Sorry Boss (3)

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About a week had passed since your interview and you had heard nothing from Mrs. Lewis, no phone call or text, no email or letter through the door, your hope for this job had diminished. So once again, you found yourself sat in the same coffee shop with the same coffee and same pencil placed delicately between your teeth as your fingers drummed the table while your eyes scanned the job section.

You admired a few ads but none of them compared to how perfect that babysitting job was. You were about to lightly trace a circle around a receptionist job before a tap was felt on your shoulder, you swivelled around on your seat to be met with the vibrant blue hoodie you were met with a few weeks ago.

"Harry? What are you doing here?!" Your eyes widened as you weren't too sure how to greet him, a hug was way too awkward since you're not strictly friends as much as you were a potential employee to his mother.

"I live around here?" He scrunched his eyebrows at your question which you now realise, was a rather bloody stupid one.

"Right.. so how is everything? Considering I never heard back from you guys I guess you found your nanny?" You asked, slightly heartbroken now the words had been said aloud, a small pang of guilt for saying it had hit your stomach, you didn't want to come across as bitter about not getting the job, after all, it's her kids, if she doesn't feel you're right for the job, you're not right for the job.

"I though my mum told you? You got the job?" He asked casually as if he hadn't just saved your financial status.

"What?!" You squeaked, half shock half excitement.

"Yeah, I don't know why mum didn't tell you, she was literally just saying the other day how she was definitely going to go for the girl who 'stole Josh's heart'" he laughed as you smiled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and biting your lip nervously.

"Yeah, I had noticed that" you giggled quietly as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's cool, just gave me more reason to pick on him a little" he winked as you laughed.

"That's mean, did anyone ever pick on you when you were his age and had a crush on a girl that's far too old for you?" You asked, playfully nudging his arm as you smirked at him.

"No I was of course the ladies man when I was his age, yeah once you tell the school about your brand new Nokia phone, the girls just flock to you" he laughed before nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Listen, mum probably lost your number which is why she hasn't called you, she's a scatter brain like that but god forbid if you tell her that, she'll go on a mad one, why don't you stop circling job vacancies and I'll take you to see her so she can tell you the good news in person." He smirked sweetly at you before you bit your lip again, an action you tended to do when you were in thought.

"Yeah, that sounds good actually, I mean I don't have anything else to do" you shrugged trying to contain how excited you actually were for this job.

"Come on I'll drive" he gestured to a large Land Rover parked outside the shop, it seemed awfully fancy for a 19 year old boy with a family that seems so down to earth and plain.

You questioned it to yourself before shrugging it off as some kind of gift from a rich relative, you gathered your stuff before hopping in the passenger seat, already feeling amazed at how fancy it was, the sound system looked amazing and the seats were so comfortable.

"Nice huh?" He asked as he hopped into the drivers seat, obviously taking note of your admiring eyes.

"Nice? It's gorgeous! I don't mean to be rude but how the hell can you afford this?" You asked in awe as you played with a few of the buttons.

"Err, my job is a little unusual" he mumbled as he backed out of his space and onto the open road.

"Okay..." You said nervously, eyeing him with a curious look.

"Before you ask, no I'm not in porn, I know I would be perfect, but I'm pretty shy" he tried to say that with a straight face but the corners of his lips turned up into a smirk and you couldn't help the burst of giggles.

"You don't seem bloody shy!" You pointed out as he tried to force his grin to go away.

"I mean, you're right but I can't help the stage fright then the camera zooms in on my bum" you tipped your head back as you laughed harder and harder, holding your stomach which eventually made Harry give in and start laughing too.

"For goodness sake, look at me! I'm crying all my makeup off and I'm about to try and prove how serious I am for this job!" You said, wiping away the droplets from your chin from laughing so hard, delicately dabbing your finger over the streaks of eyeliner.

"Don't worry, she does the same when she laughs too hard. She will probably have some makeup wipes for you to borrow" he said with a hint of giggle still lurking inside of him.

He pulled into the driveway and as luck would have it; his mum was stood right outside with her phone in her hand and a bag on her arm. Her back was turned and didn't notice Harry pulling in so she kept on tapping on her phone. As you were getting ready to vacate the car, Harry got a pretty angry text from his mum over his whereabouts.

"I'm here mum!" He called as he got out the car.

"Where HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She barked over her shoulder at him.

"I was-" Harry tried but got cut off.

"I don't wanna hear it! I have a very important dinner tonight with my boss and I needed you here for the kids, it's bad enough I lost that girls number, I really bloody need her!" She said, frantically throwing all of her things into her Ford Mondeo.

"Good thing I found her then" Harry remarked as you anxiously stepped out of the car, afraid to step into the minefield.

"Thank GOD!" She practically yelled before running over to hug you.

"I take it you need me tonight?" You asked as you struggled to breath with her arms around your ribs and her hair sprayed to hell hair all in your face.

"There's money on the counter, food in the fridge, kids in bed by 9:30 and make sure both of their homework is done. If you can manage it try and persuade Josh to have a bath I will pay you extra but if not, it really doesn't matter and don't worry if he doesn't do his hair, he never does and I have to do it with him kicking and screaming!" You took a deep breath as you tried to take it all in.

"Got it, have fun at your work thing!" You called to her with a wave but you're certain she didn't hear as she was already speeding down the driveway before you could say anything.

"Congratulations, you're now our employee!"

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