was treating you right now, you couldn't help the nagging in the back of your head that begged to be back in his arms again. You wanted to feel safe and when you were with him, you couldn't think of any place you would rather be in.

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