Game On|Josh

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The conversation between you and Josh ever since you set off had never stopped flowing. You were constantly talking, making jokes, laughing into the night.

You hadn't gotten far until the talking had taken a turn for the quiet road, you wandered together in silence, it was be dactyl unbearable, in fact it was quite comfortable, the thing that was messing with you most was his constant need to be ahead of you instead of behind you or beside you.

You didn't know why, he was like this but after a few blocks of walking like that, you began to test it. Gently bouncing along he pavement to walk beside him, he wasn't looking at the time but when he turned to you, he gave you a big smile and took a large stride forewords, taking the lead once more.

Again, your experimental nature took over and you ran ahead of him a little, he saw you do it though, as when you turned to look at him he had already sprinted past you and regained the lead.

It stayed like this for a while, both of you jogging ahead of the other, taking lead when an opportunity stood out. You got to a crossing and realised you might actually have to have a tie breaker for a moment as you waited for the light to turn red and the little man to turn green.

Up ahead, you noticed, the bus was just pulling up into the stop, you nudged Josh's side and he looked in the direction you were hinting. A small smirk playing on his lips.

As the light turned Amber you both gave each other a glance, the traffic slowing to a halt, the light turning red. As soon as the little man turned green and the buzzer began to ring out, your cheeky glances at each other had began sprinting over the white lines, onto the pavement and along the side of the road. Both of you giggling out of control.

"First one on the bus" Josh called out as he was ahead of you, his longer legs taking larger strides, pushing you back even further. 3 steps for him was 4 for you, there was no way you were going to win.


The bus put its indicator ticking and the doors started to close. A soft 'noo' could be heard in front of you as Josh's erratic sprint slowed down, too far from the bus for it to stop but too close to keep sprinting and look stupid to other passengers.

You slowed down, coming up behind Josh as a panting, wheezing mess and tapped his shoulder, he was out of breath but not in as much agony as you were. He chuckled at your frame as it was bent over taking in as much oxygen as you possibly could.

"You okay?" He said, bending down to your height and pushing the hair out of your eyes, his smile becoming wider as your eyes made contact with his sparkly bright ones.

You kicked off your broken heel and threw it at him, how you had managed to run at all with a missing heel was a mystery but Josh seemed to be impressed nonetheless. He picked up the shoe and tapped your ankle for you o kick the other one off. You did as he asked before he picked it up and put it in his ridiculously large pockets.

He turned around and bent down, craning his neck to look at you as you stated at him, clueless about what it was he wanted.

"Hop on" he chirped making you laugh.

"Hell no!" You had suddenly become self conscious, you were pretty heavy and through his coat it dint look like he had the biggest muscles. You also didn't want to seem like a baby pain, not able to walk barefoot when people have been doing it for years.

"Come on, I can't let you walk home bare foot" Josh sighed, you looked around nervously, raking your brain for any other excuse but none came to mind. You walked forwards and placed both hands on his shoulders before pausing.

"I'm pretty heavy" you whispered, Josh merely snorted, you closed your eyes, ready for any kind of complaint about your weight to come from him. You bounced twice before bending your knees and launching yourself into his back, your legs wrapping themselves around his waist and his hands gripped tight thighs.

But there was no groan, there was no cuss. He picked you up like you were weightless and carried you like you were nothing more than a backpack hanging onto his shoulders.

It felt nice, not just being carried and having the pain taken off of your aching feet, but Josh didn't care less about your body weighing and slowing him down, he didn't care that you were clung onto him like some crazy animal trying to kill him.

You felt secure being pressed against him, you felt nice. With your face pressed into the fluffiness of his coat and his arms wrapped safely around your thighs, holding you up effortlessly, you didn't feel like you wanted to be anywhere else. Part of you wanted the walk to last longer that it had to, but all good things must come to an end. You just hoped it wouldn't be the end of the road with Josh.

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